In my neck of the woods, Thanksgiving is a JW holiday too! Every young JW went to Six Flags on this holy day, and it was the cool thing to do as a teen. My last Thanksgiving as a JW I was tired of having to skip Six Flags Thanksgiving Day because our CO came, so I said to hell with it, made my mom let me go to Six Flags with my new little JW clique (a boy I had a crush on, his cousin, my best friend, and my best friend's secret boyfriend) and then without her permission or knowledge my friends and I all went to the annual Six Flags after-party hosted by "bad JWs." I remember on our way to the party from Six Flags we drove my mom's house to redo our makeup and hair and waited around the corner for her to drive off to the meeting. Then we all went inside, BROUGHT BOYS INTO THE HOUSE UNSUPERVISED, and put on some semi-slutty clothes.
The year before, that party had lead to many JWs being disfellowshipped. Anyway, we were all teenagers and were paranoid as crap in case any bad adult JWs happened to be at that party and might rat us out. We all went home at like 10:30 pm because were were too scared, and I think everyone prayed for forgiveness really desparately that night.
Other than that, the next most rebellious thing was what led me to leave the borg a few months ago. 1 Corinthians 15:33 was so right. I started semi-dating a great Jewish kid during my one year of community college. He lived about a mile away from my house, so when I took the bus home from the CC I'd go visit him for an hour or two, before my mom go too suspicious that I wasn't home yet. I still thought the organization was real, but starting to realize it may not be for me because everyone was too dense and passive. My Jewish boyfriend was super smart and interesting, and I couldn't resist seeing him, even though I had panic attacks/ guilt attacks all the time because I knew Jehovah would "make the truth come to the surface at the right time." A couple months into it we finally consummated our relationship. During moments when paranoia and guilt weren't washing over me, I would sometimes mentally giggle about how everyone in the congregation thought I was SUCH a great example but I was living my own life. One time I was playing the householder and I remember sitting up there delivering my lines perfectly while feeling proud of myself for having experienced sex while my partner was a 25 year old virgin.
Disclaimer: Though I was indeed leading a double life, I didn't mean to be a hypocrite at all (I hated those kinds of JWs!)... I really needed the intellectual stimulation from my boyfriend, and the whole time the relationship was going on I was figuring out what I wanted to do with my relationship with Jehovah.... until I read Franz's book and realized that day I would have to leave forever. And here I am now. Happy as a clam.