This religion has gone off the rails. Each month is getting more bizarre than the last!!!
Where in blazes is their PR department? Surely some near the top must be cringing at these productions!!
They are truly embarrassing themselves.
i'm at my quasi-thanksgiving dinner with relatives.
i hear a haunting sound from another room.
"is that a children's song?
This religion has gone off the rails. Each month is getting more bizarre than the last!!!
Where in blazes is their PR department? Surely some near the top must be cringing at these productions!!
They are truly embarrassing themselves.
had our midweek meeting last night.
they had a resolution to send an extra (i wanna say $1100 but i only remember it was at least $1000) per month to forward the kingdom preaching work etc.. you know how they work in the one votes against anything.
i abstained as i almost have always done.
The picture of hungry grandma is beyond belief. This Governing Body 2.0 has got to be the most self-absorbed collection of WT leaders ever. They present in videos and writings in the soon to be year 2017 some of the most ludicrous and insensitive advice or guidance.
It seems like they have “no filter” in the things they present to their audience. The GB is unmoved with no sense of taste, decorum, or empathy on how their information will affect the masses. Isn’t there anyone in their ivory tower that screens the lunacy that they spew out? Most large corporations have those that are specifically employed to read articles and review photos to make sure that it will not tarnish their brand or image. They might have several people that work only in the PR department to make the company appear professional, reasonable and credible.
This religion is truly lame and broken.
at the recent circuit assembly in our area (nov 19/2016) a talk was given in the afternoon entitled “jehovah will resurrect the dead” it’s clear that the prohibition on blood is not going away anytime soon.
many of us here have expressed the hope that this death dealing policy would be softened or become a complete conscience matter.
not the case, jw’s are urged to not give in and to focus on the resurrection hope.
At the recent Circuit Assembly in our area (Nov 19/2016) a talk was given in the afternoon entitled “Jehovah Will Resurrect The Dead” it’s clear that the prohibition on blood is not going away anytime soon. Many of us here have expressed the hope that this death dealing policy would be softened or become a complete conscience matter. Not the case, JW’s are urged to not give in and to focus on the resurrection hope.
Recordings of these talks have been made available online. Start this video at about the 8 minute mark until around the 12 minute mark. The speaker makes the refusal of blood resoundingly clear and then offers a definition regarding the word “abstain” with an illustration.
All of the Circuit Assembly parts are available on this
excellent website:
I think this GB is going to double down on many of their teachings.
these grads.
are a special people indeed.
how on earth they put up with all this indoctrination is beyond me, months of intense brainwashing.
The talk about God’s “cloud” directing the Israelites is all about loyalty and total obedience in everything without delay. At approx. 22:00 the admission is made that in the US an ongoing effort to utilize KH’s is underway. This has resulted in many publishers being assigned to different congregations. Again he says we must learn obedience, submissiveness and follow directions.
At approx. 22:40 he says the “cloud” in Israel may have moved to a location that was “not logical from a human standpoint” (that famous line again). He then says the time is now to obey and not ask why they made that decision.
I’ll tell you personally things at the WT are getting stranger and creepier with this unwavering loyalty and obedience without question. It makes me wonder, "What absurd instructions are they considering for their devout followers?" "What craziness are they about to unleash?"
i still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
This meeting will not produce anything positive or beneficial for anyone. In fact you will clearly be on their radar and the elders may start to do some investigating of their own, asking others about you and snooping around. It’s not your job to enlighten them of anything you’ve discovered regarding the WT religion. You will be viewed as speaking in a disrespectful way about the illustrious GB who are never wrong and with trying to discredit the wisdom they receive from God.
We’ve all seen many YouTube videos about sincere JW’s discussing numerous subjects regarding WT lies, failed predictions, flip-flops, and on and on. The end result in every video is the same, asking the two loyalty questions regarding God’s earthly organization.....and those being used to oversee it. The end result from what I’ve seen is always disfellowshipping for either apostasy or causing divisions.
Don’t put yourself on a slippery slope; things can escalate out of control very quickly to your detriment.
JW’s that had held much higher and more prominent positions than you and I have been cast aside in a heartbeat.
You’ve been given great advice so far. Your meeting with these men will result in an accusation of you reading apostate sites and a stern warning, given at the very least.
Always remember the elders are not your family.....and most definitely are NOT your friends.
Tread carefully. All the very best.
surely the gb aren't naive enough to believe their own lies.what does it take for the majority of j dubs to wake up to themselves and finally realize that they are being robbed on all levels emotionally.financially,spiritually,intellectually and many other aspects of their day to day lives..
atomant: "Surely the GB aren't naive enough to believe their own lies. What does it take for the majority of j dubs to wake up to themselves and finally realize that they are being robbed on all levels emotionally, financially, spiritually, intellectually and many other aspects of their day to day lives."
The GB "so far" have being well insulated from anything monumentally scandalous against them. It seems to me that they are made out of Teflon at times....nothing seems to stick to them personally. The local elders look ridiculous and take all the negativity as seen by the Australian commission investigations.
The WTS seems to “dodge the bullet” in their pedophile cases either through continuous court appeals or by offering a direct cash settlement to the victims with a compulsory “gag order” on all the details. Nothing big really seems to stay in the headlines for long and it quickly disappears making very little impact on both JW’s and non-JW’s in the community.
I often wonder, what it will take to fully expose this devious religion once and for all? What will be that "watershed" moment that will be remembered as the one event that finally opened the "floodgates" and opened people’s eyes to it all?
i've been researching the wt and the un involvement.
when i was still in and i first seen the un letter online, my cognitive dissonance kicked and i told myself it'll be a fake.
an apostate lie.. and seeing as no jw i've spoken to has ever heard of it, and flatly deny any involvement "no, they wouldn't do that", i decided to do a little "personal study" of my own.
Great references, thanks. .
Many of us here have hoped for and imagined a time when the WT leadership would attempt to distance themselves from this death dealing doctrine. They tried to introduce some flexibility with it in the year 2000 when accepting blood fractions became a matter of personal decision and conscience.
Over the years we have speculated that a time would come when the GB would turn the entire subject over to being a personal matter. This would let individuals decide for themselves in whatever way their conscience moved them. It would put an end to the anguish families have to endure when a blood emergency occurs and also end the very negative publicity in the media that turns potential converts away.
My observations over recent years and comments printed in study articles clearly show that this scenario is not likely to happen at any time soon. On Friday afternoon of the 2016 convention the character Sergei is shown taking a stand and refusing blood for his operation.
It would seem that the leniency on blood has gone as far as it will go. Whole blood or its primary four components
(plasma, red cells, white cells, and platelets) are not becoming available in the foreseeable future.
Very sad indeed!!!
the website has been working to improve all the older documents.
right now, all the zion's watch towers from 1880 - 1908 and the watch towers from 1909 to 1920 have been improved drastically.
i'm currently working on updating pdfs from 1921 to 1949. this updating will include the following features:1. reduced file sizes.2.
Amazing work and much appreciated. Thank you.
judge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
The WTS always seems to “dodge the bullet” in their pedophile cases either through continuous court appeals or by offering a direct cash settlement to the victims with a compulsory “gag order” on all the details. Nothing big really seems to stay in the headlines for long and it quickly disappears making very little impact on both JW’s and non-JW’s in the community.
As smiddy said, “They have thumbed their nose at the law (on numerous occasions) before and got away with it.”
I often wonder what it will take to fully expose this devious religion once and for all. What will be that watershed moment that will be remembered as the one event that finally opened the floodgates and opened people’s eyes to it all?