MrMOE, It depends.Some people cling to life while in the greatest pain and suffering.Other people ,for whatever reason, don't want to go on living any longer.For me death is bad.I miss my loved ones Mom,Dad,Sister, Brother etc.Mom died in my arms! Dad died while talking to me over the phone! If you believe the Bible even Jesus felt forsaken at the point of death.My God! My God! Why have You Forsaken Me! These were piercing words.Words of pain.Death is bad.Life is good! Better yet Life under the best of conditions would not be bad.Blueblades
JoinedPosts by Blueblades
Is "Death" All That Bad?
by MrMoe inwhat is death?
and what makes it so bad?
i am going to post something in a minute that is very personal for me, and yet i feel it is necessary to say.
By Their Fruits You Will Know Them!
by IslandWoman indamn right!
i know the jws by their fruits!.
i know christianity by its fruits!.
No human organization will ever satify the longings of the human heart.Those longings can only be satisfied by each and every one of us.Blueblades
WT goofie phrases.
by Pepper ini used to get into trouble for making light of the these phrases that some elders have told me are to be used only gods people.
lol that you all may know maybe:.
"well, brother that is very "commendable," just before the meeting ends the po says to those in attendance "brothers the time left is reduced," i once heard a co say to those seated during one of his talks "well now, we don't want to die at armageddon now do we, well of course not.
Jehovah will provide,you'll see them in the resurrection,anything i can do to help,missed you at the meeting,how's your spirituality,we had a great call,hey! what's new! we need to talk to you in the Backroom,so, how you been doing?keep your eyes on the carrot oops! i meant prize.this is the way.we are oh my! what would Jesus do?you ought not to be doing that.we worked the territory.that's a given.the slave says blah blah blah.did you look it up .we just got new's present truth now.nice talk btw.i been meaning to talk to you.guess what so and so said.noooo!realllllyy!woww! is that so.those are the given ones! the chieftains! the glorious ones! armageddon is right around the corner.not that corner the other along with.theocratic warfare.we have nothing to add.Jehovah's organization is above such a thing.we really only wanted a library card.he she is in good standing.i"m getting dizzy,what do you got to do to geta cup of coffee around here.Blueblades
What Doctrine Or Belief Didn"t You Agree W...
by minimus inwhen you get baptized, you are expected to swallow a multitude of beliefs that either you never really understood or simply didn't truly believe in.
when going over questions for baptism, almost nobody understood the concept of the"faithful and discreet slave".
yet after it was attempted to explain this mumbo-jumbo, every candidate meekly just went along with the explanation without ever truly understanding the fallacy.
Hi Minimus,I want to respectfully respond to your closing statement in your post response.You said,"I have to wonder though why anyone that was not raised " in the truth "would ever accept so much of this pitiful crap."I don't know if you read Steven Hassan "Releasing the Bonds Empowering People to Think for Themselves."He is America's Leading Cult Counselor."He talks about understanding the Principles of Destructive Mind Control,Studying Cult Tactics,and says that Destructive Mind Control is a Public Health Problem.It seems that everyone knows someone who has suffered a negative radical personality transformation.The phenomenon of destructive mind control indoctrination can turn an intelligent, educated person with a strong family background into a stranger.I hope this helps you in wondering why anyone not raised" in the truth"would ever accept so much of this pitiful crap.30 odd yrs.ago when I first accepted this as 'The Truth'along with so many others I didn't realize that this was as you so eloquently put it"pitiful crap".In the beginning I swallowed all the doctrinal beliefs of the Society,wanting to get my family safely inside a paradise earth where we could live forever.As an elder I taught it all as the gospel truth.Not so now! Blueblades
Hi! Monster, I have decided concerning those past beliefs,who is it that determines what beliefs are right and which ones are wrong?Many groups teach that they have the right belief.Wer'e those past belief distinctive?Beliefs in which no other group has?Some past beliefs that I thought were distinctive but are not are( No Trinity) wrong! Mormons,Moonies,The Way International,and others have that belief.(Wars)Wer'e the only ones against it.wrong! Mennonites,Moravians,Quakers,against it.(No blood transfusions)wrong!Christian Scientists, no blood also.(preaching the kingdom)wrong! Mormons, Born agains,Bible believing Churches preach it.(God's Organization)wrong! Roman Catholics,Unification Church and others believe they are God's Org.This enough for now ,I know you get the point.My point is ,that what I choose to believe as a past belief is a belief that was never DISTINCTIVE of the the first place.Blueblades
The Law of Parsimony /The Rule Occam's razor ?
by Blueblades ini just received the free minds journal,vol.21,no.3.
nov 2002/jan 2003 response to an individual( who is still ajw.
) who had concerns about phobia indoctrination.armageddon fears,apocalyptic mindset, (on page 11.
I just received the FREE MINDS JOURNAL,vol.21,no.3. Nov 2002/Jan 2003 issue.In response to an individual( who is still aJW.) who had concerns about phobia indoctrination.Armageddon fears,Apocalyptic mindset, (on page 11.)Randy talked about the "law"of Parsimony and the "rule" of Occam's razor.and inserted the meaning of these words and their usage.Randy then went on to explain to this individual,"In other words, my friend,complex and contradictory arguments will be rejected by the honest person if there is a simpler, more harmonious explanation.The one holding back all the facts is trying to hide something.People always have biases and do not relish anyone seeing information that discredits their view,so one cannot just accept one viewpoint.Varients and opponents should be listened to very carefully,to get the most accurate picture possible,and that is about the best you can do in a case where the whole truth seems unavailable or missing.You just do the best you can with the evidence on hand.You will never know the whole picture as you desire,but you learn the probabilities of life versus the possibilities.Why not take some time to investigate the history of this subject?The common threads among those who are heavy into the subject bears examination."I thought this to be excellant advice.How many of us actually do just this(Use the "Law" of Parsimony and the" Rule" of Occam's razor) when talking about the subject on hand to others on this board?Subjects that might impact a life.I admit that I really don't do this. Blueblades
Who do you say Jesus is?
by Blueblades in"all the armies that ever marched, and all the navies that ever were built,and all the parliments that ever sat,all the kings that ever reigned,put together have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerlly.
" "the historical result of jesus' activities was more momentous,even from a strictly secular standpoint, than the deeds of any other character of history.
a new era, recognised by the chief civilisations of the world, dates from his birth.
"All the armies that ever marched, and all the navies that ever were built,and all the parliments that ever sat,all the kings that ever reigned,put together have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerlly." "The historical result of Jesus' activities was more momentous,even from a strictly secular standpoint, than the deeds of any other character of history. A new era, recognised by the chief civilisations of the world, dates from his birth." Even calenders today are based on the year that Jesus was thought to have been born.Dates before that year are listed as B.C.,or before Christ,dates after that year are listed as A.D.,or anno domini (in the year of our Lord.)We know that there are many conflicting theories about Jesus,since this is the time of the year when He is put in focus,Who do you say Jesus is.? I appreciate your thoughts and comments in advance.As for myself I'm re-thinking the question since my children are out of the org. My wife and I are still in but inactive.Blueblades
Reality check: World less happy about America
by Pathofthorns infacinating results from a global poll relating to public opinions of america in various countries around the world.. [url][/url].
a major survey on international opinion released in washington yesterday shows u.s. popularity has plunged across much of the world amid mounting perceptions that the united states is running roughshod over other nations.
the planet's sole superpower commands only tepid affection, just as the u.s. government struggles to win international support for a possible military incursion against iraq as the next stage in its war on terrorism.. in fact, the prospect of a u.s.-led offensive aimed at overthrowing iraqi dictator saddam hussein has become a major irritant between washington and even its closest allies.. .
Bottom Line:Hindsight, After everything has been said and done.Viewpoints,advice, popularity,opinions,asking permission,lessons of history,geopolitics,oil,money,special interest groups,religion,and you can add to the list.When it becomes personal,when it hits home,when you and yours are in harms way.Are we so cool and aloof .Do we have our emotions ,nervous system, thinking ability,our beating heart,our minds collectively responding "Lets see now ,if I do this or that ,what about how they might think etc."NO! Self -Preservation instinctively takes control.Don't we all do our best to try and prepare the best for our own.It's only natural,like, if you try to harm the child of a mother, she will do whatever it takes to protect that child.So,bottom line,I can't wait for it to become personal again,when it hits home again,when you and yours are in harms way again.No!Some " outcries "come to my mind,"Remember the Alamo!" "Let My People Go!"Never Again!' or The Finality of the final CRY of MARTIN L. KING, "Free at Last","Free at Last", "Thank God Almighty ,I'm Free At Last!" and many ,many others that you can add to the outcries of humanity,including the silent cries of many not heard.So, while an interchange of discussions serves it's purpose. One does not have to be an intellectual giant in all fields of endeavor to understand a very basic human need for all of us .Freedom! Safety! Protection! ( add whatever else comes to mind)From being put in harm's way.Whether it's a mother protecting her child, or, a man protecting his home and family, a nation protecting it's own.This I say from the hindsight of history!Blueblades
BLONDIE, Hi! Thanks for posting that information. You hit the nail right on the head with that one .Good work.Blueblades
The Watchtower Society Doesn't Care About Anything
by minimus inthe wt.
society doesn't care about how outsiders view them.
they don't care about how the rank and file look at them.they don't give any credence to congregational elders or ministerial servants or pioneers.
Mininmus,Not to joke about what I'm saying here.Not to remove blame.I think the reason they don't care is a couple of things.Alzheimers and Senility. The right hand don't know what the left hand is doing.Who is minding the store.I think the Legal Dept.Together with the Service Dept.The Writing Dept.has to check in with the Legal before it goes to print.The young ones on the Governing Body have to comply with those who have Alzheimers and Senility and are able only to slightly raise their hand for the Two-Thirds Vote.Don't Care?They aren't even aware of what it is to Care about anymore.Those who do,. can't do .Just my thought.Blueblades