He is not just the material self. He is essentially a “spirit” that acts through the medium of his body.
Until and unless you can explain what this "spirit" stuff is made of, you are speaking fluent gibberish.
science observes, studies and analyses the basic nature of all the components constituting the part of any experiment, follows the principle of cause and effect, and come out with equipments that would contribute to our comfort and save us lots of time and energyall of which are ultimately aimed at making life on this earth happier, longer and healthier, thus making this world a better place to live.. yet man day-by-day becomes more and more unhappy and discontented, and world is becoming bitter and bitter!
it means: though science is right in its details, it has gone wrong in its direction.
it failed to rightly judge and assess the true nature of its prime object (man) for whom it works.
He is not just the material self. He is essentially a “spirit” that acts through the medium of his body.
Until and unless you can explain what this "spirit" stuff is made of, you are speaking fluent gibberish.
it amazes me how much thinking one does when you're out of the cult.
i mean another thread got me thinking about the story of jesus death.
so adam breaks a little test lives for 900 plus years and then dies of natural causes.
I suggest that what most have a problem with here is the concept of sin, rather than a loving God who takes the punishment for their sin so that death is abolished.
As soon as death stops happening and God steps up to take credit in person, we can discuss this. Until then, you are simply defending an amoral monster by ignorant dismissing others to avoid having to deal with explaing your love of a death cult on a rational basis.
Our prisons which are bursting at the seams, proves the faultiness of your reasoning.
It proves Jesus doesn't do shit for anyone.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
Reason is you should have critical thinking skills to analyze and interpret texts as part of the coursework
Yes, but how is that degree specifically relevant to anything we are discussing?
Please share with me your credentials (or lack thereof)
I think you are hallucinating that my experience was a hallucination.
I never said it was.
Now, enough tit for tat please, I'm more than capable of defending my viewpoints and this thread has gone off at a tangent
You're the one that went off on a tangent. The most likely and plausible explanation is hallucination.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
The prerequisites for hallucination weren't present at the event.
What prerequisites?
By the way, I hold a BA in English Literature which requires both reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
May I ask what your credentials are?
You may.
i know you would prefer I call my experience a hallucination because that doesn't challenge your ideas about the reality you live in.
For someone who claims critical thinking skills, this is showing a stunng lack of it, presuming to ignorantly know that which you cannot. Perhaps you are hallucinating your critical thinking skills.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
I make the point again, that if you have seen or heard something that cannot be explained, you will be attacked by people who demand evidence of what you saw or else and you will be labelled mentally ill or that you were hallucinating.
These people cannot think outside the box of their limited scope of reality - in their limited imagination, if it can't be measured, it doesn't exist.
What can't be explained is your dismissal of a ver common explanation for your experience along with ignorant claims to know what others think.
Well, it can be explained, it's a lack of critical thinking skills.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
I love the irony.
You were not present at my experience, yet you have the nerve to tell me: "How do you know you weren't hallucinating?"
I already said I was not asleep and was not ill.
There is no irony or nerve. How do you know you weren't hallucinating? Hallucinations don't require illness or drugs.
But that doesn't cut it for you because of your limited preconceived notions.
So I can't suggest hallucinations but you can tell me what my notions are? Interesting, because....
Then you have the audacity to tell me I don't like your explanation for an experience that you weren't there to see.
That is the height of arrogance and you are by far, extremely arrogant to tell me what I did/did not see and what it was/was not.
You complain and whine that I can't mention a very common occurance to explain a situation that fits a very common occurance yet see no irony in then making completely ignorant and unfounded claims about me.
Yeah, critical thinking clearly isn't one of your skills. Or reading comprehension.
as of now iam making an unbiased examination of evolution.
however one thing keeps me hanging on to the belief of a supreme spirit being; the existence of spirits.
i have heard countless accounts of people who have experienced frightening encounters with evil forces.
No, I wasn't ill or hallucinating.
How do you know you weren't hallucinating?
I say forget preconceived ideas, the Bible, demons, ghosts, whatever you call it - you are still left with something that can't be expained.
It can be explained, you just don't like the explanation.
at our service meeting we saw the video of a jw explaining his beliefs about 1914.. it was.....well, "underwhelming" does not do it justice.
what is below "underwhelming"?
"boringly tepid"?.
It's going to be an emotion based, high-control group.
Fixed that for you.
What do you think this place is Oub, Pendants Corner ?
Or is that a mute point ?
Your wrong, its got nothing too due with walking.
Descent is the highest form of patriotic.