Quarterback wrote:
Did Sir Paul get a Higher education?
from the original post:
"Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system has to offer."
Paul McCartney certainly fulfilled his career potential, imo.
hopefully it will make them think.. .
Quarterback wrote:
Did Sir Paul get a Higher education?
from the original post:
"Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system has to offer."
Paul McCartney certainly fulfilled his career potential, imo.
Wednesday, October 29
These men . . . are . . . disregarding
lordship and speaking abusively
of glorious ones.—Jude 8.
Obviously(?), such a spirit has no
place in the Christian congregation.
Older men in the congregation
are not perfect, just as they
were not perfect in the time of
the apostles. Elders may make
mistakes that affect us personally.
If that happens, how inappropriate
it would be for any member
of the congregation to react
according to the world’s spirit,
vehemently demanding “justice”
or that “something be done
about this brother”! Jehovah may
choose to overlook certain minor
failings. Can we not(? Why use a "not"
here, when leaving it out says the
same thing?) do the same?
Because of what they perceive
as defects in the elders, some individuals
who engage in serious
wrongdoing in the congregation (such as
questioning doctrine, or the source of
Governing Body's spiritual anointing,
although they claim not to be prophets,
have refused to appear before a
committee of elders assigned to
help them. This could be likened
to a patient who loses out on the
benefits of a treatment because
he does not like something about
the doctor.
w12 10/15 2:6, 7
"This could be likened
to a patient who loses out on the
benefits of a treatment because
he does not like something about
the doctor." -
Ya know, because going to a QUACK always works out in the end... NOT.
Jude chapter 8 (NIV)
8 In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings (in some translations: "glorious ones" = celestial beings, or angels).
ALL English translations of Jude 8:
from my yahoo answers question here: .
"the bible says of deborah: "now deborah, a prophetess, the wife of lappidoth, was judging israel at that time.
5 she used to sit under the palm tree of deborah between ramah and bethel in the hill country of ephraim; and the sons of israel came up to her for judgment.
All English translations of Judges 4:4
New International Version, with footnote:
4 Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading[a] Israel at that time.
[a] Judges 4:4 Traditionally judging
wt dec-2014 page4: "a bulgarian woman named irana rigthly observed, -it is not posspible to be close to god if you don t know his name.
if so many know his name, why this debate "jehovah vs yahweh" then?.
Wt Dec-2014 page4: "A bulgarian woman named Irana rigthly observed, -It is not posspible to be close to God if you don´t know his name. "
And yet one of the first things that takes place during and after completion of the initiation (indoctrination) process of high-control groups is the loss of the person's first name (as in, no longer used).
"brother"/"sister" so-and-so. So is it really possible to know your fellow congregant if you do not use their personal first name?
In the "Meet the Mormons" video, the young man was called "elder"-only, no longer using his first name.
It's a process. Part of that process is the loss of one's personal identity and merging with the hive-mind/mentality. That's why "elder" Fields (the young man in the mormon documentary) no longer felt the need to talk alone whatsoever with the interviewer. What could be asked of him that his companions could not answer for/with him?
Oh, I don't know... how about how you were getting on after being forced to isolate yourself from your family and friends for 2 years? Are you okay? You had been crying earlier... have you settled out, figured out how to carry on from there?
JWSurvey has the video linked inside this article:
Lordy. Cults suck.
my brother (non-jw but became a christian 6 months ago) and i nursed my aged jw mother back to a semblance of strength over the last three weeks.. the elders were happy to pass the buck on to me, her da'd daughter and my bro.. he has been living with her for 3 months and has transformed her ill-kept home and garden and literally nursed her like a professional alone.
before i stepped in to help him care for her.
he repeatedly told her how much he loved her and was so caring, it brought a lump to my throat.. he has been going to church sunday mornings, telling her he 'was meeting up with friends' so as not to cause friction.but she knew where he had been.. we noticed a shift in her demeanour towards us (she knows i'm a church-goer) over the week-end and she started to.
The CBE is not the Bible. The KJ was written from the scrolls. Read Ec 9:5 in the KJ, or even the NWT.
Yeah. Because, as JWs, we TOTALLY go to a strangers house and tell em they can look up the scriptures in their own NON-BIBLE.
And take note: my original reply has a link with ALL english translations of Ecc. 9:6, including both versions of King James:
Ecclesiastes 9:6 (KJV) | In Context | Whole Chapter
6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 9:6 (KJ21 = 21st Century King James Version) | In Context | Whole Chapter
6 Also their love and their hatred and their envy is now perished; neither have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun.
my brother (non-jw but became a christian 6 months ago) and i nursed my aged jw mother back to a semblance of strength over the last three weeks.. the elders were happy to pass the buck on to me, her da'd daughter and my bro.. he has been living with her for 3 months and has transformed her ill-kept home and garden and literally nursed her like a professional alone.
before i stepped in to help him care for her.
he repeatedly told her how much he loved her and was so caring, it brought a lump to my throat.. he has been going to church sunday mornings, telling her he 'was meeting up with friends' so as not to cause friction.but she knew where he had been.. we noticed a shift in her demeanour towards us (she knows i'm a church-goer) over the week-end and she started to.
JWs (and other religions) foist their interpretations as hard fact. The real fact is that an interpretation is just that. Quoting Ecclesiastes 9:5 doesn't prove anything about the state of the dead. But 9:6 sure does show that they have no part "forever" in what takes place under the sun. Doesn't that negate the whole "live forever/ressurection on a paradise earth" myth?
Ecclesiastes 9:6 (CEB version) | In Context | Whole Chapter
6 Their love and their hate, as well as their zeal, are already long gone. They will never again have a stake in all that happens under the sun.
I don't know what's worse: finding out that you've been living under the edicts of a blatant cult or coming to a site like this with buttholes blatantly trying to recruit people who are newly/nearly liberated from it, too.
On point to the OP: if this is the UK, the Watchtower has come under scrutiny by the Charities commision for its crappy policies regarding the horrendous treatment of victims of pedophilia and rape. That commision needs to take a closer look at the internal workings of this whole watchtower "system of things". The fact that elders (not just in the UK, but here in the USA, too) pass the buck to the immediate family members is very telling (there are recent articles that state as much, too). The fact they have no infrastructure, no devoted charitable funds division ("world wide work" is done by an all-volunteer slave army. All buildings are funded by local congs, so no money drawn from "www" for that, either), no buildings devoted to homeless shelters, or single parents, or women and children who need shelter from an abusive mate, no disaster relief shelters or infrastructure, dedicated funds, what-not... etc, etc. The list goes on.
To think that your mum would be such a witch to the people who have physically cared for her, when the elders probably are/were encouraging her to "make a stand for jehovah", and then do f-all (nothing) for her before and after the fact. Yeah, that's the watchtower mentality alright.
So much Officer Doofy inside the leadership, yet they hold their followers in total mental thrall.
love believes all things.
what did paul mean??
he meant that if we love jehovah, we believe what we read in the wt magazine.
Didn't read the study article, but wanna toss some thoughts out there:
We all know their jargon: "brother", "sister", "this system of things", "an encouragement to others", blah, blah, blah. But some terminology is there to reinforce the indoctrination, so much so that the words used whitewash the crap into something it is NOT.
•"Slave" (also "faithful and discreet") = Master
Don't believe it? That is why elder(s) go-to question when talking to a questioning "sheep" (baptized person) is, "do you believe the governing body is god's channel on earth today?" They (gov bod) are your Masters. They cannot be questioned, denied, defied or called to account when their terrible, life-wasting nonsense bears no fruit. Ya know, except for wasted years peddling their literature, dogma, doctrine. They require any listeners to change and conform. And to put donations into the cardboard cube collection plate in the back of the hall. Multi-million dollar corporation (definitely into the billions after seling Brooklyn properties) does not need your $10/month.
- Why exactly does the "world wide work" need money when ALL of it is done by volunteers?
- Why do new kingdom halls need outside-the-specific-community funding, when prior to this past May's donation changes (now mortgages are paid by each and every congregation, regardless of the age and state of their respective halls), when previously the whole thing (KH builds) was paid for by the local congregations, who were billed for the free laborers, as tabulated on to that same receipt.
Oft heard - "think of it as a donation of sort to the WT society itself". Translation: pay, pay and pay to the people who are gonna own the building in the end anyway. Most, if not ALL, KH and Ass. buildings are owned by the Watchtower leadership.
•"the truth" = many, many lies.
United Nations was the wild beast of revelation. Right? Whilst the patsies were huddling at tuesday/thursday book study groups, gaping in awe at such timely knowledge, the Dear Leadership (aka the whole Watchtower) were members of the UN [1991 = applied, 1992 - 2001 = full-fledged members, ones who annually renewed membership, which was a contractual agreement needing a signature every single year for it].
And that's just to name a few of their lies.
• All "talks" from the podium = one-sided diatribes
They are answerable to no one.
Here is a link to an article where a man at the microphone in a KH in Massachussets projects blame on to a bible study who had revealed to her study conductor that the local elders had only read the first page of the new donation arrangement letter. The elders were lying about what was really going on with the arrangement and the 4-page letter proved it. So instead of owning up to it, they lambasted her as an 'apostate' in front of the entire congregation, knowing full well that she was connected through a phone tie-in:
• "apostate/apostacy" = anyone who will pull back the curtain and do what they tell you NEVER to do at all: look at outside resources about what exactly the Watchtower leadership is doing.
Oh, let us not forget the upcoming November 2014 WT study:
• being "holy" = blind obedience to leadership, even when they are proven false via scriptures/scriptural comparisons
Convoluted language used as a cover for deception is NOT what a person would expect their "loved" one to pull on them at all. Yet the Watchtower uses it constantly.
everything about the jws points exclusively to jehovah, the god of the old testament.. jesus hardly gets a mention.
they can't ignore him completely but isn't it interesting that the only publication they produced about jesus, doesn't even have his name on it.
it's simply called "the greatest man who ever lived".
watchtowerdocuments.com/cases/Zalkin-Watchtower's_Points_and_Authorities_in Reply_to_Opp_to_MSJ_12-16-11.pdf
see page 7,
Wherein it reports WT lawyers saying in a court that.."Field ministry is not controlled by Elders,the congregation or Watchtower."
and "An individual publishers field ministry activity, including time and manner it is carried out is a personal matter between a publisher and his God"
see page 7 of the above.
Jehovah's Witness Elders Question A Brother For Not Turning In Field Service Time
Oh, he went out in field service. He just didn't want to count or turn in his time. And that was a problem. One of the elders after the meeting states (23 minute mark) that he considers not reporting field time to be worse than pornography.... ya know, even tho Jesus said it would be better to tear your eye out than to look upon a woman with desire. Matthew 5
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
Also at approx 10 minute mark of the video, one of the elderberries asks the man, "who in the bible is our mother?" WTF? They use Proverbs 1:8, stating that the Borginization is our mother. Jesus H Christ.
Proverbs 1:8 - "Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction
and do not forsake your mother’s teaching."
Just downright creepy. Talk about twisting the scriptures. That little tidbit just about takes the cake.
Phrenology (from Greek: φρήν, phrēn, "mind"; and λόγος, logos, "knowledge") is a pseudoscience primarily focused on measurements of the human skull, based on the concept that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that certain brain areas have localized, specific functions or modules. Phrenology was first practiced by mystical groups that operated during the period of the Essenes. Developed by German physician Franz Joseph Gall in 1796, the discipline was very popular in the 19th century, especially from about 1810 until 1840. The principal British centre for phrenology was Edinburgh, where the Edinburgh Phrenological Society was established in 1820.
Although now regarded as an obsolete amalgamation of primitive neuroanatomy with moral philosophy, phrenological thinking has been influential in 19th-century psychiatry and modern neuroscience. Gall's assumption that character, thoughts, and emotions are located in localized parts of the brain is considered an important historical advance toward neuropsychology.
everything about the jws points exclusively to jehovah, the god of the old testament.. jesus hardly gets a mention.
they can't ignore him completely but isn't it interesting that the only publication they produced about jesus, doesn't even have his name on it.
it's simply called "the greatest man who ever lived".
It's very telling that the Watchtower religion allows regional building committee workers count "ministry" (service) time when all they are doing is swinging a hammer, pouring cement, landscaping, surveying, etc, etc.
But any elders who call on already baptized members of the congregation? Not only do elders NOT get to count service time "shepherding" honest-to-goodness PEOPLE (i.e. not inanimate objects or real estate), they are not to keep track of the calls they make in general.
So yeah. Watchtower is not teaching christianity. They're teaching some weird form of Judiasm, which is why they rely so heavily on old law codes, such as the two-witness rule (Deut 19:15) because it works in their favor. But when it comes to actual no-witness rule (Deut 22:25)?
25 But if out in the country a man happens to meet a young woman pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. 26 Do nothing to the woman; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders a neighbor, 27 for the man found the young woman out in the country, and though the betrothed woman screamed, there was no one to rescue her.
Or the "false prophet put to death one", which the Watchtower leadership is guilty of (Deut 18):
17 The Lord said to me: “What they say is good. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. 20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”
21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.