I have relatives at bethel. I dont believe the governing body has been running the show since they were booted off the board of directors. Guys like franz and jarcz nearly wrecked the organization. They are figurehead now. Very powerful figureheads. The corporation presidents are the neck that turn the head. I've met Leon weaver before. I believe ray franz mentioned him in his book. He's an organization enforcer and very smart. The governing body like most anointed ones we know are weirdos. They have no education or training to run a billion dollar company. No legal or management experience. When you see child abuse policy changes, the new financial scheme and elimination of overseers, that's the work of the corporate heads. Franz and jarcz as I mentioned nearly ran the ship into the ground. The corporation presidents call the shot now and the governing body just signs off. And by corporations I also mean the legal department. The governing body only deals with giving talks and doctrinal things.
JoinedPosts by kneehighmiah
How is the org really run? What goes on behind the scenes?
by Magnum inhow is the org really run?
what goes on behind the scenes?.
i just read an older post on this site that was recently bumped (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/6600/1/don-adams-biography) the post mentioned the adams brothers don, karl, & joel and how influential they are/were at headquarters.
I know this sounds gross
by Doug Mason inthere is a medical procedure known as: fecal microbiota transplantation (or transfusion).. has the watchtower society identified whether blood is possibly transfused through this process?
if it has, what is its verdict?
if it has not investigated this medical procedure, why hasn't it?.
It not really a transfusion. Transfusion is a combination of the words transplant and infusion. transfusions are intravenous. The stool is administered by enema or through colonoscope directly to the gut and not through a vein. This makes it a transplant. the Pharisees in Brooklyn approve of transplants.
I know this sounds gross
by Doug Mason inthere is a medical procedure known as: fecal microbiota transplantation (or transfusion).. has the watchtower society identified whether blood is possibly transfused through this process?
if it has, what is its verdict?
if it has not investigated this medical procedure, why hasn't it?.
Also called a stool (poop) transplant. It's been effective in helping people with antibiotic resistant gut infections like C. Difficole. they take someone else's poop and put it into your gut. It helps restore normal healthy biota which inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
What words has the WT redefined?
by Splash inthese days, virtually every public talk speaker thinks it's interesting and intellectual to include a dictionary definition of some word.
often the word is in common use and needs no explanation, such as 'exercise', or 'knowledge', or whatever.. now contrast that to all of the words that the wt has it's own meaning for, and referencing a dictionary for the common understanding of it would be viewed unfavourably.. words like 'generation' or 'men' (as in jesus is mediator between god and 'men' - 1tim 2:5-6).. what words have the wt redefined that you know about?
- i'd like to compile a list if possible.. splash.
thanks guys for helping me to "appreciate" the meanings of these words.
does the org monitor this site?
by venting ini,m sure they would like to find out the names of some who post here.
Agree with the above comments. They don't give a bleep about hunting down faders or even elders. They do care about protecting copyrighted material. They hate elders letters being leaked. But it doesn't look like they can stop it. They also read about their logical fallacies and attempt to close the gaps. They also know jws are reading apostate material, so the occasionally act to provide plausible explanations. there are some big changes in the wings for the organization. They really don't care about losing people anymore.
Why is shunning NOT a violation of Nat'l and Int'l law?
by Zoos ini was looking at the universal declaration of human rights posted at un.org and also the description of what constitutes a violation of religious freedom at uslegal.com .. .
according to the declaration of human rights:.
article 18.. everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
I believe shunning for disassociation goes beyond freedom of religion. shunning is a form of congregation discipline. If you leave a group then you should no longer be subject to disciplinary actions from that group. If you leave your job for example they cannot continue to punish you. I believe it's unlawful to force members to continue to punish you once you no longer accept the authority of said group. However, If you still acknowledge the authority of the governing body and wish to be reinstated after violatimg a JW rule, then I believe there's nothing the government can do To stop you from receiving discipline.
Lawrence Krauss
by KateWild inkrauss is an atheist activist and self-described antitheist.
hence his science is biased.
being an antitheist means he's anti god.. anyone disagree?.
Ive met him before he was a professor at my university.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Hypocrisy on steroids
by Watchtower-Free infound this on youtube.
This is embarrassing on both sides. this guy needs to get a life. However I'm also happy to see the wannabe cop elders get shut down. They musr be frustrated to see that they have no real authority. They can only intimidate those in their congregation. I know a few elders like the black guy and the old fart. neither are spiritial men, but are usually self righteous jerks who revel in having power over others and giving orders. They have such fragile egos that they couldn't just ignore some loser with a camera and a ridiculous looking hat.
"100 years of kingdom rule" so what?? what does it mean??
by stuckinarut2 ini cant stop the nagging thoughts in relation to the hype about "100 years of kingdom rule" !.
what is the significance?
why make such a big deal about something like that?.
As I've been saying it's being promoted to cover up the fact that Jesus's invisible presence or second coming is a future event. though Russell and Rutherford taught Jesus came in 1914 we are rebranding it as the birth of the kingdom, which happens to have as much real significance as a truckload of nothing. sometime soon we will be informed that Jesus did not have an invisible presence in 1914. But JWs won't care that we've been teaching falsehood for 80 yearS or so. They will be too busy spreading the new teaching of Jesus rule beginning in 1914.
What is your biggest gripe with the WT and it's teachings?
by FL_Panthers inas the title says, please list what you find annoying with the organization..
Too much control over personal choices the bible doesn't discuss like career and college
Sprituality determined by how devoted you are to the organization, time spent is service, meeting attendance
social isolation, no outside friends allowed
M ost importantly shunning if you don't agree with every word breathed by the governing body or if you're not a fully committed JW. You cannot leave with dignity, even if you just happened to be born into it.