first off...... terry that was awesomely well done..... kudos
now for the nitty gritty. i tried to fade..... worked for a year or so.......... then it ends. good thing about that is it gives you some time to come to terms with what is REAL and TRUE.. and that the watchtower is neither.
it let me find another church home that IS both Real and TRUE. so when they say..... there is nothing else out there or where would you go.......... i can honestly say....... plenty of places, plenty of world wide relgious organizations who TRUELY are there to help people, regardless of whether they are members.
you are gonna hafta stand up sometime tho, and i truely belive that lieing will only hurt you. cause no matter what points you bring up....... your a lier so all your points are lies........ and thats simply not the case. fortunately if the only lies you told were what you mentioned here....... they are easily fixed........ oh..... i thought i met the po..... my mistake. done deal....... its a case of OOPS.
now i dont know where your at...... dont know what you feel...... but your gonna hafta stand up sometime, its inevitable. when you do get to that point........... once its out of the bag...... your life is gonna get so much easier and you will feel sooooo much better for it. thats a promise.
if you want to go the route of haveing questions that they wont answer, make it clear that when you belived all their bullsh** you were zealous and didnt miss a meeting.......... and would never let your children miss a meeting but now that you have seen through it............. untill your questions are answered there is no way you will set foot inside a place that you dont feel jehovahs presense in....... and that goes doublely for your children. cause your looking out for their best interests, because if your life was wasted in a false religion you damn sure wont waste theirs. alot of good in what terry said........ im not afraid to call it a cult...... my wife still is because that shuts down their hearing and they wont listen to you past that according to her. me personally if it fits all the critera....... it is what it is. shoe fits wear it kinda deal.
now my folks would talk to me every week...... we were close. dad asked the bad question...... i ignored it. he realized the less he knew the better..... btw he is PO super jw elder to so i feel ya. my sister on the other hand isnt so smart..... she is completely in their thrall. she got baptised because of those scary awake articles about demon possession and how if you werent baptised the demons could have power over you....... scared to death she RAN to get bapt at the next convention..... so she isnt smart enough to see through things. she asked and i told her she really didnt want to know........ she insisted she did........
now is where it is interesting......... they say you must always be ready to make a defense for the lord.......... i feel the same way..... so i defended god to them. if i pretended anything but what i felt......... that would be like i was ashamed of god........ and i am never ashamed of god or what he wants me to do. so i told them off......... and since then they have barely spoken to me. kinda like if you loan somone twenty bucks and you never see them again........ probably money well spent.
my son is almost a year and a half old..... my father will have no grandchildren except through me and he has spent a grand total of............. 3 hours with my son...... my mother and sister probably spent 6 or 8 hours with him. i even drove 12 hours to spend thanksgiving with my true "worldly family" and stopped to see the folks and they knew in advance i was gonna be in the area........ still dad couldnt be bothered. we were within 3 hours of him for over 10 days......... mom and sis came up and spent a couple hours with my son........... dad however didnt........ so i figure............ they made their choice and im FINE with that. they wont have the chance to see him any more. they will have to get up off their asses if they want to see him ever again cause im just going straight to my grandmothers house.
thats how i play them cards. im straight up, and they cant argue. if they dont talk to me... i got worldly relatives who do and who will finally talk to me honestly about how they felt about my family all these years. about how my parents changed for the worse after being indoctrinated into the cult. its an eye opener.
i honestly hope things go better with you than they did for me...... but im at peace, so no worries.