Personally, I think all of the holidays are important. Being raised in a witness environment I know all the bull crap that is attributed to the holidays, including the attempt to say that they are "pagan" etc,,,, However my entire witness family were hypocrites that hated each other.
We decided to start our own tradition of embracing the holidays in all thier glory (just our kids and us) and everyone else can go rot in hell as far as I am concerned. We really love the tradition of the family meal with all the trimmings for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I now love christmas music (I am deprogramed) as it is a representation of family, love, hope and reflection.
I feel so sorry for all of you trapped in a controlling mind cult, but it is a choice that you make. I only hope you can find the strength with in yourself one day to look outside of the fishbowl and ask the really, really important questions objectively. There is a great and wonderful and real world outside, one worth sharing with your loved ones.
I have an open invitation to any dubbers to stop by my house when the world starts to end and give me the "I told you so" speech. I am waiting, and waiting and waiting and waiting. By the way, I and mine keep living and living and living. I know that drives the dubbers crazy, since they are so anxious to see all humanity exterminated by "their God". My God and me are doing just fine.
Happy Holidays!