I am deeply saddened by your story. I hope you find courage and strength to bring your abuser to justice.
My thoughts are with you and your loved ones.
Qcf x
just thought i would let you know there appears to still be no change when it comes to assisting the police here in the uk.
i am in the process of pressing charges against my abuser who was and is again a jw.
during my interviews with the police i did not mention jws as it was not relevant to the case, however during one if his interviews he stated that he had been 'punished' by the jws by being disfellowshipped, and now he was a jw again he had 'paid his dues'!.
I am deeply saddened by your story. I hope you find courage and strength to bring your abuser to justice.
My thoughts are with you and your loved ones.
Qcf x
i think i typically don't want to be either love bombed or questioned.
i happen to see jws a lot while visiting my mom.
they don't go there with me, which works well for all concerned..
I stare at them and watch their discomfort.
I have nothing to be ashamed of.
my window cleaner is a jw and as i am always working when he comes to my house i haven't seen him or spoken to him in years.
the other day i was in my local town and went into a cafe for some lunch.
who is sitting there but my window cleaner and his wife.
What a little weasel.
That just sums up the jw's. You spread the "good news" about this window cleaning idiot.Give him a proper reason to dislike you!!
Knickers to him.
i had a bunch of tiny little nags that always bothered me about the bible/god/etc.
that eventually led to me drifting away, but this was my personal, singular issue that no one could address.
i think i mentioned it before here, but, for summation again:.
The paedophile scandals.I was horrified by the way the BOE treated victims.Bunch of sick bastards.
"the first step toward apostasy is a drop in field service activity.
i have read that statement in wts publications and heard it many times from the platform.
i haven't studied philosphy so i'm not sure what type of logical fallacy this is an example of, but it is one for sure.
Proud to be apostate.
the insidious bind the watchtower religion places on their members is unconscionable.. holding family and friends "hostage" as an extortion strategy may be their most potent weapon of enforced conformity.. .
in effect, like an armed criminal who points a gun at you and threatens "your money or your life", the watchtower leadership.
holds the power to separate dissenting members from those whom they most cherish.. the "gun" is the shun.. pointing the shun at you and threatening to cut you off from your loved ones is a psychological brutality.. absolute obedience is required.. .
Between the devil and the deep blue sea comes to mind.
No one should have to make that choice.
I pray for all to come to their senses and end this awful religion.
Do you know what Malacca means in Greek?
obedience is key in the paragraph below and the urgency is also emphasised with an exclaimation mark.. .
10 the earthly part of gods organization is moving ahead in many ways.
it helps us understand bible truth more and more clearly.
Punkofnice, you once more, hit the nail on the head.
Always great to get your viewpoint.
obedience is key in the paragraph below and the urgency is also emphasised with an exclaimation mark.. .
10 the earthly part of gods organization is moving ahead in many ways.
it helps us understand bible truth more and more clearly.
Hi Kate.
The jdub's have messed around with the bible so much, it probably reads totally different to say, the King James version.
The WT rule by fear and a false promise of paradise.
Good post, btw xx
the so used to say it was life saving work.i wasn't convinced.it was soul destroying in the area i lived.i didn't want to be so cynical as to think, it was just to gain converts, therefore more money but it certainly looks that way now..
I don't think the FS is effective. I think it's an invasion of privacy.The amount of people I got out of bed on a Saturday!!! Sorry....
Christians should show love to their neighbour and show an example, not preach about it. That's what Jesus was about.
Thanks for your input. X