Wednesday, October 29
These men . . . are . . . disregarding
lordship and speaking abusively
of glorious ones.—Jude 8.
Obviously(?), such a spirit has no
place in the Christian congregation.
Older men in the congregation
are not perfect, just as they
were not perfect in the time of
the apostles. Elders may make
mistakes that affect us personally.
If that happens, how inappropriate
it would be for any member
of the congregation to react
according to the world’s spirit,
vehemently demanding “justice”
or that “something be done
about this brother”! Jehovah may
choose to overlook certain minor
failings. Can we not(? Why use a "not"
here, when leaving it out says the
same thing?) do the same?
Because of what they perceive
as defects in the elders, some individuals
who engage in serious
wrongdoing in the congregation (such as
questioning doctrine, or the source of
Governing Body's spiritual anointing,
although they claim not to be prophets,
have refused to appear before a
committee of elders assigned to
help them. This could be likened
to a patient who loses out on the
benefits of a treatment because
he does not like something about
the doctor.
w12 10/15 2:6, 7
"This could be likened
to a patient who loses out on the
benefits of a treatment because
he does not like something about
the doctor." -
Ya know, because going to a QUACK always works out in the end... NOT.
Jude chapter 8 (NIV)
8 In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings (in some translations: "glorious ones" = celestial beings, or angels).
ALL English translations of Jude 8: