Having seen one in years.The last one,some years ago, was on the progress in India.40,000 People that went to the Memorial in 2002 are not studying.54,000 attended only 14,000 studies.Where is the progress?
growing up i remember the only excitement for the public talk was if it was a slide show.
once the first one happened, i always looked at the windows of the hall to see if there was aluminum foil on them.
if it was, boy did i get excited.
Having seen one in years.The last one,some years ago, was on the progress in India.40,000 People that went to the Memorial in 2002 are not studying.54,000 attended only 14,000 studies.Where is the progress?
today, for some reason, i've had the kinks tune victoria stuck in my head.
what songs are stuck in your head tonight?
He Stopped Loving Her Today,George Jones
You Win Again,Hank Williams
sitting at computer and hear two males talking as they come up our path.
already suspicious, but when i peep out of my crack in the curtain, i see two blokes i don't recognise, wearing long-sleeved collared shirts and ties in what is strictly t-shirt weather.
suspicion confirmed.
They didn't remove the picture of the flag on page eight "Courtroom Interior".With all the cut and paste they do you wonder why. Blueblades
sitting at computer and hear two males talking as they come up our path.
already suspicious, but when i peep out of my crack in the curtain, i see two blokes i don't recognise, wearing long-sleeved collared shirts and ties in what is strictly t-shirt weather.
suspicion confirmed.
AWAKE! Jan.8,2003,page 11.It looks like the person who gave you er placed this mag. didn't read it himself."there is certaintly no reason to boast"," Then they boast,"what we did was not just for us,but for everyone".
Then they say local ordinances can no longer be used to restrict the evangelizing work of JW's.I thought it was about not restricting anyone from the freedom of a public forum.You know like they restrict the rank and file of the freedom to visit this public forum.
sitting at computer and hear two males talking as they come up our path.
already suspicious, but when i peep out of my crack in the curtain, i see two blokes i don't recognise, wearing long-sleeved collared shirts and ties in what is strictly t-shirt weather.
suspicion confirmed.
Stephanus,What clarity! You set him straight on the religious persecution complex thing.In brief anyone, salesmen,girl scouts,etc were being challenged with the CONSTITUTIONALITY of needing a permit to publicy approach people uninvited.Um Er yes your right.
They still using that paradise earth pamphlet about the coming new earth,coming new earth,coming new earth ,coommmmiiinnnngggg newwwww earth.When?Sooooooonnnnnnnnn!
You like reading them ,do you?This ones about religious persecution against the witnesses,WRONG!! NOT!!! OH! ER! UM! No I'm not saying that,thank you for clarifying that for me,I don't want to go to the next door and make the same mistake,boy are you astute!
Good heads up Stephanus, Blueblades
it was in the seventies when g.b.
member dan sydlik addressed the bethel family with the talk "don't lose heart".
anyone remember it ?some of the things he mentioned about how not to lose heart were contrasted.for example: he would say,"sure there is sickness,but my, there is a lot of good health!
Hi Francois,I agree with you more and more as time goes by.BTW,thanks for recommending the True Believer,I loaned it to a friend and he is seeing things differently about the WT. now.
Hi LDH,Thanks for your kinds words.
I wonder if Sydlik has lost heart by now and is stuck in quicksand!
And I was thinking how many of us have lost heart over all of this,waiting on Jehovahhh,are now recovered and gaining back heart. Blueblades
2 tim.2:15 says," do your utmost to present yourself approved to god, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of,handling the word of the truth aright.
" when you were at work, school or play did you find yourself ashamed to tell anyone that you were a witness?
what if they found out anyway?
Minimus,when I was a True Believer,I was not Ashamed.I would inform the school about my children,on the job everyone understood that I was a JW.In the neighborhood they all knew etc.
Now I keep a very low profile,I don't attend meetings or go out preaching anymore,trying to do the fade for now.The kids are out of school,I changed jobs, and the neighbors don't know whats going on with me. Bueblades
it was in the seventies when g.b.
member dan sydlik addressed the bethel family with the talk "don't lose heart".
anyone remember it ?some of the things he mentioned about how not to lose heart were contrasted.for example: he would say,"sure there is sickness,but my, there is a lot of good health!
It was in the seventies when G.B. member Dan Sydlik addressed the Bethel Family with the talk "Don't Lose Heart". Anyone remember it ?Some of the things he mentioned about how Not to Lose Heart were contrasted.For example: He would say,"Sure there is Sickness,but my, there is a lot of Good Health! Sure there is Famine,but my,there is plenty of Food in other places! Sure there is War,but my,there is Peace in other places! Sure there is Poverty,but my,there is Riches in other places! Sure people are dying,but my,there is a lot of Living going on!
Don't Lose Heart Brothers! If this is the way Jehovahhhhh lets it be,then what are we going to do about it.Let Jehovahhhh handle it and Don't Lose Heart.Of cause in his own inimitable way he would throw in a couple of Bible Stories to support his lectures.
And yet I can't help it,the way things are going in this world today,I do Lose Heart! When I read your posts,when I read about the sufferings of many,including the top ten underreported Humanitarian Crises of 2002,stories of untold horror,and when I think about G.B.member Dan Sydlik's talk way back when to the Bethel Family...."Let Jehovahhhh handle it",I do Lose Heart,because none of it makes any sense! And BTW.How long does Sydlik think it will be before Jehovahhh does handle it?
I appreciate your responses to this post in advance,anyone around then that remembers this lecture ?What do you think about it now after all these years? Blueblades
what have you personally done to help people come out of the watchtower?
are you actively speaking to your friends and/or family about what you now believe?
were you disfellowshipped for speaking out against jehovah's witnesses?
Minimus,This by no means an easy thing to do.Presenting basic facts or arguing will not work.When one is thoroughly indoctrinated one is well prepared to debate.There is a need to get close ,to build a friendship,to pierce the emotional barrier.You need to have meaningful,nonconfrontational encounters over a period of time.Opening the heart,asking questions to make one think.
It is this approach of asking them ,not telling them, thus it will their conclusion and not ours.This approach does not attack the individual and can bring them to the point where they will be willing to listen amicably.
I have been able to help my family and two friends using this approach. Blueblades
in every congregation there is always a brother who gives a marathon prayer.
in my congregation there was a brother whose prayers were so long that i decided to time his prayer with my watch.
it lasted about 3-4 minutes.
We had a brother who was always scripted in his prayers.He wasn't praying to God,he was admonishing the congregation.Let us keep coming to the meetings,keep going out in the field service repeating over and over again.He was preaching to the converted,we were the ones there!!We were the ones going out in the field service!!! And so let us be more attentive at the meetings, go out as much as we can in the field service etc.etc.etc.Blueblades