you mean pharasees
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
Jehovah's Witnesses Do Not Act Like Christians. They Act Like Jews
by minimus inbecause witnesses are less into christ than they are into moses.
when christ talks about turning the other cheek, witnesses talk about why the faithful should shun anyone that doesn't see eye to eye with them.
the jewish religious leaders were condemned by christ for their biases.. why do jehovah's witnesses treat disfellowshipped ones as if they were "dead"?
Of fans, caca, and faithful old Grandma's
by sooner7nc inon monday morning, i'm going to receive a visit.
the visitors will be my sweet mother, who's ok with my views and agrees with many of them, and my grandmother, a faithful, hardcore j-dub.
i haven't been to a meeting in about 4 months.
lol im in the opposite situation........... there is nothing that would make my jw grandma shun me............ thats apparently mom and dad and sis's job
good luck bro
by primitivegenius inladies and gentlemen..................... pass on this big peice of crap.
i went to see it today....... omg........ has will smith in it............ and it sucked.
made you so damn depressed........ .
the movie has to be put together properly......... they made massive mistakes here......... and totally didnt hit points that woulda kept me glued to my seat..... will smith did a good job of being crazy and not quite in his right mind. there were dozens of things that needed to be explained and everything conveintly resolved into the typical cluster F*&^.
they didnt even show all the scenes that were in the previews. i will hope that they redo it for dvd and ill wait to borrow one cause its not worth any of my money. ive already invested to much. had i been a reader of the books i think i woulda really been pissed. its totally subpar...... so if you want to go see a zombie movie....... dont expect much and expect a s**&^ ending. the only worse zombie movie i have ever seen was resident evil 3...... which was totally done JUST to set up RE4
i dont expect zombie movies to end happy............ but this one didnt make sense.
they also had the opportunity to create an arch rival for him....... and coulda made a hell of alotta one on one cat and mouse stuff happen. instead they relyed to much on CGI and the zombies moved to fast and he couldnt kill them properly. now boreing slow walking zombies.............. not so fun......... but smart skilled zombies........... yeah that woulda been cool. instead they made them super fast super strong and didnt give a reason for attacking........ it wasnt about food........... you assume it was about kidnapping....... but you DONT KNOW.
i know ill be forced to get the book now to see if it can make anything click.
What kind of receiver should I get? Stereo or 7.1 Channel?
by JK666 ini am mostly into music (loud), but i do listen to video over it.
my old receiver just bought the farm, and currently i only have two speakers.
do you techno-geeks have any suggestions?.
yeah 5.1 is all most people will ever need. if you get a receiver that works with 7.1 your just asking to spend a ton more money for those extra speakers. personally i want a good name brand....... and you have picked three......... with 100w per channel........ but anything over 50w is good enough......... if you do movies and get a 5.1 your still gonna need some extra speakers lol.
Can U Stop The Elders From Having A Judicial Committee Against You?
by minimus ini don't think so.
i believe that if they decide to have it, there's nothing legallyspeaking, that you can do to thwart it.. what's your opinion??
i bet that was an interesting meeting......... where those a$$hole elders had to state that you were a jw in good standing again lol. i woulda been there videotapeing it. lol........
fact is..... can you stop them from dfing you............ YES......... tell them you belive their s***, if they have no proof then deny everything and act like you would NEVER do anything like that........ that you love jehovah and are dealing with serious depression issues and thats why you havent been at the meetings. tell them that you promise to do better............ yadda yadda yadda...........
problem is.......... if your not a good enough actor......... or they have made up their mind previous to meeting with you............ your SOL buddy. its shown time and time again that 80% or better of the elders are company men who dont give a flying F(*& about the 1 sheep just want the adoration of the 99.
my wifes uncle was just such a man......... he had status in the org...... knew it was bulls*** and treated his wife like pure dog s***. you had to kiss his a$$ to get him to do anything and when someone higher up in the bethel food chain came along......... he always smoozed with them.......... discusting in my opinion.
Need Some Advice on MIL JW
by dkeithia inok i will try and make this story short because its not my intent to go on a huge mil bashing spree.
september of 2004 i meet my now husband.
while we were dating he told me that he wanted nothing to do with his family because they were jw's and he was disfellowshipped because of them and his now ex-fiancee.
ok first question............... does your husband belive that crazy a$$ cult is still the one "true" religion? cause if he dose then you got bigger problems than crazy cult members who are related to your child.
i would suggest that you get him here so he can read the things posted and realize that the jws are not and never have been associated with anything even remotely resembleing the "truth"
next........ i would agree that there needs to be some sort of contact information........ preferably an EMAIL so you dont have to listen to their bulls***.
now......... you are questioning the cutting off of those people............ that is a good sign on your part........ problem is.......... you are less than dirt in their mind......... they think that after armagedon jehovah is gonna let your body be eaten by birds. once you realize this and the fact that they blame you for all the bad things happening to your husband from their viewpoint.......... then you can start reasoning out what you should do.
there are two kinds of people who share DNA with you........... there are family.......... those who you love and who are great............. for example...... you and your husband and child........... you probably have a few you can add to that category.............. the other kind of people are RELATIVES............... you should firmly put your husbands family into that category and move on with your lives.
my mom and dad and sister are JWs..................... my sister cant have children and so im the only hope of any continueing of the family line................ my mom and sister did come for the birth......... but spent more time away from the hospital than in it ........... yet i still gave them the benefit of the doubt. just got back from my first thanksgiving with family (worldly) since being out.................. stopped to visit mom and dad on the way up.......... mom and sis came to visit while i was with family........ for a couple hours............ and then i saw mom dad and sis on the way back for a couple hours.................. they made ZERO effort to see my son.......... if i would have not stopped by.......... they still wouldnt know what he looks like........ they havent called they havent written................. so i refuse to waste any more of my time on them.
im not gonna let them think that im ashamed of leaveing......... im not gonna postively reinforce their bulls*** teachings by appearing weak or remorsefull.............. cause i LEFT i wasnt dfed.
they blame my wife for misleading me............ and my wifes family blames me for misleading her.................. fact is we both made the decision to leave the cult BEFORE we met eachother.
only you can weigh your situation properly............. i would say cut them off and live a wonderful happy life........... but only you can make that decision........... good luck in your decision and life
by primitivegenius inladies and gentlemen..................... pass on this big peice of crap.
i went to see it today....... omg........ has will smith in it............ and it sucked.
made you so damn depressed........ .
ladies and gentlemen..................... PASS on this big peice of crap. i went to see it today....... OMG........ has will smith in it............ and it SUCKED. made you so damn depressed........
stupid story was like AI.................. you wish you could shoot yourself in the end........and its FREAKING CHRISTMAS
will of course did his best................ but either the screenplay was total s*** or the editors need to be emasculated.
i swear i coulda made this into a blockbuster......... i woulda made it more real and explained the stuff they didnt bother to.............. which was 3/4 of the movie
on the other hand check out NATIONAL TREASURE 2........... it was a much better movie... showed more of the treasure in the end than the first one did........... and less of the clue decypering crap of the first one.
Noahs Ark snapped into three pieces
by hamsterbait inwho provided the info on this?.
wood ships were never as big as iron or steel because they break up above a couple of hundred feet.. hb.
This is very true, badboy - everything can be explained away with the supernatural. But then God could just as well have put a 'force field' around Noah, his family and the animals, which kept them dry and above water until it was all over. Or just given up on the rather stupid "drown everything" idea in the first place and just disintegrated the 'evil' people. I guess God wouldn't approve of laser guided, 'smart' rockets, but be more partial to nukes.
silly............ it was a deflector shield............ and they used chewbacca to angle it when needed.......
What JW Beliefs Did You...
by Abandoned inwhat jw beliefs did you make up for your own sanity?.
for me it was regarding the flood.
instead of believing that god had destroyed millions of people, i imagined that because of all the violence, by the time the flood came, the only people besides noah and his family that were still alive were the nephilim.
there is only one belief that made me sane...............
personally i figured that all the questions i had........ would be answered in those new scrolls we were supposed to get opened in the new system. so cause of that i didnt sweat the small stuff that shoulda been chiping away at my armor. i figured........... well hell...... in the new system we will find out if we are gonna get to drive cars or ride horses.................. not something to worry about now.
kinda like a laid back ........ "lets wait on jehovah" cause i didnt let it ruffle my feathers
One More Reason Not to Book Hotel on WT List
by WTWizard inalthough i don't know this as a fact, i suspect that the wts is negotiating some pretty lucrative rebates from these hotels (which of course the rank and file jw pays) because they can guarantee a full house at $xxx per night.
this came from last year's thread about the rooming department km insert, and will almost certainly apply this year.
but, when the watchtower society negotiates with hotels, they are not having difficulties negotiating just for the price that you, the attendee, pay.
ok sure the wt gets rooms for free................ thats obvious......... dont know about any kickbacks and i would have to see proof of that before i would accept it.......... wouldnt surprise me but i like to KNOW they are doing it rather than being told.
i dont think it will matter if you book with them or not......... best course of action is to not go at all. you know that regardless if they get all their rooms for free............ they are still gonna add them to the expense of the convention and make you contribute towards that. brothers and sisters we are still short........... it cost us 17,000 to have this convention......... even tho we own the building outright........... and maintain it with volunteers.......... and bought it with your contributions............ and we have only received 11,000....... we know you will take care of this.
now a relative of mine has a thing where they joined some sort of a club and they can get rooms dirt cheap by being a member......... dont know the name of the club but rooms that cost 100 or better they can ususally get for 40 so that would be a viable solution. or do the whole price ahead of time and dont identify yourself as a dub......... put in the price you expect them to give the jws........ or $5 less. if what your saying is true they would accept that. but then your still stuck with going to the damn convention....... and id have to be dead in my grave before id let myself be pulled into a place like that