Some clarification.Would living longer or forever bring with it the end of war ,sickness,growing old and decrepit,would our experience in dealing with each other and the problems we encounter be solved with time on our side.I'm not really talking about Cloning,but,about the ability to sustain this present life and along with it the mind's ability to grow toward the betterment of man's existence.Blueblades
JoinedPosts by Blueblades
by Blueblades inwith all this interest in cloning, i got to thinking,was it really god's intent that we should live forever in the flesh.were we to enjoy a life span that would never end?
is it true that the length of the life span of those mentioned in the bible were as long as mentioned there?
for example:the potentiality of adam to live forever in the flesh,yet,lived for 930 yrs.methuselah said to be the one who holds the record for the longest life span in the flesh,969 yrs.noah 950 yrs.shem 600 yrs,then the life span drops drastically!
by Blueblades inwith all this interest in cloning, i got to thinking,was it really god's intent that we should live forever in the flesh.were we to enjoy a life span that would never end?
is it true that the length of the life span of those mentioned in the bible were as long as mentioned there?
for example:the potentiality of adam to live forever in the flesh,yet,lived for 930 yrs.methuselah said to be the one who holds the record for the longest life span in the flesh,969 yrs.noah 950 yrs.shem 600 yrs,then the life span drops drastically!
With all this interest in Cloning, I got to thinking,was it really God's intent that we should live forever in the flesh.Were we to enjoy a Life Span that would never end? Is it true that the length of the Life Span of those mentioned in the Bible were as long as mentioned there?
For example:The potentiality of Adam to live forever in the flesh,yet,lived for 930 yrs.Methuselah said to be the one who holds the record for the longest Life Span in the flesh,969 yrs.Noah 950 yrs.Shem 600 yrs,then the Life Span drops drastically! Abraham 175 yrs.etc.
Finally,Moses gives us the official death blow as to years of the Life Span we can expect! About 3,500 yrs.ago, Moses wrote concerning the Life Span at Ps 90:10,--70 or 80 yrs, with some exceptions. The situation in this regard has not changed substantially.
Throughtout the centuries, man's efforts to extend the Life Span has been unsuccessful.Will Cloning get us back to where we were,the potentiality of a Life Span that will never end in the flesh?
Of cause all of this is based on a belief system that the Bible is stating the facts about the Life Span of man.But ,what about thinking outside of the Bible,is living forever in the flesh possible? Blueblades
About living life
by whyhideit init seems like it was only yesterday, yet i know it was much further back in time.
i was but a child then and only about four or five.
my mom was taking my sister and me to the hospital to see our grandmother.
WHYHIDEIT, Thank You,as I read your post it brought back the memory of my MOM who died in the hospital in my arms.And I thought,where is She right now at that moment of passing away.I miss her so much. Blueblades
If You Weren't A Witness, What Would You Be Today?
by minimus inmany of us are or were witnesses because we were born into the religion.
others became witnesses because they really thought it was the truth.
so many wish that they never had a jehovah's witness come to their door or their parents' door.
A CATHOLIC ONLY ON XMAS AND EASTER. The Religion of my parents Blueblades
Marlon Brando Movie The Wild One ----wore levis
James Dean Movie Rebel without a Cause--- wore levis
Maybe Nathan Knorr saw these Movies and banned Levis.Notice the movie titles,we can't have no wild ones and rebels without a cause wearing levis at Bethel. Who knows?Add it to the long list of no no's. Blueblades
Do You Think You'll See Your Dead Loved Ones Again
by minimus in.
do you think that you will see your dear loved ones come back to life in a ressurection of some sort or do you think there is no hope of such a thing?
I use to think so.Now I just don't know? So many conflicting interpretations from all kinds of scholars on what the Bible teaches on this subject of "WHERE ARE the DEAD?"
For example:Interpretation # 1WHEN YOU DIE YOU GO TO ONE OF TWO PLACES...HEAVEN or HELL !( you know eternal burning)
Interpretation # 2 WHEN YOU DIE YOU GO TO ONE OF TWO PLACES....HEAVEN or ANNIIHILATION ! (non-existence)
Interpretation # 3 WHEN YOU DIE YOU GO TO THE GRAVE UNTIL THE RESURRECTION ! (now you are sleeping)
These three are based on a belief system.
Atheism,there is no God,therefore when you die ,that's it ,your gone forever.
What do you think Minimus? Blueblades
What song is stuck in your head?
by El Kabong in.
today, for some reason, i've had the kinks tune victoria stuck in my head.
what songs are stuck in your head tonight?
Aztec,You made me laugh.Johnny Cash: I Fell Into a Burning Ring of Fire,is now the hemorhoid song you can't get out of your head.
Hemorhoid sufferers forgive us. Blueblades
Don't Lose Heart.
by Blueblades init was in the seventies when g.b.
member dan sydlik addressed the bethel family with the talk "don't lose heart".
anyone remember it ?some of the things he mentioned about how not to lose heart were contrasted.for example: he would say,"sure there is sickness,but my, there is a lot of good health!
So,its been over 2,000 yrs since Jesus paid the bill.Proverbs 13:12,Expectation postponed is making the heart sick.Now according to this,wise man Solomon refutes G.B.Sydlik.When the heart becomes sick it loses heart.2,000 yrs of stories of untold horror and humanitarian crises when the bill has already been paid just dosen't make any sense.
Colored Shirts?
by Marcos inwhat is the wt policy on shirts for the brothers?
are they supposed to be only white shirts?
my son, no a sort of waning mormon said that he thought it was funny that the witnesses here copy the mormons (white shirts only).
How about no casual sporty look on the platform! WT.readers had to wear wall street suits,no brown pants ,yellow shirts or plaid jackets.No calling for prayer some one not wearing a straight suit.
What about the man who just walked in wearing a long robe and long hair and beard and goes by the name of Jesus.No priviledges for you ,your a bad example.Who do you think you are coming in here looking like that! Go get a hair cut and a shave and put a suit on will ya!
Were You Ashamed To Be Identified As A JW?
by minimus in2 tim.2:15 says," do your utmost to present yourself approved to god, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of,handling the word of the truth aright.
" when you were at work, school or play did you find yourself ashamed to tell anyone that you were a witness?
what if they found out anyway?
It was not a problem for me .Neighbors knew who I was .Nothing to be ashamed of in the hood.I believed it .Practiced it,24/7,I was never off duty.Late into the night early into the morning many many times.I was approachable,tried to be CHRIST LIKE in the home, on the job, and in the hood.