This is a truly lame and embarrassing religion. What in blazes is happening to the leadership in recent years?
Where are the educated public relations people that scrutinize these videos for reasonableness and overall public approval and acceptance?
quite possibly the most cringeworthy thing i've seen them do yet..
This is a truly lame and embarrassing religion. What in blazes is happening to the leadership in recent years?
Where are the educated public relations people that scrutinize these videos for reasonableness and overall public approval and acceptance?
here is a short 2-minute video from fox 5 news reviewing the new jw hq in warwick, ny.. the first thing the jw spokesperson says is, “our primary purpose is not to convert, but to give people an opportunity to see what the bible has to say.”.
next the reporter says, “the new world headquarters, which opened last year, is home to about 800 jehovah's witnesses.”.
it seems to me that 800 is an extremely low number since the glory days in brooklyn.
Here is a short 2-minute video from Fox 5 News reviewing the new JW HQ in Warwick, NY.
The first thing the JW spokesperson says is, “Our primary purpose is not to convert, but to give people an opportunity to see what the Bible has to say.”
Next the reporter says, “The new world headquarters, which opened last year, is home to about 800 Jehovah's Witnesses.”
It seems to me that 800 is an extremely low number since the glory days in Brooklyn. The cutbacks were greater than one might have expected.
Then a young 25-year-old woman is interviewed. She’s a computer programmer that spends her days creating software for the JW organization. As usual, higher education is always justified and acceptable when it serves the needs of this religion. However, it’s not recommended for the children in your family.
november 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: making the best use of our kingdom halls.
I can see and hear it now from a GB member…
“So then brothers are we grateful for these timely and loving changes coming from Jehovah’s celestial chariot? We of the GB here at headquarters often are asked why there are so many changes and adjustments in such a short time. Many of you dear faithful brothers mention that you can barely keep up with it all.” (Pause for a phony smile)
GB member…
“Well brothers we are having a difficult time too, we are running after the celestial chariot as fast as we can. We too must keep up with the adjustments coming from Jehovah and make the sacrifices required in these momentous last days. Rest assured that we on the GB love every one of you dearly… and remember… God loves a cheerful giver.” (Cue thunderous applause)
i recently watched a video about a kingdom hall demonstration from a link on this site, and in the comments on youtube somebody said this: .
i understand that the "apostate" activity this week has caused the wt/gb to change the content of the november jwbroadcasting episode and will delay its release until they can figure out how to spin this activity.. .
has anybody heard of this or is there any truth to this?
The speaker mentions that the apostates are challenging the scriptural position of the “two witness” rule as it pertains to establishing a judicial committee and that the media has discussed this as well.
He does not mention at all that the criticism over this “two witness” rule is in regards to child molestation, he conveniently leaves that part out. Courts all over the world have agreed that this type of activity is considered a crime to be reported immediately to the authorities and is usually engaged in secrecy with no witnesses present.
With the escalating number of child abuse cases worldwide and particularly the negative assessment of WT policies on this matter from the Australian Royal Commission, many here were eager to see some reasonableness or reform on this subject from the WT leaders.
Instead, the speaker concludes after reading two scriptures showing the Biblical necessity of “two witnesses” as it applies to taking judicial action by saying “…we will never change our scriptural position on that subject.”
i'd like to show you a short video i made about exjw activism in poland..
i'm one of the people responsible for those information campaigns/protests, so you can ask me anything you like.
there's a lot i didn't show on the video because of the limited time i have for editing, i have tons of footage more.
Good work and very well organized.
a few things about this video:.
it's very nice that they managed to host a convention for the russian brothers and sisters, and that they all got fed.
Honestly, this GB is getting more and more outrageous with their sanctimonious claims week after week. I can picture them laughing hysterically at their Wednesday meetings trying to dream up what load of crap they will shovel onto their followers. It’s clearly obvious that they have a very low and demeaning regard for the so-called worldwide brotherhood.
They must smugly sit there in all their pompous arrogance thinking that OUR MINIONS will just lap up everything we say without question. They are truly pushing it and insulting the intelligence of many fine, honest and sincere JWs.
.....the truth was not the truth... ?
I can honestly relate to the many astute comments and observations made here by a variety of long-time former JWs. So many of us tried to suppress our nagging doubts about doctrines and the general inconsistences we saw over the decades. We put those feelings aside and plodded onward influenced by the herd mentality since all of our family and friends were other JWs.
However, for me personally as many here have already attested to it was the 2010 revision of the “this generation” teaching once again. The ridiculous and embarrassing attempt to hang onto the year 1914 was finally enough for me. The idea that the word “generation” could encompass two groups of individuals whose lives overlap and together still form a singular generation from 1914 was pushing the boundary of decency and respect for all the sincere and genuine followers who lived and died over the last 100 years.
These WT leaders are shamelessly making a mockery of the JWs that we all lost in death and also those still living hoping that it is all somehow true.
For me I couldn’t stand to allow my intelligence to be insulted for one minute longer, so I headed for the door, and disappeared off the radar becoming inactive after four decades.
doing research for my book.
since i no longer have any of of the watchtower bible and truck society publications.
1. was it true (and believe it was) that in the nineteen sixties that even if one of the marriage mates was a homosexual that this was not concerned grounds for divorce?.
new boy, I think this is what you were looking for.
Questions From Readers (WT Jan 1st, 1972 pp.31-32) Do homosexual acts on the part of a married person constitute Scriptural ground for divorce, freeing the innocent mate to remarry? -U.S.A.
“Whether an innocent mate would Scripturally be able to remarry after procuring a legal divorce from a mate guilty of homosexual acts must be determined on the basis of what the Bible says respecting divorce and remarriage.
In homosexual acts the sex organs are used in an unnatural way, in a way for which they were never purposed. Two persons of the same sex are not complements of each other, as Adam and Eve were. They could never become “one flesh” in order to procreate. It might be added, in the case of human copulation with a beast, two different kinds of flesh are involved. Wrote the apostle Paul: “Not all flesh is the same flesh, but there is one of mankind, and there is another flesh of cattle, and another flesh of birds, and another of fish.”—1 Cor. 15:39.
While both homosexuality and bestiality are disgusting perversions, in the case of neither one is the marriage tie broken. It is broken only by acts that make an individual “one flesh” with a person of the opposite sex other than his or her legal marriage mate.”
My Observation:
Weren’t these guys simply brilliant? Countless JW wives were forced to remain with their husbands who practiced this lifestyle. She was also obligated to “render her due.” These trapped wives experienced heartache and despair & could not obtain a scriptural divorce. Of course New Light later flashed forward as usual changing this understanding.
Personally, I do not think they will address or discuss anything more ever, regarding sexual activities beyond what is presently written.
so this is a topic that seriously boggles my mind and please correct me if i'm wrong.
to me, the jw definition of the overlapping generation teaching is that the lives of the anointed from 1914 overlap with the lives of the anointed right now.
david splane used the example of fred franz and how he finished his "earthly course" in 1992 but while he did, he had a lot of "contemporaries" that outlived him and are currently living today.
The WT leaders have attempted to explain on several occasions how; "the overlapping generation" has to involve "two groups of anointed Christians." These two groups must be "anointed contemporaries" of each other. Also understood are those, "in this second group are themselves advancing in years."
The WTS is trying to emphasize that the second group are quite elderly “advanced in years” in so doing; this should stress the nearness of Armageddon. They have basically gone back to their original idea that these anointed ones are getting old, and will not “pass away before seeing the start of the great tribulation.” This should instill a sense of urgency for JW’s that “little time remains.” It’s the same old doctrine just incorporating or allowing another generation to piggyback on it. It’s all made-up, designed to keep JW’s on the edge believing that the end is “just around the corner.”
Their being locked into the year 1914 is causing all this insanity in trying to teach a doctrine that makes no sense. In time, they will just piggyback a third group onto the first two when this teaching becomes unsustainable.
elders meet with regular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionaries program for december 2017 through january 2018 s-211-18-e 9/17.
One of the scenarios for discussion below.
“Situation: A brother who has pioneered for a number of years faces financial difficulties and becomes discouraged. He begins to wonder what his life could have been if he had pursued higher education and obtained a well-paying job?”
It would appear that worldwide there must be numerous troubled and disgruntled pioneers. Many must be quietly reviewing their lives and not liking what they see. In recent years, WT study articles have regularly addressed whether JW’s are experiencing feelings of regret over the sacrifices they have made and getting old in this system etc.
2013 January 15 p. 26, Serving Without Regrets
15 What about those of you who have made sacrifices to serve Jehovah full-time? Perhaps you gave up a promising career or a successful business to simplify your life and have more time for Kingdom pursuits. Or perhaps you remained unmarried or if married, decided to forgo having children to make yourself available for an avenue of full-time service that otherwise would not have been possible for you—Bethel service, international construction work, circuit work, or missionary service. Should you regret those decisions now as you grow older in Jehovah’s service? Should you feel that the sacrifices you made were unnecessary or ill-timed? Not at all!
16 You made those decisions on the basis of your deep love for Jehovah and an earnest desire to help others who wanted to serve him. You need not think that you would have been better off had you lived your life differently. You can have the deep satisfaction of knowing that you did what you knew to be right in your case. You can rejoice in having done your very best to serve Jehovah. He will not forget your life of self-sacrifice. In the real life yet to come, he will reward you with blessings far better than any you can now imagine! Ps. 145:16; 1 Tim. 6:19.
Thanks to wifibandit for providing this talk, outline. My conclusions after reading this material...