Where is Shamus these days?
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Dec.2013 Awake "Can you Trust The News Media?
by jam in1)media moguls (a samll but powerful number of corporations.
own primary media outlets, corporations are desesigned fro profit).. 2)governments (gov.
want to convince the public to support their.
So the question becomes: Can you trust the Awake magazine?
A contribution from one of the members!
by Atlantis ina contribution from one of the members who doesn't get to post very often.. ... .......... ........................ ......... ..........atlantis
I was at that Baltimore convention with Freddie. I was 16, and working in the "Public Address" (sound) department. During one of Freddie's talks the sound went out. The poor guy on the stage had every mic out there in front of Freddie, to no avail. The fellow working the sound mixer had accidentally kicked the power cord loose.
It was at that convention that Fred went on and on about 1975. I remember his words went something like this.... "we're not saying that Armageddon will come in 1975, but it would be fitting if that happend." Of course he was lilting on about the 6,000 years of man's creation ending then.
BTW I still have my collection of those same tracts still in the plastic folder we used to carry in our brief cases. I have one that is titled "Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists or Christians?"
He has on a necklace. This does not fit the Bethel standard, as we all know only homosexuals wear necklaces. He will get a nasty letter from Beth-hell reminding him not to do this any more. His elders will get a letter telling them to meet with him and give him stern counsel.
I just noticed he has on a tee with writing on it. He will really get a talking to.
Why are they so anal about assembly badges?
by highdose inthey insist you must wear you and whats more it must be placed in clear view for everyone else to see.. i have been challenged before now " sister!
are you wearing your badge!?
" it made me wonder why?
Blondie - according to the current suggestions (edicts) there are not to be any fun clothes. When going out to dinner or shopping one is expected to dress as if going to a congregation meeting. Of course convention (now regional meeting) badges must be worn. I've got the verbage some where, a KM I think.
Did Prince Just Say Goodbye to the Jehovah's Witnesses?
by ithinkisee inhttp://allied.blogspot.com/2007/02/prince-says-goodbye-to-jehovahs.html.
any music fan who watched the super bowl last night could rightly walk into work this morning and say, "did you see the bears and colts play football during prince's concert?".
(reprinted from the link above).
I've wondered how often the hounders want to meet with him in the "back" room about some supposed infraction in one of his songs or in an interview. Will he ultimately get tired of it and tell them to pound sand?
Highlights from the Circuit Assembly!!
by DATA-DOG ingod's word is beneficial ca:.
full time service:.
there are sound reasons for pioneering.. 1) it's the most satisfying work there is.. 2) you cooperate even more fully with the angels and the anointed [ which equals the gb/fds, not sister old mcsingletilldeath.].
Major lying here on her part. A 401K is not under the control of the boss. The beneficiary or owner of the 401K is the employee. If she wsa not vested yet she could withdraw only the amount she had contributed, if vested she was entitled to all of it. Of course if she took the money before age entitled she would have to pay a tax penalty.
Taking Back The Kingdom Halls.
by RunAsFastAsYouCan inthesis: the kingdom halls as a real estate entity could be couped; coup d'etat.
a group of 3 elders as trustees could sell the kingdom hall out from under mother watchtower corporation.
spread the money to the community or non profits, or just give it as a distribution to the congregation who paid for the kingdom hall.
At some point there was a leter from "mother" to all Florida congregations telling them to change the articles of incorporation / bylaws to include specific language regarding the WTBTS. I can't recall the exact wording, but it basically gave final control to the Brooklyn JW mafia. The circuit overseer was to check that this language had been included. While I was an eldub I remember him checking this every time he visited. Likely the society lawyer staff scoured the laws of each state and made silmilar adjustments. They aren't going to let that money get away, no way, no how.
After a little searching I found the language to be inserted (notice the Governing Body is mentioned yet didn't they state in court that the GB was a religious non-person?):
No part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall insure to the benefit any member, trustee, director, officer of the Corporation, or any private individual having a personal and private interest in the Corporation (except that reasonable compensation may he paid for services rendered to or for the Corporation), and no member, trustee, officer of the Corporation, or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of arty of the corporate assets an dissolution of the Corporation. The property of this Corporation is irrevocable dedicated to religious purposes.
Upon winding up and dissolution of this Corporation, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the Corporation, the Corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.. which is organized and operated exclusively for religious and charitable purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue. Code. If Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc„ is not then in existence and exempt under Section 501(00), then said assets shall be distributed to another organization designated by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501(ex3) of the Internal Revenue Code. -
When selling was preaching ...
by Hecce ini am going way, way back.
history reveals that in the beginning the wt was just a publishing house, selling books and magazines; over the years it evolved into what it is today..
the placement of the original publications was mostly done thru sales people masquerading as preachers.
Haven't found the "sales" report form yet, it may have been tucked away in one of the older books I have. I did find one of those canvas bags with Awake 5¢ on one side and Watchtower 5¢ on the other.
Remeber the chart that hung on the wall in all Kingdom Halls? Had he activity of the congo in black and red(?maybe) numbers. Showed hours etc for each category: Publishers, Pioneers, vacation pioneers. The Circuit Servant (CO) used to open out that board and castigate the sheep for their lack of ... whatever he was trumpeting that visit. Those were the days...I was a book study conductor at 16 and the Bible Study servant at 18 (part of the congregation committee).
When selling was preaching ...
by Hecce ini am going way, way back.
history reveals that in the beginning the wt was just a publishing house, selling books and magazines; over the years it evolved into what it is today..
the placement of the original publications was mostly done thru sales people masquerading as preachers.
Somewhere I have a copy of the Field Service report, or whtever it was then called, that has a column or line for "Sales". If I still have it I'll scan it.