Great reminder thanks.
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
30th Anniversary of THAT classic 1914 WT front cover
by wizzstick in.
please join with me, and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic wt with the front cover which boldly proclaimed that the generation of 1914 would never pass away.. the cover date of the that wt is infact this very day so let us raise a glass to this clear sign they have god's backing:.
in this the 100th anniversary of our lords return (invisibly of course brothers) it is a fine and appropriate thing to do..
WT 2014 - 08 - 15 ..... but congregations are not required to do this.
by fastJehu inyou are older?
you have no pc or tablet?
you can't handle computers?.
When I last attended five years ago the printer was in the elder’s private boardroom. Regular low life publishers did not enter this “holy place.” My wife who recently did KH cleaning says the printer is now next to a computer. I presume elders use it to access the website for letters, forms etc.
Demons and the Witnesses
by corpusdei inok, this one is a little long, but i think it's worth reading.
in putting this together, i came across a fair amount of interesting information about the witnesses and their belief in demons.
there's a lot that i'll be interested to put to the next witness i come acoss (if any of them still quite dare to talk to me after last time.
Marked for reading later.
10 Pragmatic facts why Jehovah's Witnesses can't face reality
by Terry in1.the organization itself denies access to reality and substitutes its own version, interpretations and meanings.. a.only watchtower approved publications are allowed.. higher education is to be pursued.. non-jw friends or associations are encouraged with their "outside" points of view.. free-style questioning of doctrine or criticism permitted.
curiousity is verboten.. e.threat of being "marked" or disassociated looms over them.
2.between every real-world event and the rank and file jw's mind is a roadblock.. a.the moment of identifying is short-circuited by an interpretive moment of re-labeling in watchtower-speak.. b.all things happening are forced into a narrow storyline and propagandized as end times happenings leading to armageddon.. and personal identity is expunged and replaced by a collective persona: "jehovah's witness".. a.private thinking is red-flagged as selfish and sinful.. b.personal improvement, welfare and ambition is crushed and door-to-door ministry substituted as "worthy" endeavors.. c.self-conscious obsession permeates witness awareness as each person is transformed into a public spectacle of performance for judgement.. d.since you aren't an individual you don't really have a right to fall in love and marry or educate or earn.
Well done Terry. Thanks.
Apostate crashes Memorial (update)
by raymond frantz inthe recent video of tony prime where he crashed the memorial made me think how the memorial has changed in recent years ,the layout of the talk ,the lack of jesus and his sufferings.
how do you think the memorial has changed in recent years ?.
video of apostate crashing the memorial.
This guy’s actions are childish and undignified. He’s not the only one that’s been screwed over by the WTS.
It’s a “bad witness” for all ex-JW’s.
Aposate crashes the memorial!
by Batman89 ini should have posted this a few weeks ago, anyways this guy tony prime has guts!.
check it!.
This guy’s actions are childish and undignified. He’s not the only one that’s been screwed over by the WTS.
It’s a “bad witness” for all ex-JW’s.
OK..Seriously..Has GOD ever answered your prayers????
by DATA-DOG inlook...i am not an atheist.
even so, i have never had one prayer answered my entire life.
the only thing that would even come close was learning ttatt.
The Searchersaid: “Why should God favour wonderful little me over them? I cringe when I hear a fellow Witness attribute the acquisition of a house or job (or even 100 chickens!) to our Creator answering their prayer! It portrays God not only as partial, but also evil, because he didn't answer the prayers of those in the tsunami, the twin towers, or every other major disaster or man-made atrocity! Just be thankful for what you have, and bear in mind and heart those poor souls who don't!”
I was always privately annoyed at JW’s that prayed for a sign, direction or some visible evidence as to what decision to make. This would often involve employment, buying, selling, getting married, having children, pioneering and on and on. I often thought that’s why God gave you a magnificent brain, use it wisely. Then I read this in a WT magazine.
September 1, 2001 p. 28 How You Can Make Good Decisions
“Should we, like Gideon, ask for ‘fleece tests,’ signs from Jehovah to show us the way to go? One couple wondered whether they should move to serve where there was a greater need for Kingdom preachers. To help them decide, they arranged a test. They put their house up for sale at a certain price. If the house sold by a certain date at the stated price or higher, they would take it as an indication that God wanted them to make the move. If the house failed to sell, they would conclude that God did not want them to move.
The house failed to sell. Was that an indication that Jehovah did not want this couple to serve where the need was greater? Of course, it would be presumptuous to state categorically what Jehovah does or does not do for his servants. We cannot say that today Jehovah never intervenes to demonstrate his will for us. (Isaiah 59:1) However, we do not have a right to expect such intervention in our major decisions, in effect leaving our decision making to God. Why, even Gideon for most of his life had to make decisions without miraculous signs from Jehovah!”
So I believe the Bible gives us life accounts that spell out consequences for certain decisions. Our parents taught us this, as well as our own personal observations of our peers at school at work etc.
There was a brother in my hall 7-8 years ago. He was healthy all his life, his wife regular pioneered for decades, they both made sacrifices, they had no children. The man was in his 50’s and you couldn’t find a more loving, gracious gentleman anywhere. He went in for a routine removal of this tumor on his kidney. I was told he was terrified to be going under the knife. He and his wife prayed fervently for weeks. On the morning of the surgery they both supplicated God together for a positive outcome, and guidance on the surgeon and his team. The surgery was in the morning, I went to my mid-week meeting that night. He was dead by the end of the meeting.
Did God abandon this loving brother and skip listening to his prayers, of course not. I’m sure that same hospital & doctor operated on Catholics, Buddhists, and atheists with many positive results.
The prayer had no bearing on the outcome. If no prayers had been said the same results would have occurred for this brother. God is not intervening and giving anyone a special or unique advantage over another person, through prayer. People survive surgeries everyday regardless of their lifestyle or faith.
Prayers are not right or wrong, but they are personal. If it is something you need to do, no one should judge you.
Why are you looking forward to 1872? Er, 1873? Um...1874? Oh, I mean 1975?
by AndDontCallMeShirley in"why are you looking forward to 1872?".
.. "in this chapter we present the bible evidence which indicates that six thousand years from the creation of adam were complete with a.d. 1872; and hence that, since a.d. 1872 are chronologically entered upon the seventh thousand or the millennium.
" (studies in the scriptures, vol.
AndDontCallMeShirley Thanks for all the references. Far too many sincere well-meaning ordinary families were hurt by all this hype and buildup around this year. Selling homes, quitting good jobs etc.
I remember a brother, a friend of mine telling me when he was a kid, his father bought a new house in mid-1974. The response from the congregation including the PO was caustic, along the lines, “Are you crazy? Aren’t you listening to the talks and counsel coming from the organization? You’ll never live in that house it’s only going to be a distraction, where’s your faith my brother? A few short years later that chastised “faithless” brother became the new Congregation Overseer, raising his kids in a nice new home. The original PO who was involved in the ridiculing fell away due to the 1975 fiasco.
Others brothers used this special “insider information” about 1975 to their self-righteous benefit. They arranged for a “balloon payment” to be made on a loan or mortgage for after 1975. These thought they would take advantage of the coming “end” to banks and loan obligations & outsmart this wicked dying old world. What a shock when the financial system was still around in 1976, 77,78,79…...asking for their money back.
Need articles please? Re 1975, and system ending.....
by stuckinarut2 inhey all,.
i need help finding articles please!.
discussions have arisen where a bro has firmly stated that "the society has never stated 1975" , and that "we" never said the system would be over in a specific time.. i know there was also the article re education in 1968 ish?.
AndDontCallMeShirley: Great collection of references and observations. Good comments from everyone.
The approaching of 1975 was indeed a big deal for many. I personally know of two families that sold their homes in the early 70’s. They were very sincere, and well meaning, both were raising young children. When Armageddon did not occur, years passed as they rented, using up most of their savings. The housing market had changed in the meantime and they weren’t able to ever get back in.
All of this enthusiasm and eagerness was clearly built up over years by the WTS leaders. They hyped the idea using charts showing the 6000 years ending in 1975 etc. What I found truly despicable, callous and cold-hearted was the Watchtower comments the following summer blaming all the obedient JW’s for misunderstanding things.
WT 1976 July 15 pp. 440-441 pars. 11, 13, 15-16
11 It may be that some who have been serving God have planned their lives according to a mistaken view of just what was to happen on a certain date or in a certain year. They may have, for this reason, put off or neglected things that they otherwise would have cared for. But they have missed the point of the Bible’s warnings concerning the end of this system of things, thinking that Bible chronology reveals the specific date.
13 Did Jesus mean that we should adjust our financial and secular affairs so that our resources would just carry us to a certain date that we might think marks the end? If our house is suffering serious deterioration, should we let it go, on the assumption that we would need it only a few months longer? Or, if someone in the family possibly needs special medical care, should we say, ‘Well, we’ll put it off because the time is so near for this system of things to go’? This is not the kind of thinking that Jesus advised.
15 But it is not advisable for us to set our sights on a certain date, neglecting everyday things we would ordinarily care for as Christians, such as things that we and our families really need. We may be forgetting that, when the “day” comes, it will not change the principle that Christians must at all times take care of all their responsibilities. If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises.
16 However, say that you are one who counted heavily on a date, and, commendably, set your attention more strictly on the urgency of the times and the need of the people to hear. And say you now, temporarily, feel somewhat disappointed; are you really the loser? Are you really hurt? We believe you can say that you have gained and profited by taking this conscientious course. Also, you have been enabled to get a really mature, more reasonable viewpoint. Eph. 5:1-17.
Just like that the WTS leaders washed their hands of this mess. Finally in March 1980 an acknowledgement was made that the year 1975 had been oversold and touted more than it should, but no formal apology was given.
If you sold your house, quit a good job, or gave up a once in a lifetime opportunity; well it sucks to be you. Get over it already. The GB loves you!
Unbelievable Watchtower quote from 1962!!.. ''Don't waste time speculating on what year Armageddon will come'' (check it on cd-rom if you like)
by defender of truth inwt 6/15 1962 p.380-383.
"likewise it is possible to spend valuable time speculating on matters concerning the future.
one might ask, in what year will armageddon begin?...jehovah has not provided answers at this time.
Marked for some good references. Thanks.