Hey there;....you are VERY courageous , hang in there I hope you have a positive outcome especially with regards to your husband.
Best wishes.
was not so publication free.
do witnesses not know how to talk about the bible without a wt pub to guide them?.
fist, she tried to get me to start once again in the bible teach book as if i had never said i didnt want to study from the pubs, so i reminded her.
Hey there;....you are VERY courageous , hang in there I hope you have a positive outcome especially with regards to your husband.
Best wishes.
i must admit i can at times be a little "egotistical" when it comes to knowledge and the bible.
i have studied the bible for so long and have always had a passion for the bible as a jw and as an ex-jw.
i guess that is all i have left when it comes to religion and as humans we do tend to stroke our egos.
Its a story with a moral;...be good bow the knee to the big boss or else shark bait!!
Wonderful advice why did only 8 people heed the advice out of the whole world?
Because the moral had to be punched home with emphasis!!
Buy into this as anything even close to true , and you really are deluded!!
Lets face it the culprits in this saga are human warts and all. All very WORDLY don't you think!!?.
This kind of ' cookin' the books ' is common.
They just hope they can remain under the radar.
Maybe they forgot the big eye in the sky is watching them..oh oh look out !!! Lol.
just saying , my 2 cents worth .
if they have an agenda it will be revealed in a short time , let them play it out .. however , some genuine first posters can be put off by somebody jumping the gun and attacking them .. please give the first posters time to get to know this site.. smiddy.
"All we are saying,....Is give peace a chance " amen to that
please don't attack me if this is the wrong place!
i know that i definitely shouldn't be on this website, but i am to embarassed to ask anyone at my hall!
everyone would be so nice, but i just feel like i should know the answers already.
Hi mosis (could that be inspired by Moses?) Best thing you could do is, whatever you are being taught at the meetings do not hesitate to discuss here on this forum.
You will be able then to have different viewpoints as to the subject matters credibility.
Consequently you will be able to make up your OWN mind as to it's truthfulness.
Best wishes and welcome.
25 year old farzana iqbal was stoned to death by a crowd led by her own father and two of her brothers outside the high court in lahore yesterday.. her crime was to reject her cousin, who her family had decided she should marry, and fall in love with a man of her own choosing.. thousands of women are murdered every year in so-called "honour killings" but convictions are very rare.
pakistani law permits victim's families to forgive a murderer, but in these cases the killers are family members who are nominated to carry out the execution by the rest of the family.. this is what happens when you allow a mysogynistic religion to influence secular law.. reuters report...l.
A case of religious fervour overriding ' normal human behaviour;...compassion, understanding, empathy forgiveness and most of all ,.love,
Unfortunately religious zealots see their strangely ' god ' driven behaviour as normal vindication .
How sad for the victims..
Secular governments must priorities justive for these victims even if it means upsetting the religions who are culpable.
which would the watchtower choose if it came down to this in the united states or europe?
losing tax free status would mean losing millions of dollars.
ending shunning means people would leave by the boatloads.
I am currently shunned by my father, I am not dfd I simply
faded many years ogo . I cannot visit my infirm mother who has been diag' with dementia although she still recognises me as her son and always welcomed my visits and company as it SHOULD be.
my father has chosen to shun my sister who is an active jw because she associates with me as it SHOULD be.
My brother (an elder) also disagrees with my father and has tried in vain to show him his reasoning is wrong this has had no change in his attitude.
Now the elders are involved they want to have a 'chat ' with both my father and my sister.
they have already talked with my father and information was imparted to my sister that my father told them I was dfd!!?
My brother the elder (who lives in another country ) has had to contact the elders in my fathers cong' to inform them I was never dfd.
so things are not just as black and white as some may think, and of course this whole unnecessary and hurtful practice causes deep pain to all involved.
all due to this hypocritical bunch of .......they can stick their religious freedoms and rights if this is what it causes where the sun don't shine.
which would the watchtower choose if it came down to this in the united states or europe?
losing tax free status would mean losing millions of dollars.
ending shunning means people would leave by the boatloads.
Old goat ...Go kiss the flag!!!
anyone else finding it troubling?
anyone feel it represents their views?.
is it being reported in usa/australia etc?.
Scotlands bid for independence is driven by a very large extent to rid by democratic means the right wing of politics , which at the present Iis the overriding government which the vast majority of Scots do not vote for.
Scotland has in the main always been a democratic socialist country and wishes by becoming a nation in its own right to follow and apply those principles for the furtherment and benefit of its citizens.
teething troubles aside (and I'm sure there will be many ) I will support that cause.
she said, "so, what made you decide to study this book?
at this point, she opened with a prayer.
"...and some decide that such questions are best left to religious leaders and teachers.
F.W.;...I'm sure there is a smokescreen with these ' red herrings ' I think your being ' kippered'. Lol