But how many of those visitors are already JWs?
How many visitors are new--not jw?
it will obviously make a difference to how jw's obtain their literatrash, they will have to download and print it all themselves before long.. it will make a small difference to the dtod work, they will now refer even genuine questions and interest etc to the site, not taking the opportunity to "witness" on the initial call at all.
this has been happening already to a degree.. the difference i am mainly interested in is the capture of new suckers in to the borg.. we will be able to see when we get 2014's figures, sometime next year, what the rate of increase was over the last ten years.. phizzy the prophet predicts that the rate of increase over the next ten years will not be significantly up.
probably down, but certainly, i feel, not so different from the last ten.. should i be around in ten years to do so, i will wish to ask jw's:.
But how many of those visitors are already JWs?
How many visitors are new--not jw?
atlantis just rolled this stuff off the scanner and is eating right now, so i wanted to see if anybody wanted this junk.. 2014, what is the kingdom of god?
https://www.sendspace.com/file/m3y1tg .
it seems that in every war or revolution, 'most' of the participants are men and young boys.
aside from the occasional female suicide bomber.
does this have something to do with their religion and/ or cultural traditions?
For many generations of men in the USA they wanted to protect loved ones and homeland...yes that included all gender. Men with thought prosess in check will protect women, wives, children... all their loved ones with their lives. Thats not being aggressive it's being responsive...protective Of those less likely to ward off the aggressor.
***Re: Why are 'most' of the people fighting in the Middle East MEN??
This region breeds hate...read the bible it will give some insight as to why...they are motivated by a different set of outcomes.
***Another feature of the Bedouin ethos is the law of blood revenge. A much quoted Arab proverb is, “Blood demands blood.” Relatives must avenge the blood of the slain by killing either the actual murderer or one of his relatives. Even when a murderer is apprehended, convicted in a court of law, and executed, it does not fulfill the requirements of blood revenge. One of the relatives of the executed man must die by the hand of one of the victim’s relatives. And, of course, the murdered relative’s blood must be avenged by his relatives. Thus it continues ad infinitum. An Arab man once remarked that “both the Japanese and the Arabs are ready to kill to regain their lost honor; but the Japanese will kill himself, while the Arab will kill somebody else” (cited in ibid ., p. 212).
Maybe men are expendable?
i wonder if anybody else has wondered about the differences between those 2 flights?
in the malaysian flight that crashed from 30,000 feet high, tons of wreckage, body parts, bodies, documents, etc, all over the place.
yet in the pa flight 93, just a crater in the ground, no bodies, everything supposedly vaporized.
the gb is guilty of the ultimate spiritual crimes.
blasphemy against god by claiming they "speak for jehovah".
they said it again recently in an article..that they speak the words of jehovah and we should listen to those words.
Education: give it a go... I like many here, we were indoctrinated...Look it up an educate yourself!
Im not so now... and this is what allows me to see the fallacy in your words!
We believed because we had nothing else to base belief on! We were told what to believe and death or gods disaproval if other thoughts were to come into our minds. We were made weak minded. But not now!
for over thirty years i observed among jws the phenomenon of co worship/idolatry.
i, myself, was somewhat guilty of it even though i rather quickly caught on and detected something wrong.. think about the week of the co visit.
during that week most attention is given to and most thought is about the co. the supposed sovereign of the universe takes a backseat.
Please don't group "stupid" with ignorance or indoctrinated! Many here were indoctrinated Not STUPID!
i stopped attending meetings over one year ago, and i have thoroughly made it clear to all friends & family that i am opposed to the teachings of jehovah's witnesses, and i cannot support a religion that teaches lies.. i have systematically examined each teaching & practice of the jehovah's witnesses.
concluding that many are not scriptural or logical.. after a year i have very unexpectedly arrived at another conclusion.
the jehovah's witnesses do have the truth.
First: interpretation is human...not from God! If He does not provide absolute proof then it is not from Him...therefore fallible...that is every human from this standing. IMO
Are humans experts in Gods thoughts? I should be allow to think what He may of been saying...without being liable or labeled "apostate"
for over thirty years i observed among jws the phenomenon of co worship/idolatry.
i, myself, was somewhat guilty of it even though i rather quickly caught on and detected something wrong.. think about the week of the co visit.
during that week most attention is given to and most thought is about the co. the supposed sovereign of the universe takes a backseat.
Yes ur absolutely correct they are worshiped...there is not another word that best describes the way they are treated! Absolutely worshiped. The km hall is cleaned, preparations are made...the congergation is in a frenzy preparing for the great visit. Well at least some are...and others, with the help of the ones in control of their minds.
This is repulsive! These men are supposed to be the servants, like Jesus, ready to serve not be served, or feared! The ground they walk on should not be view as hallow or sacred.
a dutch national newspaper (trouw) published an interview with some jw's using the jw.org trolley near the trainstation of utrecht.. the local coordinator of the trolley work acknowledged that many witness are not enthusiastic about preaching.
it's a wide spread rumor in our organization.. but the witness elders will remind them personally that preaching is nessasery.
then there is an question asked about the witness selection procedure for the trolley work.. the good looking pioneer sister answered she can imagine the need for selection because nobody would take a book from an old age leaning forward woman without teeth.. g..
So its using "sex" to sell place?
i was recently approached by a couple of borg drones while i was walking my dog, and i thought why not, may plant a seed or two (how wrong was i).
there was no real logic to what they were saying but as i was in the local park the conversation started to veer to how wonderful nature was and how this was the work of a wonderful creator.
i did not let on i was a former witness and let them continue with their fairy tale of creation and how the vast multitude of animals shows a loving god at work blah blah blah...... but i digress, the converastion then turned to how evolution was false.. apparently to earth is only a few thousand years old, so i mentioned about the burgess shale, to be met with blank stares.
I would of been one of them...but not any more. Once decieved...until something wakes u up.
Take pity on the ones that are under mind control!