Pioneers i happen to know are shaking in their boots regarding the hour requirements being re-introduced.
breaking news | house-to-house preaching will resume on september 1, 2022. the governing body is pleased to announce that the house-to-house preaching work of jehovah’s witnesses will resume on september 1, 2022. we pray for jehovah’s rich blessing to be with all of you as we resume our house-to-house ministry!.
Pioneers i happen to know are shaking in their boots regarding the hour requirements being re-introduced.
14 document pack.
talk outlines in english and spanish, announcements, personal data information which includes:.
see document number 13instructions for use of personal datarefusal to sign notice and consent for use of personal data"the publisher should be informed that the congregation or branch office may not be able to evaluate his suitability to fulfill certain roles within the congregation or participate in many congregation activities, such as serving as a regular pioneer, a ministerial servant, or an elder. or!
As always Atlantis, Thanks for the intel.
I wonder if that may only be the case in Spain or will it become a global control/cash grab move by the Tower. Interesting.
Beers are on me either way
so we have been "green" blowing up all our coal power plants now they are saying we are like north korea...expect regular power blackouts.
who is running this show?.
There is possibly more pain on the way for Victoria.
Half of the Yallourn power station in Victoria's Latrobe Valley is offline, placing extra pressure on the national electricity grid.
Energy Australia, which owns Yallourn, said two of its four generating units were offline because of "unplanned maintenance".
It comes as the Australian Energy Market Operator warns of potential blackouts on the east coast because of a shortage of electricity.
Yallourn produces about a fifth of Victoria's electricity when operating at full capacity.
The outage at Yallourn comes amid concerns about generators withdrawing capacity from the grid to take advantage of higher wholesale prices.
AGL also earlier revealed that an outage at its nearby Loy Yang A power station would continue until "the second half of September".
so we have been "green" blowing up all our coal power plants now they are saying we are like north korea...expect regular power blackouts.
who is running this show?.
Hi all.
The issue seems to be related to rising prices and the 'Generators' not being able to cover running costs.
This local news article sheds some light. (unintended pun).
An energy economist is calling for an independent inquiry into Queensland's energy production following millions of households being told to conserve power for a second consecutive night due to generators reducing their output in response to a cap on prices.
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) ordered power generators to cover projected electricity supply shortfalls again last night, after a perfect storm of energy chaos in Queensland and New South Wales, including cold weather, offline generators and soaring power prices.
This morning AEMO said despite forecast supply shortfalls, "there was sufficient electricity supplied to meet consumer demand".
"AEMO continues to encourage generators … in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia to bid their availability into the market, rather than being directed to do so," it said.
Meanwhile, Victoria Energy Policy Centre director Bruce Mountain said Australia was in an "absolute market crisis".
Professor Mountain said generators are largely shielded from volatile spot prices (the market value for energy) and effectively holding production to drive up prices.
"Nothing like this has been experienced in Australia," Professor Mountain said.
"What's really going on, I suspect, is bullying by the coal and gas producers – they're pointing to the spot prices."
He said most generators secure their fuel through contracts with the price locked in months in advance.
"I suspect this is quite possibly a very serious case of market cornering," Professor Mountain said.
"We need an independent inquiry into the extent to which their production is affected by spot prices.
"I don't think we can accept at face value the idea that the generators are blameless.
"Serious government action is needed now."
Because the AEMO has set a fixed price cap for consumers at $300 a megawatt hour, some generators have withdrawn supply from the market.
In the electricity industry, no two words instil a greater sense of fear or failure as load shedding. Here's why.
Green Energy Markets director of analysis, Tristan Edis, said the $300 a megawatt hour figure is below the cost of fuel for many gas power plants.
"They've said they don't want to supply electricity because this price is not enough to cover our costs and so they've withdrawn their supply," Mr Edis said.
"They're effectively switching off … or saying: 'I'm not available to generate'.
"It's like someone saying – I want to give you a job but I want you to go 2,000 kilometres away and I want you to drive or fly at your own expense and I'm not going to compensate you for the cost of all this travel.
"It is possible for AEMO to force them online but then they have to compensate them to recover their real costs," he said.
Gas prices also remain capped at $40 a gigajoule, so effectively, it is too expensive for some generators to come online.
Energy market analyst David Leitch said it takes around 10GJs of gas to produce 1MWh of electricity.
That meant it would cost gas generators $400 to produce 1MWh of electricity, plus running expenses.
"Your basic cost before you've even made a dollar is around $450," Mr Leitch said.
Mr Leitch said they waited for the market operator to direct them to generate at a loss, entitling them to compensation.
"They covered their costs and made a reasonable profit," Mr Leitch said.
The short answer is: the consumer, eventually.
Professor Mountain said generators ordered to come online would make an application to the Australian Energy Market Commission to claw back their costs.
"It is essentially a compensation for the production costs plus a margin," Professor Mountain said.
"It's then up to those market participants to provide evidence they buy on the spot prices."
The cost of intervention will end up on Queenslanders' energy bills down the track.
"It's paid by all consumers, much as they would pay if there was a price set by the market," he said.
Five government-owned Queensland power generators offline for maintenance.
Queensland Energy Minister Mick de Brenni said that included one gas, one hydro and three coal-powered plants.
"They are going to start coming back on as early as Thursday … [others] will come back on sequentially until April next year," he said.
Here is what we know about the price cap, the strain on the energy grid and how you can keep your bill and energy consumption as low as possible.
The Callide C4 coal-fired generator near Biloela has been offline since an explosion in May last year and the Swanbank E gas generator in Ipswich is also out.
Mr de Brenni said publicly owned generators, Stanwell, CS Energy and Clean Co have been "providing all the supply that they possibly can."
Mr Leitch said recent flooding has also affected coal generation in Queensland and New South Wales.
"[Rain] flooded all the open pit coal mines and restricted supply," he said.
An AEMO spokesperson could not provide a time frame on how long tight supply will last.
Spring could bring some relief, with less heating required and more solar generation.
We offer tailored front pages for local audiences in each state and territory. Find out how to opt in for more Queensland news.
Mr Edis said the risk factors could stay for years, with high gas and coal prices sticking around.
"I suppose the expectation would be that a number of coal generators will come back online and then that will to a large degree alleviate the risk of shortages," he said.
"Unfortunately, it's not going to alleviate the high prices we're seeing at the moment.
"They're going to be here for quite some time because unfortunately the invasion of Ukraine has led to elevated prices for gas which will be maintained for … at least a year to two years and probably the same for the international price of coal.
"That will flow through to electricity prices."
Mr Leitch said Queensland has not built enough wind and solar, as coal-fired stations age.
"This has been coming for a decade — Queensland has been the state that's been the slowest about it," he said.
"Queensland should be doing two or three times as much wind or solar that it's doing every year for the next decade."
Associate professor of energy economics at the University of Adelaide Liam Wagner said "a broad range of technologies" must be implemented onto the national market.
"Wind and solar … and hydrogen and pumped hydro to be able to get ourselves away from coal and relying on these very old coal-fired generators which need lots and lots of maintenance and they break down all the time," he said.
Posted 2h ago2 hours ago, updated 11m ago.974 results found,this is the number of congregations of jehovah`s witnesses that have signed up to the redress scheme for child abuse victims in australia.. what does that tell us ?.
and that number may not be all ..
Hey folks.
What interests me is that if this secret letter was sent, how could the Maltese congregation in Melbourne's west have signed it as they were disbanded at around 2012?
Given that they only recently agreed to sign up under duress.
I need to get on to my 'deep throat' see what he can tell me.
974 results found,this is the number of congregations of jehovah`s witnesses that have signed up to the redress scheme for child abuse victims in australia.. what does that tell us ?.
and that number may not be all ..
Hey smiddy3,
I've had a quick flick over the list and some of the foreign language congs no longer exist and have been absorbed into neighboring congs as a foreign language group.
For example the Maltese, Yugoslav in Melbourne no longer exist, I believe the same is true of Filipino and Greek as far as I'm aware. There may well be others also.
Hence the number discrepancy.
I just wonder if the local elders signed up as an individual charity or the watchtower in Australia just signed them all up??
ezekiel 9:4.
“go throughout the city of jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”
in the script used during old testament times it was either in x shape or a + shape.
Off topic a bit but saw this on abc online news in Australia today.
Good for a laugh??
Seems a light behind the priest created an interesting shadow.
Here is the full article.
so reading that the dubs are going back to their kingdumb halls got me thinking, i guess they haven’t been getting their regular inspections from thier circuit overseers.
if they haven’t had their meetings, the inspectors couldn’t visit - or did they?
i’m intrigued.
Hi Fellow ozziepost.
Some have been doing random inspections of the halls.
Inspections of the congregants has been virtual and as decreed by the local elders,, i.e. If they do not like you you will be shit-canned.. etc etc
Yes still getting supported by the branch (hired cars and free rental in kingdom halls with adjoining units). Still submitting expense sheets to congs they virtually visit and still getting green handshakes from publishers that request their bank details.
Relatives are also 'supporting' them.
A few are thinking of retiring here in Oz.
Today In NSW they have been recommended to wear P2 masks when the in person meetings resume after April 1st.
By the way, some of the privileged co's living on KH premises have been doing the gardening and mowing the lawns.
2022-02-17-- watchtower defense manuals on the loss of state support in norway.. .
the english manual is 32 pages long and the norwegian manual is 40 pages long.
both manuals are in this file folder.. .
Thank you as always Atlantis.
Found para 55 through 57 interesting lies.
55. There are, of course, religious consequences if a person withdraws. When a person distances himself from the congregation, he formally renounces his spiritual position as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Withdrawal is a conscious act initiated by someone who belongs to the church. Unlike someone who becomes weak in the faith, becomes less active, or stops attending worship, such a person consciously chooses to break his spiritual ties to the congregation as he withdraws and distances himself from the congregation. His decision will therefore be respected, and the spiritual ties to the congregation will be severed.
56. What about the social ties? As part of Jehovah's Witnesses' religious beliefs and practices, they follow the Bible's admonition to limit or stop associating with people who reject or leave their religion. (1 Corinthians 5:11-13; 2 John 1:9-11) However, the only information given to the congregation is this: "[The person's name] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Nothing else is said about him.
57. The congregation has no control over how the individual in the congregation applies biblical principles to stop associating with him. It is up to each individual in the congregation to use their personal religious conscience to determine whether or not they want to limit contact with a person who has withdrawn, just as they would relate to a person who is disfellowshipped. The religious community does not control, nor can it control, whether those who belong to congregations answer calls from someone who has withdrawn, drink coffee with them, eat a meal with them, or greet them on the street. Each individual in the congregation who limits or ceases to socialize a person who has withdrawn, does so voluntarily and of his own volition, based on their own religious conscience.
bold is mine
Just like they said at the Australian Royal Commission,," We don't dis-fellowship them, they dis-fellowship themselves" ha ha.
Just making some German Cabbage Rolls in Australia, they're on their way with an Australian beer; Coopers Sparkling Ale,,,, made in South Australia.
And, in Melbourne Australia also watching the Supercars instead of listening to regurgitated crap and knocking on doors fruitlessly.