i think Noland Wiggens was my co once upon a time........ but at the time i was to brainwashed to notice anything he did wrong........... thank god thats not the case any more
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
Know anyone who was appointed to a position wile doing something wrong??
by karter inone guy an accountant was made an elder wile he was stealing money from people he was doing there accounts for lots of j.ws and others.. the tax dept said "it was a very sophisticated scam" got prosecuted for $880.000 but much more involved went to jail for 2 to 3 years.. another made p.o got caught screwing his own daughter.. to many drunks to mention..
This couple's planning a wedding .....
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inbut check out the picture ... does this look like a couple in love to you?
if he wore that shirt.......... she wouldnt marry him anyway
Mormonism in BSG
by XJW4EVR inbsg meaning battlestar galactica.
being on christmas break, i have had some time on my hands, and i have watched most of the new battlestar galactica series.
watching it has taken me on an interesting quest, and i have discovered that the producer of the original battlestar series was mormon.
frack the cylons
I went to the doctor today and was told I'm going to hell!!!!!!!!!!
by changeling ini went to my gp today.
i go there quite often since he's also my parent's doctor and i bring them to all their appointments.. i take my dad there at least once a month for blood work since he is on blood thinners, so i'm very familiar with the lady who draws blood.. today i had to have blood drawn myself, and the lady inquired about my parents.
she asked if they had had a nice christmas.
you shoulda said........ well ill see you there then......... lol
if shes that big of a crack pot you should offer her a home bible study lol she would make a GREAT mindless dub
I need your help responding to my old JW friends email
by student1 inhello guys, todya i recieved an email from an old friend of mine within the jdubs... he did the usual jdub thing get married really young and as such we lost touch.. he since found me on facebook and has been bugging me about my decision to leave, i talked to him a little but his mind is completely closed and irrational so i was having little success saving him from the cult and as sich i decided to end the call.. by saying "your happy and i'm happy so lets leave it be and aggree to differ" - however he wont let it rest this is his email: any help in responding would be most appreciated!!
ps... how ironic that he should mention george orwell when he lives within a cult that epitomizes the 1984 book!!
seeing as you never botherered ringing me back or texting i thort id email you.. .
i have also determind that the facebook site is a curse, whenever i click on friends from the past, they are no longer witnesses?? what is going on..
theres a sign for you........... people are seeing the religion (CULT) for what it is and leaveing in droves.
p.s you know what you said about brainwashing... well, arnt we all living in a big brother, ORSON WELLES ESK.. society already, is the world getting better? no, is it getting worse? yes..
yes and big brother is the governing body who rule because they claim to be annointed by holy spirit.......... question............ how can you PROVE that? wouldnt proof be OBVIOUS if they were truely blessed with gods powers............ wouldnt they be incapable of makeing mistakes? holy spirt would make their mistakes MINOR ......... 1975 wasnt minor............
i have also done alot of research as to why there has been a number of elders who have mismananged things, and some border hypocrisy, and often some are incorrect, also there have been governing body members who have stated armageddon would fall in 1975, as well as a number of other dates.. watchtowers directing to this also?? why i thort could this happen if it is inspired through them (the watchtower and awake)?? well.. we are all imperfect including them... new evidence is uncovered all the time, therefore certain thorts and explanations get adjusted such as with all scientific proven events.. murder trials.. years later uncover knew evidence, not that the people investigating were not knowlegeable enough, but that new things come to light... the word as a whole based on the scriptures has never changed, certainly some people, and writings, ideas since have ammended. yes. but overall, the pros out way the cons.the reasoning of such things reasons more so than anything else..
holy spirit would prevent all of that from happening.............. how can these elders....... who are supposedly appointed by holy spirit......... make HUGE mistakes............ touching little boys and the like......
new evidience would be superficial........... would tell you where a city actually stood or something minor that makes the scriptures clearer.......... not change a viewpoint ENTIRELY.............. generations for instance......... thats simply a cover your a$$......... ok everyones dieing....... or like 100 plus.......... and were no closer to the end............ lets change our mind. beyond that look at the flock book.......... thats a complete coverup. there is NO DIRECTION IN THERE.......... untill its written by hand so they can deny it came from the society. who is the first person they are supposed to call........... the LEGAL department.......... why...... arent these elders supposed to be HELPING the flock? no they just dont wanna be sued.
this fool is having his doubts....... hes not a strong dub or a strongly principled person(asking to see boobies and all) or he would flee her like the bible says about babylon the great......... to avoid shareing in her sins....... thats why I left.
whats good for the goose is good for the gander....... if they (wt) condemn other religions for something that they themselves are guilty of................. then they should equally be condemned.
fact is the cult follows the GB's words OVER the bibles............ when you go to the meetings WHAT do you study out of...............the bible? HELL NO....... you study out of watchtower publications that only use scriptures that seem to support their opinion of the hour. why do you think they STUDY THE SAME SCRIPTURES OVER AND OVER AND OVER........... cause if they covered ALL the bible it wouldnt support their viewpoints.
wait on jehovah.......... the problem is with you....... your not praying enough or attending all the meetings or going in service enough................ you get a magazine a week............ plus have to prepare for 5 meetings a week plus FS and Bible studies........... and you gotta read those publications you got at the DC....... and prayer....... oh and that little thing............ called read the bible daily............. all that is NOT designed to make you a better person......... its to keep you so damn busy you CANT think for yourself.........
and yet the bible praised that city where the people didnt take pauls words on their own.......... they looked up what he was saying........... to PROVE they were inspired and came from the bible........... yet we cant do the same and be approved.
if we question............. they NEVER answer the questions........ they instantly put you in the apostate category and kick you out ASAP.
at the memorial when do the annoited drink of the cup and eat of the bread?
by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 inwhen i was jw i never saw an annointed person.... i thought that to be annointed you had to be american....i remember i asked someone at km hall were do the annointed drink the wine and eat the bread ?
they siad it happens in a back room in private.... is this true?
i was only young maybe it was just a throw off answer...... i always felt that holding the wine and bread publicly for a few seconds and then passing it on was a direct public denial of yahushua's instruction.........
yeah they are claiming that only PART of the bible applies to you and the IMPORTANT PART applies ONLY to them.............. i call bulls***............ either the bible is 100% right or its 100% wrong.......... either every word in it applies to me or none of it does.
in my hall we didnt have any of the annointed........ so they passed around the bread and wine....... and took it to the library after the service...........
occasionally someone would bring fresh meat to the memorial and not explain it to them before hand....... so they thinking it was just communion would partake......... but the elders never counted them............
then......... get this............. after the meeting...... when most of the people had left............ you could eat the bread and drink the wine lol....... fortunately for us we had a bunch of local winerys........... and they had some wines especially for passover............... FABULOSE.............mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm
and we had this older sister who was the best damn cook....... she made the bread........... it was awesome.
lol kinda sacreligious right lol
Horrible Apostates fall into Jehovahs Trap
by Jim Dee inas you guys are probably aware, the new watchtower for studying has shed new light on the generations issue (ie whoops we got it wrong, we were right before) .
the co's here in aus have been briefed to inform the congregation (either formally or informally) that is is part of the cunning of jehovah .
when jesus parted the non beleiver disciples from the core 12 (or was it 13) he made an outrageous statement and watched the weak walk off - thats exactly what jehovahs organisation has done today .
I suppose the cunning of Jehovah used children as lures to weed out the pedophiles as well.
nah they never got weeded out........... they just had to relocate just like the catholic preists.
ok i had to go visit a jw i grew up with....... he was sick......... getting treatment here so i went to see him. my mom and sister both jws came up and wanted to go see him as well. so we all went and all they could talk about was this new a$$hole oh excuse me......... CO they just got..........
this prick rolls into the congs and during the ms/elder meeting he rakes the brothers over the coals............. if they are working second shift. literally tells them he is gonna remove them as elders/ms unless they instantly quit their jobs and get new daytime jobs.
he even threatens my sick friend.......... but pretends to cut him some slack since he is sick after all. but if he hasnt found another job in 3 months................. the gloves are comeing off no matter what.
now these fools are being used in the cong........ to conduct mid week service........ and if they have any days they can make it to the meetings they do............. some congs were even scheduleing one or more meetings specially for those who worked second shift.......... during the mornings and what have you.
so this a$$hole CO tells them they gotta quit or be cut off from any privledges or being used in any capacity............. fact is if this jack a$$ did this............. he would lose more than half his hounders so hes full of s***.
well............ the co................. DOSENT HAVE TO WORK....... he gets paid to go out in service, gets free room and board and a stipend....... plus gets free food from EVERYONE. same fool dosent have any children to feed.......... where this is happening............ jobs arent easy to get..... unless they pay NOTHING........ all the good jobs you gotta start on second or third and through seniority move up.
but............. to those in the KNOW.............. this mother F*&^%$ is being such an a$$hole simply to test the brothers and sisters............. to see if they will react properly....... meekly......... or if they will tell him to get stuffed and take the postion and shove itup his hind end.
so here i always thought that jehovah is the only person who is fit to judge me.......... appparently this bastard has taken jehovahs job in that cult.
just sickening.......... but goes along with the generation change bulls*** if thats for real.
what truely shocks me............. is that these people are so F&^%%$# stupid they keep buying this bulls***
Ding Dong !!!
by prophecor inno, not that kind of ding dong.
how many jehovah's witnesses have rung your doorbell this morning?
they just rung mine's under the guise of possibly being one of my family members coming over for christmas.
My mom however lives about 3-4 blocks from the last hall that she attended. I'm a little worried for her now, my nephew lives with her and she is doing the holidays for him. I think if she gets caught, the whole JC thing could really hurt her.
she can claim the nephew put the stuff up and since he pays rent he "owns" that much of the house
Blew a JW's mind when I told him I am an apostate
by hambeak ina jw came into the shop the other day and left an awake.
i told him i am an apostate and i thought he was going to have a heart attack.
lol.. has anyone else had this experience?
To a jw an apostate is worst than a pedophile.
nah.......... all the pedophiles are still in serving as elders.......... right lol
"No Christmas For The Jehovah's Witness" Rap Christmas Carol
by cabasilas injust came across this...perhaps it's been posted before... if so, then please ignore.
the song is "no christmas for the jehovah's witness" by danny roze.
first link didnt work for me this one did