Can god have power without the threat of punishment?Well, yes and no. God has unlimited power whether he uses it to punish or not.When we say we LOVE GOD and obey His wishes is that because we do Love the life-giver or are afraid that if we don't then it's goodbye life.How can you love someone you never met?Someone you never had a discussion with.Someone you never shared a meal with.That God has power to threathen you with the removal of life is the foremost reason that he has followers I think.It is even said of Jesus that He had Godly fear! What is Godly fear?Did Jesus fear the threat of punisment, that of losing His own life for good.Did this man see God or is He God?Was he aware of the consquences for not loving and obeying God or Himself . It gets all confusing trying to answer questions like,"Can God have power without the threat of punishment?Blueblades
JoinedPosts by Blueblades
Donkey's never-ending atheism thread
by donkey inwih the permission of simon, i would like to start a thread to act as a collection of thought, quotes and miscellany on atheism and agnosticism.
there are so many other threads on this subject but no one place which one can go to on here.
i have much to share - enjoy and contribute with me please.give me the storm and stress of thought and action rather than the dead calm of ignorance and faith.
Reach for God
by donkey inwhy do humans search and/or reach for god?.
if they are honest with themselves it is because have a fear or death or of non-existence.
or they draw "power" from god.
Hi! BUSTER,For me it is more than having someone share the responsibility of my own choices.Its about sharing a life that is eternal if at all possible.Blueblades
Reach for God
by donkey inwhy do humans search and/or reach for god?.
if they are honest with themselves it is because have a fear or death or of non-existence.
or they draw "power" from god.
Hi! DONKEY.I'm honest with myself.Why do I search and reach for God?Its not because I fear death or non-existence.I search and reach for God because I fear the unknown.How can one prepare or defend one's self from the unknown.For example: Who really knows what happens when our life ceases to exist and we die?What is death?There are many opposing views in answering these questions.Who is to say whose view is the correct one?Now I realize that my searching and reaching for God presupposes that God actually exists.Self-preservation wants this to be true.Not only for myself, but for my loved ones too.And for you too! So,Donkey,can you help me get some kind of closure on this subject?I am open to everyones thoughts on this topic that you have raised.Blueblades
by Wolfy indoing the "fade" thing is like a slow, painful torture to me.
i have to do the fade because of my current circumstances (wife being a jw but starting to doubt/both our families very strong jw's).
it makes me angry at having wasted so much time and energy (and money) being a jw.
Hi! WOLFY,I do understand your thoughts and what you are trying to say.I have the same feelings and thoughts you have expressed here.Over 30yrs.I'm 60 yrs. old now.Wasted time ,energy and money.There is so much that is uncertain.Might I suggest a book that I read that vividly depicts the real-life dilemmas reflective Christians often face.Its "THE MYTH of CERTAINTY'.by Daniel Taylor.He affirms a call to throw off the paralysis of uncertainty and to risk commitment to God without forfeiting the God-given gift of an inquiring mind.He demonstrates how much we need question askers.I have read this book and still suffer the "Paralysis of Uncertainty".I have read many other books also and realize that recovery is going to take time.With the help of the many persons on this board there is a measure of relief from all who contribute their time and energy here to give true loving support for all the question askers.And I might add, that there are some who have been on this board for years reading the same kinds of questions and problems and yet continue to assist us who are new to this board and who are crying out for help.For all of you who have done so, I want to express my appreciation and let you know that your time and energy has not been wasted when you respond to the same questions and problems over and over for all of us who are reaching out to you.WOLFY, you said you having posted much,please continue to visit us and express yourself more ,it helps when we do so.Your post today has helped me to see that I'm not alone either.Take care .Blueblades
by ScoobySnax incripes!!!
i've got the mother of all headaches thats lasted for a few days know the type of one that makes you think brain tumour/meningitis/encephalitis/ i'm about to have a stroke, what if i die in the night and they find me 2 days later etc etc........reckon it must be stress.
why do i always think the worse when i get something like this? always gives rise to feelings of panic/anxiety and they are the worst feelings ever.
HI! SCOOBYSNAX,Just today one of my children went to see a neurologist and had an MRI. done.He has been suffering from symtoms that appear to be either TIA'S OR MIGRAINES which mimics Tia's(Transient Ischemic Attacks)This nothing to fool with don't delay get to a doctor, find out what it actually is .Don't suffering needless anxiety or panic attacks.Blueblades
Thought Inspiration versus Verbal Inspiration.
by Blueblades inwhich do you think it is,or, is it neither?the society claims to believe that the bible is the inspired word of god.yet in print they believe in "thought inspiration" instead of "verbal inspiration"as most bible believing christians do.
"thought inspiration"means that god merely gave the ideas to men and then they worked the details out in their own words.
'verbal inspiration"means that god not only guided in the main ideas but also in the choice of words the human authors, again,"which do you think it is",or, is it neither?
Which do you think it is,or, is it neither?The society claims to believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.Yet in print they believe in "Thought Inspiration" instead of "Verbal Inspiration"as most Bible believing Christians do."Thought Inspiration"means that God merely gave the ideas to men and then they worked the details out in their own words.'Verbal Inspiration"means that God not only guided in the main ideas but also in the choice of words the human authors used.So, again,"Which do you think it is",or, is it neither? Blueblades.
Minimus,Do You Remember?
by Blueblades inthe wt.12/15/page30.2002 issue.have you appreciated reading the recent issues of the watchtower?oops!
that's a question,sorry,didn't mean to plagiarize you.
well, see if you can answer the following questions: do you remember?
The WT.12/15/page30.2002 issue.Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower?OOPS! That's a question,sorry,didn't mean to plagiarize you. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Do You Remember? How can "thinking ability" prove to be a safeguard?This is followed by nine more questions. Just thought you might want to know that on one page the Society is trying to out do you.Between" Do You Remember" and "Questions From Readers," they have a long way to go to catch up to you.And besides you ask the better questions.Keep it coming.Blueblades
When You Hear Someone Say "The Truth"...
by minimus inwhen a witness talks about a person not being "in the truth", does that get to you?
or if they self-righteously proclaim that "at least, they're in the truth and not worldly", does that push any buttons?
Minimus,"The Truth","Present Truth".Phases like these that you hear all the time are misquotes from the book of 2 Peter1:12 "For this reason I shall be disposed always to remind you of these things,although you know them and are firmly set in the truth that is(" present in you"). Here the emphasis is not that one is( in the Truth,) or has( present Truth) but rather that the "TRUTH"is( inside a person.)So when a JW.say I'm in "The Truth,"it does not mean that "The Truth" is( In Them.)A pioneer sister used to ask me ,"This is the Truth isn't it brother?"What they are really saying and asking is that the WT. Society is the True Org,and they are in the they are in the truth.Thus they are equating the Society with the truth, which it is not.But you knew this already, and that's not the thrust of your question.No, it does not bother me when they say that expression because I know where they are coming from,and about their misunderstanding about what the Truth really means.Blueblades
My Wife Says She'll Read Franz' Crisis Of Conscien
by minimus inmajor headway has been made.
my wife has said that she would like to read coc!
i recently bought 30 years a watchtower slave.
Minimus, when she read about the two-thirds vote on policy and doctrine and the effect it has in different countries, she will see that they are not directed by holy spirit.All the best to you and yours .Blueblades
have we got it wrong ? - lets review this year
by Jim Dee inlets review this year.
un debacle, silent lambs roared, panorama, cnn, dateline, march on brooklyn - all unheard of 12 months ago.. where has it got us, wtbs is still there - un moved and unphased.. have we done any damage - or did we get it wrong?.
i'm no lover of the society - but will anything move these guys?.
Francois, I can't stop laughing,my wife heard me from the other part of the house.What you wrote is so true.Blueblades. NOOOO, we don't have it wrong, give it time.