WTBTS has the silver tonguue of being able to move the goal post continually. When WTBTS lays of stinky BM like 1975, they rationalize blaming it on over zealous brothers, then and hint of a new goal line about 1986 as being the "Year of Peace" according to the United Nations. "This could be their cry of Peace and Security",,,,,"but we don't know". This bridged their idiocracy until the expectation of the "generation" was about to bite the dust; this lasted through the 1980's and 1990's, and with some die hard witnesses into the early 2000's.
It reminds me of the movie National Treasure where a clue leads to another clue and another etc. Everyone has their own level of tolerance of a continual diet of BS. As Outlaw says, "concentrate on the corn". Some JW's, for instance, my family, believe they have too much invested to abandon JW beliefs. Oh, that would hurt their proud view of their spiritual heritage to find out that it is valueless, and they have been believing a lie and following false Christs.
Personally, I take the stand of not throwing good money after bad. When Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, Who wanted their stock?; yes, it became valueless overnight. However, WTBTS can somehow keep people buying into their stock, lining up to get on the endless treadmill, even when they have over a 130 years of snipe hunting and 100% failed expectations.
Many on this forum has debated if WTBTS could suddenly come to an end, but perhaps they are approaching the tipping point. The internet is a game changer. The assemblies/conventions/regional whatever you want to call it, are attended in the U.S. by a graying (haired) group of people. They are tired and their health is deteriorating. The replacements are not made of the same material. Some like us here, have left the building. Thank you and good night.