hey bro i gotta admit i see where your comeing from regarding the best part of a relationship is the companionship. i feel that way as well, but you got to consider..... shes approaching you, REPEATEDLY, your obviously not a man whore..... cause you havent had sex with her to this point... and i think that really impresses her.......... but it wont forever.
fact is you both have been in dark places relationship wise...... you could totally be feeling the exact same thing for each other but are both to scared to stick your toe in the water to see if its warm. and bro holy sh** she was topless.... yeah gentleman that you are you didnt take advantage..... but some people gotta drink a little so they can blame it on the booze if they do crazy sh**..... wont even be more than buzzed...... but need that in order to break out of their shell.
job situation....... can you get out of the transfer...... and would you want to... would it benefit you finacially..... and what i mean is..... your gonna relocate.... are you making 40k a year and this job will pay you 42k? or is it you make 40k and this job is 60k....... the small raise could be rejected for the hottie........ the other well might be unable to refuse that difference. would you forsake this new job for her if she worked out?
think about those things....... and start planting some seeds bro.... tell her that you have been haveing so much fun with her its unreal....... then make better comments........ ive enjoyed going out this weekend more than i enjoyed 14yrs of marriage........... work your way up... dont drop that bomb untill you have made several comments. minor things at first.. let her know how much you enjoy being around her. then STOP
go talk to her sister.... get her opinion. you say you and her sis are tight... use that relationship to get another opinion from someone that loves her. if her sis gives you the green light then go talk to her. i know its easier to just cut her out of your life and move on.......... but what if she is better than 80percent perfect for you........... they dont come along very often...... hell she could be 90pecent perfect for ya....
in the end....... your moveing on to that job......... UNLESS SHE WORKS OUT. and maybe even if she is awesome........ hell maybe she will relocate with ya....... but if it didnt work out......... your out of town so who cares.......... you wont have any awkwardness. speak with her and say that you really have been getting to know her..... make a few comments about things she likes that you like....... details to show you have been tottally paying attention. then ask her...... say hey i value your friendship immensely but i cant help but wonder if there could be more between us. ive had more fun with you than i have EVER had with ANY woman....... so you interested in moveing beyond just friends?
a year from now..... if you do the easy thing and just move........ you will have dreams about her and always wonder what coulda been......... or a year from now you KNOW that you guys wouldnt work out... whether due to her issues or yours............. or a year from now you will have her by your side and wonder how you ever made it through life without her.
but seriously...... 25%....... shes been REPEATEDLY asking to hang with you
25% you guys have a bad a$$ time together........... CLOTHES SHOPPING...... WTF
50% she showed you the twins in a hot tub.............. dude that should be 100% of a HELL YES
you got about 1000% likelyhood that she does in fact wanna hook up with you...... dont waste the short time you got left.