Hi HappyMan...
I have a question about this, because it is such an in-depth look at the question "What is an Apostate?"....
Over the last few days and weeks as I have taken a "hands on" approach to finding some real answers about the organization that has my family so wrapped up... I have met so many people who put their lives into this thing. Good People. People who would never purposely cause harm to anyone. People who dont go "looking for trouble" ever! BUT they have in fact uncovered many un-truths and inconsistencies in this organization. For instance the whole money i$$ue, the blood issues, the child abuse issues. The list goes on.
My question to you is this: ARE THESE PEOPLE APOSTATES OR NOT?
If you dont mind skipping all the intellectual jargon for the benefit of those of us who cannot keep up with it... I would ask that you answer simply "yes" or "no". I mean, I ask my father something like this, and I get a whole lot words, but they dont say anything.. dont answer the question. (actually the question is for anyone)