I was pulled out of school altogether and put into homeschooling around 5th/6th grade, so I didn't have to deal with sex ed. Even if I had stayed in traditional school, my mom swore that she would get a waiver to take me out of sex ed . . . At any rate, since both my parents worked, I was dropped off at the library a lot as an elementary schooler, and I got my sex education there. :) Not that I would read books intentionally for the sexy stuff...but reading the vague, romance-novel-like sex scenes in the sci fi/fantasy novels I liked was still much more informative than anything my parents had ever told me. I was also lucky enough to be allowed to have a little handheld radio in my bedroom, and I would listen to the radio all day, and also late at night when they had racier talk radio... (Loveline's still my favorite show. :D)