JoinedTopics Started by Brainfloss
Tick Tock
by Brainfloss inwell the clock is ticking down on august and i have yet to recieve a copy of the jw org flyer err tract.
i own a home no tract.
i own two businesses at two different locations no tract at either.
Who stumbled who?
by Brainfloss indon't have too many people at parties, be carefull about drinking alchohol, dancing, music,anything that can stumble another brother whether or not it is condemned in the bible the list is endless.. how is 100+ years of flip flops and constantly changing doctrine not been a stumbling block to brothers?.
by Brainfloss ini know what the questions ask of baptismal candidates are, but does the one doing the dunking say anything as he immerses the one being baptised?.
by Brainfloss inso is this the $5000.00 that each congregation allowed to keep really the same amount for all congregations?
i mean $5000.00 in pratt kansas goes a lot further than 5k in los angeles california.
seems strange.
How will the Affordable Care Act impact nonprofit employers? - See more at:
by Brainfloss in- see more at:
will the society be required to participate in obamacare?.
Where are the scriptures to back up the highlighted assertions?
by Brainfloss in9 through his son, jehovah established an arrangement here on earth that works in harmony with the invisible part of the organization.
why is a visible arrangement needed to accomplish the work described at matthew 24:14?
consider three reasons.. 10 first, jesus stated that this preaching work would take his disciples to the most distant part of the earth.
by Brainfloss inmatthew 28:18-20 states.
...18and jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.
19"go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that i commanded you; and lo, i am with you always, even to the end of the age.. what are all of the things jesus commanded?.
New here
by Brainfloss inwell,i have been lurking here for a couple of years.
i was babtized at 16 for all of the wrong reasons and when i moved out after highschool i really never looked back, although i suppose i always thought it was the truth.
at 36 i met the love of my life.