BOTR: IF the WT has/had a secret database so they had notice of pedophiles in KHs, throw the book at them.
Chapter Five
Determining Whether a
Judicial Committee
Should Be Formed
10. Though this is not an exhaustive list, brazen
conduct may be involved in the following if the
wrongdoer has an insolent, contemptuous attitude
made evident by a practice of these things:
• Willful, continued, unnecessary association
with disfellowshipped nonrelatives despite
repeated counsel—Matt. 18:17b; 1 Cor, 5:11, 13;
2 John 10, 11; w81 9/15 pp. 25-26.
Evidence Establishing Wrongdoing
38. If wrongdoing has not been established
but serious questions have been raised, the body
of elders should appoint two elders to investigate
the matter promptly. For example, there may be
just one witness. If so, it would be loving for the witness
first to confront the accused and encourage him
to take the initiative to approach the elders . The elders
can then allow the accused a few days to approach
them. (For the witness by himself to confront
the accused may not be advisable in all cases—for example,
if the witness and the accused were involved
in sexual immorality together or if the witness was a
victim of incest or rape by the accused or is a child
and the victim of sexual abuse. Or it may be that the
witness is extremely timid.) Whether the witness approaches
the accused or not, the two elders appointed
should speak with the accused regarding the accusation—
w97 8/15 p. 27.
39. If the accused denies the accusation, the
investigating elders should try to arrange a meeting
with him and the accuser together. (Note: If the accusation
involves child sexual abuse and the victim
is currently a minor, the elders should contact the
branch office before arranging a meeting with the
child and the alleged abuser.) If the accuser or the accused
is unwilling to meet with the elders or if the accused
continues to deny the accusation of a single
witness and the wrongdoing is not established, the
elders will leave matters in Jehovah's hands. (Deut.19:15-17;
1 Tim. 5:19, 24, 25; w 9 5 ll/l pp. 28-29) The
investigating elders should compose a record, sign it,
put it in a sealed envelope, and place it In the congregation's
confidential file. Additional evidence may
later come to light to establish matters.
---- "Shepherding the flock of God"