god I hate it when people embed things that auto-play.
Posts by Odrade
Why the "painting" argument of Intelligent Design doesn't prove anything
by B_Deserter ini was thinking about one of the favorite examples intelligent design proponents like to use: the painting.
often, the person will hold up a painting of a mona lisa, or point to some words written in the sand on a beach, or a 747 and point out that none of these things exist by chance.
the painting has a painter, someone wrote the words in the sand, and a whole crew of people engineered and built the 747.. .
The death of Dennis Lindberg...help if you can!
by Magician03 ini haven't been on this forum for several years, nothing personal.
the reason i am here is that i have been told that this forum is very active, and that is what i am looking for.. there was a case in the news here in washington state about a 14 year old boy that died due to his decision to refuse a blood transfusion.
this of course was the wishes of his aunt that gained guardianship over him due to his parents drug problems four years earlier.
I've been following the King5 blog, posted too about thinking I faced the blood issue during emergency surgery when I was 15. (Fortunately my surgery is not one of the high blood-loss types. Very interested to hear how all of your efforts turn out.
Watchtower says JW's can reach different conclusions & it's fine!!!
by Must obey! inwatchtower study article "responding to your conscience" (october 15, 2007, pages 25-29, studied december 3-9, 2007) .
dealing with, inter alia, oral sex, contained what i thought was an interesting new way of describing how jw's can form their own personal, and different, conclusions and that no one needs to be 'disturbed' by this.
i have never seen the watchtower describe it quite this way, even in relation to conscience matters like whether to attend a church wedding.
Two + two = five.
Excellent post.
Mouthy/Lady Lee/ex-jw video comments disabled
by Tatiana inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk6slnm0mtq.
Usually the person who posts the videos is the one who disables the comments. It could be youtube admin, but I'd be surprised.
by RichieRich inover the past few days... someone who i'm no longer associated with has been out on vendetta to discredit me.
it started with a mass mail to my myspace friends, which caused nothing more than a few eyebrows to be raised.
that was the reaction of people who know me in real life.
Restrangled's hubby defends her by saying that in real life, he calls out his friends if he thinks he has a reason. I would like to know if it is his habit to do so at a large party in front of 100 of his friends, or if he prefers to handle such matters privately?
So here we have unsubstantiated accusations (because one can claim anything, then post a phone number where they can be reached to "verify" the claims. Just because you reach them, and they repeat the accusations doesn't mean it is verified,) made by someone nobody knows, that all of a sudden have been not only plastered all over a board, still UNVERIFIED, but then jumped on for 100s of posts ASSuming that the accusations are true and demanding an answer.
Richie, nice "apology." IMO, I have yet to see anything verifiable that you needed to apologize for, and if these are the kinds of friends you get around here, I hope you have contact information for those who aren't backstabbers. I can't see a reason why you'd ever come back here. Normal people wouldn't, after such treatment. Good for you for coming around and making a public statement though. Have a good Christmas, maybe I'll see you around (some other) board sometime.
Standish Arms Sold by WTS, 5 other buildings on the market
by blondie in5 other buildings remain on the market.
by linda collins.
brooklyn daily eagle.
$2000/month??? for a studio? I've stayed in one of the Standish "studios." My bedroom in my house is larger than the "studio." (And my house is a ranch house built in the 70s, so my bedroom is not big.)
The view, though, was spectacular. Best Manhattan skyline pics I ever got, and that was only from the 4th floor.
Shock at the Doctor's office...
by Odrade ini had a routine doctor visit this morning with a primary care.
she happens to be someone i saw once about 9 years ago during a brief swap in insurance providers.
shortly after that visit, our insurance changed and the doctor was no longer on the "approved" list.
I had a routine doctor visit this morning with a primary care. She happens to be someone I saw once about 9 years ago during a brief swap in insurance providers. Shortly after that visit, our insurance changed and the doctor was no longer on the "approved" list. I never saw her again until this morning, nor have I been to this clinic since that first visit.
Imagine my surprise when, upon being asked to sign off on paperwork, I discovered that they had unearthed my original record, and emblazoned across the top in RED CAPITAL LETTERS: ******JEHOVAH'S WITNESS: NO BLOOD PRODUCTS!!!!!!!!
Seriously guys. Then the nurse came in and took my blood pressure.
Of course I made sure that was off my records. I had the nurse make a note, then I asked the doctor to make a note. Before I left, I had reception double check that it was not on my file records. When I go back for a followup, I will triple check that it is off my records. In addition, I have realized that, since the only time this would ever become an issue is if I am unable to speak for myself, I am going to put a signed, notarized statement in my wallet that I will accept any treatment my doctor deems medically necessary to save my life, including blood products, and that I have no religious affiliation.
Do not ever be certain that "JEHOVAH'S WITNESS" has been expunged from your medical records. Unless you are still prepared to die because of refusing transfusions, it's better to be safe.
I was told: The bible condemn Blood transfusions Period!!!
by skyking inthis is what i was told by a c.o.
eight years ago.
that was before we went over bible information that i had compiled.
Wow. Just when you think you won't see anything new on JWD... Thank you very much. I was reading Ray Franz' chapter on Blood last night in prep for talking to my brother. But the information was written over 15 years ago, and does not take into account the Bulgarian ruling, the new polyheme and biopure information, etc. I appreciate the research, and am so happy that your daughter didn't become another martyr to this lie.
I dont understand the hate...
by JamesWind ini grew up as a jehovah's witness.
my mother was uneducated and so we moved every 2-4 years as she tried to find stable enough work to support a child so ive attended many kingdom halls and have known many witnesses and many elders.
i've never gone back to the witness organization and never will.
Meh, holidays schmolidays. That doesn't matter at all. I'm just not particularly crazy of organizations that kill people with beliefs that have no foundation. Jonestown in slow motion, that's what Watchtower is. Worthy of my hate, when I have the time to give it any energy.
If reading the stories here make you upset enough to want to vomit, I think it's highly likely that you are experiencing symptoms of cognitive dissonance.
Elder Pedophiles that you personally know of . . .
by JK666 inafter the ambiguous response by the wts to the nbc broadcast, i would like to know how many of you had an "elder chester molester" in your own congregation?.
we had an elder that molested his daughter's best friend when she was 14 years old.
the elders in the congregation tried to keep the matter quiet and handled the matter privately.
Two, in two different congregations. And one more, ministerial servant.