1. As for the bOrg:
I once read somewhere that in classical Greece and Rome the reason why a LOT of men were homosexually inclined (not the ones that were naturally gay) was because the women in their society were viewed as basically being property or cattle, with very little rights, almost no education, etc. A lot of the time, the women didn't even have a name, they just had their father's name and in turn their husband's name.
Therefore, a man took a wife to have offspring and some guaranteed tail and perhaps a punching bag if it was a crappy day, but guess who he had deep and meaningful relationships with??? Someone who was not only his equal, but was actually, by all intents and purposes a human being. Does this situation sound kind of familiar???
2. As for men in an enlightened society (i.e. not the New World one):
This one just burns me up: women are expected by the time they aquire breasts and a period (maybe before) to keep themselves up, dress well (or like a slut, depending on the situation), stay on a starvation diet, get plastic surgery when all the bits and the face start to wrinkle and sag, and act like a sexpot 24/7 yet-
For men, bathing and shaving are optional. T-shirts, jeans and a baseball cap are acceptable on any occasion. Be yourself. Act how you feel. Never diet, there's no need. You can always find a woman who'll be more than happy to do anything you want.