Thank you KateWild. Much appreciated.
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
YouTube interview with Sam aka KateWild
by RayPublisher init was a pleasure to interview our own katewild about her experiences and her recent audio recording with the elders.
the link is below:.
Not All Anointed Ones Alive Today Are Part Of 'This generation'
by OwnAccord inwhere do they come up with this stuff?.
this is a topic on 'the other site'.
i actually called our bethel ny branch and talked to a brother on the writing committee, at writing correspondence.
WT January 15, 2014 "Let Your Kingdom Come"—But When? Pg. 30-31
14-16. What is a third reason for believing that God’s Kingdom will "come" soon?
14 There is yet a third reason for confidence. What has developed among God’s people points to the nearness of the end. For example, prior to the establishment of God’s Kingdom in heaven, a group of faithful anointed ones were actively serving God. When some of their expectations about what would happen in 1914 did not come about, what did they do? Most of them proved their integrity under trials and persecution and kept right on serving Jehovah. Over the years, most—if not all—of those anointed ones have faithfully completed their earthly course.
15 In his detailed prophecy about the conclusion of this system of things, Jesus said: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen." (Read Matthew 24:33-35.) We understand that in mentioning "this generation," Jesus was referring to two groups of anointed Christians. The first group was on hand in 1914, and they readily discerned the sign of Christ’s presence in that year. Those who made up this group were not merely alive in 1914, but they were spirit-anointed as sons of God in or before that year. Rom. 8:14-17.
16 The second group included in "this generation" are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. Thus, not every anointed person today is included in "this generation" of whom Jesus spoke. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years.
Yet, Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:34 give us confidence that at least some of "this generation will by no means pass away" before seeing the start of the great tribulation. This should add to our conviction that little time remains before the King of God’s Kingdom acts to destroy the wicked and usher in a righteous new world. 2 Pet. 3:13.
Scenario: Fred Franz (1st group) was born in 1893. He was baptized in 1913 and therefore anointed at the age of 20 before 1914. He lived to be 99 and died in 1992. Bro. Barr (2nd group) was born in 1913. At the age of 21 in 1934, he too was baptized and also one of the anointed. Bro. Barr now overlaps with Bro. Franz. Bro. Barr lives to be 97 and he dies in 2010.
This scenario explains how, "the overlapping generation" has to involve "two groups of anointed Christians." These two groups must be "anointed contemporaries" of each other. Also understood is those, "in this second group are themselves advancing in years."
The WTS is trying to emphasize that the second group are quite elderly “advanced in years” in so doing; this should stress the nearness of Armageddon. They have basically gone back to their original idea that these anointed ones are very old, and will not “pass away before seeing the start of the great tribulation.” This should instill a sense of urgency for JW’s that “little time remains.” It’s the same old doctrine just incorporating another generation in order to sell it or make it work. It’s all made-up, designed to keep JW’s on the edge believing that the end is “just around the corner again.”
Lies taught by the GB about ....Life, Worldy people & apostates
by williamhconley inthe governing body not only lies to it's members about their true history but also about life itself, worldly people and former members.. here are some of those lies that come to my mind.. .
"jw's are the happiest people on earth" -.
fact: depression, anxiety, fear of punishment, paranoia, is what jw's live with every day.
Well written post, thank you.
This is my first post
by Make Lemonade ini wanted to express appreciation to the members of this forum.
there are resources here that are deep.
like we heard from the stage, "what is your depth and breadth of bible knowledge?
Welcome, and all the best. Update us when you feel comfortable. You did the right thing.
New Light to be released on the 100th anniversary of 1914
by smiddy inwith further study and meditation , the holy spirit has guided the governing body to the evident reality that the year 1914 was a symbolic enthronement of jesus christ to his heavenly kingship .
jehovahs witnesses worlwide rejoice at this new understanding , empowering them to be even more determined to spread these pearls of truth to those moaning and groaning in this wicked system of things.
rom.8:22. some have wondered , even had doubts about the ever increasing numbers who now seem to be partaking of the wine and emblems at the lords evening meal ( memmorial ) celebration held annually .. we are pleased to announce that this too has been clarified by holy spirit , with study and meditation , and we can now announce that the 144000 is in fact a symbolic number and not to be taken as a literal number as previously thought .. we , the g.b.
Sounds good to me.
Will firing the DOs be the first step to a new Watchtower?
by Juan Viejo2 inagainst my better judgement, i've decided to share the following as a response to guy pierce passing and the announcement of the elimination of district overseers later this year.. late in january (2014) i got an email from one of my contacts (a fader) who served at bethel for several years, but is no longer at wt hq.
he still has a lot of close contacts within the service department and in other departments at patterson and knows people in all of the ny offices.
i kept this email set aside on a flash drive and haven't shared it with anyone - figuring i'd publish an article about it later this year when i had more time to do it right.
Very interesting indeed. Thank you.
Archive you might want!
by Atlantis inhere is an old archive you might want.. reexamine archive.
.. nevada.
Thank you Atlantis much appreciated.
BOE District Overseers- CONFIDENTIAL
by WatchTower87 ininstruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
no virus ;-).
boe district overseers- confidential pdf:
wannaexit: Good news. Glad some of the pompous DO's I've come across will be brought down a peg or two. Any Canadian remembers Wayne Johnson?
I had the misfortune of dealing with Wayne Johnson a real “piece of work” for several years, when I was still in and an elder. He was a self-deluded, arrogant power hungry man. He swaggered around the assembly hall, and had a very smug look all the time. He made sure everyone around him knew that he was the boss. I don’t think I ever saw that man crack a smile. He always looked miserable to me. I last saw him at a district convention around 5 years ago (my last one) he was sitting in my section. He seemed to have aged 30 years, his head down and miserable looking as ever. Looks good on him.
Pot...Meet Kettle. Kettle...Pot
by undercover infrom a new wt article (may, i think) about predicting the future.
and i quote:.
religious leaders sometimes predict tragic worldwide events to warn mankind and gather followers.
undercover: Good find. Thanks for sharing.
Old WT books and booklets etc on DVD (1870-1969)
by tornapart injust found this listing on ebay.
it's got all the old books etc.
that the wts don't want you to see anymore!
Watchtower-Free: Thanks for those links.