Do you think they make the best parents?
when i was growing up (teenage years aside) i thought my parents were doing everything right......... then later when i became deprogramed it was another story. My father was and IS the PO..... so he had time for EVERYONE ELSE. he worked his 40 hours plus and studied for all the meetings and then was on call 24/7 and him and mom had it out plenty of times they would rather we conviently forgot. she some how thought that she had the right to demand some time to herself or with the entire family.......... go figure. my dad was as good of an elder as you could ask for as far as i can tell........ considering he was and remains totally brainwashed. he still had priority issues, which he muddled through as best he could.
the idea that jws want you to think is they are the best and no one could ever be better..... which is tottally bulls*** but i did have parents that tried as hard as they could.
The best children?
Hell no, this one is a complete crap shoot. there were witness kids i knew that were hellspawn and others that were angels............ no different than any other religion. depends upon personality and upbringing.
The best workers?
again it varies, you hear people makeing comments about others that either this race or that race has only two types of people......... hard working and lazy. what these fools are seeing is the fact that in every race or organization or whatever you get both types. ive seen some that burned the candle at both ends to try and make that low wage stretch to care for their family. and ive seen some with their hands out begging for help when in all actuality they made more per family member than half the cong did. i tried to be.
The most moral?
this is a huge laugh here, i have known tons of jws who viewed it as..... sin........ penalty........sin..... penalty....... yeah ok i want to have sex with her............ a year disfellowshiped........... yeah worth it. so its only those who hold themselves truely to a higher standard that are more moral........ not anyone who is a jw. besides everyone has their own weaknesses. some drink and use drugs.... others sleep around.. others steal or lie...... some delude themselves and keep their heads buried in the sand.......... which sin is worse? not for me to say.
jws have to make up an endless pile of bulls*** to keep their drones in line. they gotta say that "were the only ones" and that we have the "truth" no one else has a world wide organization , hahahha yeah right. ive been to five or six churches that have world wide contacts that they support and who actually send aid to those other countries........ where as jws only fund their branches. regardless all these lies they tell their flock keeps them beliveing that they are superior to everyone......... how else can you get someone to suffer with a minimum wage job endlessly expecting to have it all after armageddon............ and people think walmart screws people by paying them to starve........ they got nothing on the dubs.