This humble brother has helped me so much. Many that watch and comment on this website have been 'beat by their fellow slaves' (Matt. 24:49) It is very ironic to me that Brother Ray Franz is viewed by many JW's as the 'ultimate apostate', when in reality, if all of the WT leadership had his humble attitude, many of us who have left the WT org would still be involved. In the org, we are taught that we are not in Jehovah's favor if we leave. Many who leave believe this and lose faith in Jehovah and Jesus. Ray Franz is a must read or listen, because he mentally helps all of those 'beaten sheep' to see that they are indeed still individually valuable to Jesus and Jehovah.
I know there are many active JW's that lurk here. For those in upper leadership, you will have a lot to explain to Jesus if you refuse to humble yourselves. (James 4:6-10) Paul made clear in 1 Cor 3:9, that even if you are a 'leader', you do not have authority over your 'fellow workers'. Ray Franz did not believe it was possible for the WT org to change as a whole. It is then up to all of you current leaders to prayerfully individually consider if your current course is really helping or actually destroying others spiritually. NOT something to take lightly!