JoinedTopics Started by Imminent1975
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-31-2014 WT Study (FULL POTENTIAL)
by blondie inwt publications (old).
united nations
newly baptized brothers (not sisters) because the wts needs men to reach out.
pros and cons of anti depessants?
by Crazyguy inobviously i'm having ex cult issues, family still in and a wife that's all kokoo for cocopuffs as well as our marriage isn't good.
i would like to leave her, she has never been the kind of wife i wanted.
anyway the stress is getting to be to much, thinking about things all the time and its effecting my work as well as otherthings.
World Events bring about A Renewed Zeal!!!
by jk-ton inhi guys!
is anyone sensing an increasingly sanctimonious arrogance in j-dubs recently?
im asking this as i am finding that with the two major news stories in the last few weeks (ie.
hello everyone
by purrpurr ini've been browsing the site for some time as things that the society teach just are not adding up much these days.
by exploring some of the threads on here i'm starting to see why.
a brief bio.
by Jeannette insince i left the watchtower a couple of years ago, i started volunteering 3 hours a week at a wecare center.
it's like goodwill.
well, i've been there approximately 9 months, and yesterday i received a lovely thank you card from them.
thinking of leaving
by justme67 ini am 46 and have been a jw for only 6 years.
i was doing ok until about a month ago.
we were having an international convention and i heard the brother that had to pick up 2 of the members of the governing body had to get a background check done on him and his wife.
Commenting At The Meetings---Did You Enjoy It?
by minimus inwas that important for you?
most people, i believe, forced themselves to give an answer.
i knew many elders and servants over the years being counseled because they rarely answered.. funny mom who is 88 cries if she doesn't give a comment.
Kingdom Halls Are the Perfect Safe Harbor For Pedophiles and Sex Offenders!
by BucketShopBill inwhy is the kingdom hall of jehovahs witnesses perfectly suited for pedophiles and sex offenders to park their boat (bodies)?
i live by the coastal area of one of the windiest and treacherous waters ships sail through.
during the spanish expansion they lost their share because the captains did not realize how unforgiving the tempestuous winds and strong current was.
Recent Visit with my Wife's Family
by Imminent1975 ini have been inactive for going on five years after an accerated fade.
my wife followed shortly after.
we recently went to visit her parents that know that we don't go to the meetings, and it bothers them but they don't know what to do, as they really can't do much.
Did anyone ever rent a home or apartment from a "brother"?
by keyser soze inwhat was the experience like?
i lived with my brother and then sister-in-law in an apartment building owned by a brother and his wife.. besides the fact that they would constantly enter the place while we were out, without any kind of advance notification, they would procrastinate whenever there was maintenance work that needed to be done.
sometimes it would take months before they would get to it.