However wouldn't it be prudent to find what IS actually causing the temperature rise as opposed to what we think or based on public opinion?
Forgive me if I misunderstand you, but I believe there are such studies underway. The article I referenced above was in relation to testing the ice at the polar caps. I read another article just a couple of days ago where there is (according to the article) the largest climate study so far. I believe the article said the study was taking place in Norway.
Big Tex:
I think you have misunderstood my intention. Isn't that what I am saying in the quote and all along? Most of those accused of being "Nay Sayers" have not said Nay at all, but that they think the Jury is still out. In fact the court has not even heard from the defense yet in many ways.
Recently in Canada a former Olympic Gold medal skier Nancy Greene said when asked about her position, "In science, there's almost never black and white. We don't know what next week's weather is going to be. To say in 50 or 100 years, the temperature is going to do this, is a bit of a stretch for me". She promoted a cautious approach while most of the Canadian skiers has jumped on the "we gotta do something now" soap box with David Suzuki. For that she has been virtually black balled by the skiing community and has even had her stewardship on a School Trustee board challenged because of it. That is the type of hysteria that is attached to the AGW agenda!
Those who propose calm and that propose a climate rise is a natural occurrence as an initial premise based on geological history are being drowned out (threatened, maligned and bullied) by those who's initial premise is that we are primarily to blame and we have to do something NOW and DRASTIC before it too late.
The later say that the science and studies will vindicate their rush to justify their premise "so why wait?". And I am not constructing a straw man either because Kyoto is being promoted now and some of its targets are not only dealing with flawed data (ie the hockey stick graph) but biased unsubstantiated conclusions as well, yet they are pressing for implementation within the next 5 years.
An in depth and meaningful study of polar ice caps for example would need more than 5 years. The data presently being used by Kyoto and in Al Gores documentary are skewed as I have already shown.
By the way here is one study that casts doubt on the Global Warming arguments about thinning ice caps:
Read it you will be surprised.
so far I find the arguments that pumping thousands of tons a year of pollution into the atmosphere and has no effect to be unconvincing. I'm sorry but I just find the arguments on one side to be not very persuasive and sometimes downright silly.
I am all for greening our outlook for future generations but lets not be stupid about it cutting our nose off to spite our face. Besides there is a difference between pollution and CO2 which is not a pollutant. Yes lets clean up the air and those things that foul it up, but don't confuse apples with oranges.
Also on the subject of silly, blaming CO2 on the earths rising temperature when historical data proves that CO2 levels rise after global temperatures rise sometimes lagging as many as 1200 years, and conversely that the record shows periods where high CO2 levels correspond with some of earths coldest periods is itself silly. Like a drunk who maintains his wife put him out because she doesn't like his red tie.
Years ago a cry of complaint arose in the US and Canada about managing the forests. One of the so called solutions was to use selective harvesting by thinning forests through several methods. The result? Forestry management actually turned North American forests into a tinder box by interfering with the natural density of forests. Forest fires have been more severe, spread more rapidly, lasted longer and caused more damage as a direct result of that interference. (Jarred Diamond - Collapse!) Now forestry service have changed their approach to account for the knowledge gained. It is the same here, look before you leap!
There is very little we can do to affect the global concentrations of CO2. If we could eliminate human CO2 altogether it would be only 1% of the global level and 3% of the annual production by mother earth herself. But if we could make a difference and lower levels of CO2 and it caused a depletion in earths agricultural food output for example (including animals as they live off of vegetation) millions would die.
Or what if we reversed the temperature rise and got the mercury going the other way? Do some research as to what happened to Europe's economy during the mini ice age (It was 1600's by the way, not the end of 19th century)
You seem like a nice guy Tex, so why not look at Dr Defreitas examination of the UN IPCC report and the Kyoto protocols against the data that science has already gathered.
Here is the link to the pdf: