Oops, posted wrong link for second half of that letter in a previous reply:
Part 2
Oops, posted wrong link for second half of that letter in a previous reply:
Part 2
here's a click to the cultic studies journalissue concerning jw women.
[url] http://www.csj.org/pub_csj/csj_vol14_no1_97/abs_wifely.htm#top[/url]
Like Terry pointed out in a different post:
God is love. Love is not jealous. God is a jealous god.
Have fun working that one out.
Romans 16:1 (AMP) "Now I introduce and commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deaconess of the church at Cenchreae,"
1 Timothy 3:11 (footnote in NIV): a. "1 Timothy 3:11 Possibly deacons’ wives or women who are deacons"
translation of the word : "deacon" = διάκονος (diakonos)
translation of the word "servant" = υπηρέτης
A wikipedia entry on "deacon":
March 2012
Part 1
Part 2
One letter split it in half for legibility.
Love this one quote:
"However, Satan, the Master of Deception, has made the pursuit of higher education dangerous for a christian."
Also, degrees of pornia? Since when, Watchtower Leadership? Sheesh. How biblical. Not. Oh, and there's a follow-up letter dated April of that same year which details pornia even more, if mem serves. Bunch of toad-sucking, infantile, hypocritical... grrr. Could go on, but don't wanna spook away any lurkers.
i remember as kids we would say " liar, liar your pants are on fire" and they wern't were they.
so that in itself was a lie.. but is lying always so bad?
i mean for example at an art class as a kid when i had to commented someones work, rather than be nasty, at a picture which was terrible and traced as well !
Calling it "the truth" is no accidental language/terminology.
Here is some interesting science (Stroop Effect):
"Colors, Colors
The famous "Stroop Effect" is named after J. Ridley Stroop who discovered this strange phenomenon in the 1930s. Here is your job: name the colors of the following words. Do NOT read the words...rather, say the color of the words. For example, if the word "BLUE" is printed in a red color, you should say "RED". Say the colors as fast as you can. It is not as easy as you might think!"
When "the truth" is mostly a LIE, but you repeatedly call the entire conglomeration a "truth"... then that is part of a mind control device, imo.
jhine wrote:
Someone must know that this is a cult because the whole way it is run and the members manipulated means that there is some clever thinking behind the practical organisation of it. Some dotty old men who really believe would not know about mind control techniques (which someone clearly does ) . The crafty way the members are tricked into policing each other and the scare tactics used show real thought behind the scenes somewhere .
The leadership use mind control/brainwashing/coersive persuasion techniques on purpose. It's not by accident that they are structured the way they are, with persuasive talks designed to move the listener, not only to act, but mostly to AGREE. Once they find themselves agreeing even to the simplest notion, then they are invested. The trap has snapped shut. They will do what the speaker has 'suggested' in the third part of the structured "talk".
• Yes set: get the listener to agree with an idea.
• Truism: "facts" that are otherwise debatable, tossed out there as plausible truthiness. "Evidentally". "It is apparent". "Picture in your mind: tears of joy rolling down their faces", when nothing like that is said in the scriptures. And so on.
• Suggestion: the solution that may or may not have anything to do with really resolving anything spoken about previously. Sign over property. Give a kiss. Go door-to-door. Say a prayer. Roll in the aisles. Throw money at the speaker. Wear his brand of tee shirts. Whatever.
mark sewell convicted of eight historic sex charges, including rape.
i can not copy the link, but go to walesonline.co.uk.
This story (walesonline article) is now on the front page of Reddit and is the topmost post.
my thread was inspired by gentledawn's insightful comment about the effect the events in wales had on her jw husband.... hope any lurkers out there can filter out the signal (storys and experiences like this) to noise (the current trolls running amok on the forums) ratios.
this the problem with those who focus on outrageous fantasies about the watchtower.
it distracts from the real issues that need to be highlighted.. what happened in wales was for real.
I have no quarrel with anyone, focus. You can post all you like (as long as the rules/website owner allows). But I'm not gonna participate in any of your nonsense. I've had my fill of sociopaths/psychopaths to last a lifetime.
You know who else made large lists and dictionary-esque entries? This guy:
(looks like all of his entries were pulled down from the English version..? And only 900-ish are visible on this Greek version)
There used to be 1500-2500 dictionary entries made by that young man (think he was 15-16yo when he made most of em).
What happened to him, you might ask? More like what happened to her, when he crossed her path in real life:
I was acquainted with the kid long before any of that shit happened. The news of what he'd done came as a mega-shock to hundreds of people on a few web forums, one of which I used to frequent, too.
Regarding the Mark Sewell conviction and all the boobery the elders/watchtower leadership pulled/trying to pull:
There are a lot of articles and websites posting up their own take(s). JWSurvey has an article about the Mark Sewell story now. /r/exjw on Reddit has a mention/discussion going on, too. Even BBC has an article.
mark sewell convicted of eight historic sex charges, including rape.
i can not copy the link, but go to walesonline.co.uk.
Hope any lurkers out there can filter out the signal (storys and experiences like this) to noise (the current trolls running amok on the forums) ratios.
The whole elder body (except one) opposed the legal system. During the actual judicial committees:
"'There were 12 elders and not one of them stood up – not one': Victim of Jehovah's Witness rapist describes torment"
Are they (the courts, police, etc) the "superior authorities" or not? What a gaggle of liars the leadership are, because every elder body is directed to contact the branch and/or legal department in cases like this.
This story is a BIG deal. My husband is in muted, horrified shock.
... well, he was for a few minutes at least. But then his cult personality kicked in and he's talking like it's an isolated incident or one-off situation.
i've been given permission to post news of our friend.. kate hasn't been very well.
not well at all.
i think much of it has been a delayed reaction to her df'ing, the general fallout when leaving the wtbs and family issues.. i just wanted to give you guys the heads up and give you a chance to show how much we care about her.. thanks for listening..
Hang in there.
do you believe it exists?.
when you get "a hunch", do you ignore or listen to it?
Magic beans.
bethel writer see's a fatty bethelite take the last bread roll at lunch...should he vent his feelings thru jehovahs holy watchtower magazine...why not!!.
watchtower 1974p.167 "...by over indulging in food....he fails to show love for jehovah god...is food a big thing in his life?
does he selfishly ignore others needs and take more then his share?
Yay. More mind control.
Like what was said in the "June 1st watchtower" thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/281165/1/June-1st-Watchtower-for-the-public), how do they (watchtower leaders and writers) come to their conclusions?
Besides, if anyone who lives in America actually takes the time to read the ingredients on the side of a bag of hotdog or hamburger buns, they'll notice that nearly every goddamned brand today is packing high-fructose corn syrup into what should be a bread-only thing! Fucking buns are not meant to be a sweet cake or danish, ffs.
It's being done to make us all fat and dull of mind, imo. Otherwise, why add it?
I buy from a local bakery that does not add high-fructose corn syrup into any of their bread buns. Thank goodness there is one available.