Hi purr.. believe in your own worth. You have a life, you can impart good, loving and caring for your loved ones and fellow man without the NEED for an invisible being .
Wishing you a happy life.
while i'm glad i found this site, it has also crumbled to bits everything i've believed in my whole life.
i feel like the certainty, magic and wonder has gone out of my life.
this has left a huge hole in my soul.
Hi purr.. believe in your own worth. You have a life, you can impart good, loving and caring for your loved ones and fellow man without the NEED for an invisible being .
Wishing you a happy life.
this is interesting.
lots of posts praising and defending palestinians .
i have yet to see one post from anyone defending israel.
What the fu..!! Is god doing about all this??!!!!
an article in the sydney morning herald:.
"from beyond the grave, father-of-four patrick carroll continued a five-decade crusade to steer his children away from being active jehovah's witnesses and into catholicism.. mr carroll wrote into his will that his adult children were not to receive any inheritance unless they met two conditions: attend his funeral and become catholics within three months of his death.. mr carroll died in april 2012. his children attended the funeral but they did not become catholics and challenged the condition in the nsw supreme court in a bid to still receive their share of his estate.. but justice francois kunc last week ruled that mr carroll was entitled to place such conditions on his will.. the court heard that mr carroll's motivation was not so much about imposing his own beliefs but rather the fact he never approved of his children becoming jehovah's witness.. the court heard that mr carroll did not raise his children as catholics, neither he or they had attended church services when they were young and he did not enroll them in catholic schools.. but when he split from their mother lillian in 1959 she became a jehovah's witness and over the next decade the couple's four children, robyn, paulene, anthony and susan, were baptised as jehovah's witnesses.. mr carroll never approved of "their adherence to that faith", the court heard.. "[lillian's] conversion to that faith enraged mr carroll, who for the rest of his life continued to express his very strong objections to lillian's and the children's member of that faith," justice kunc said in his judgement.. the court was told that all four of his children remain active members of their congregation.. in his will, written in december 2011, four months before he died, mr carroll left more than a third of his estate to his four children "dependent upon them becoming baptised into the catholic church within a period of three months from the date of my death and such gifts are also subject to and dependent my children attending my funeral.".
Since when did money become the catalyst for religious belief. ?...oops ask the gb(fds)lol!!!!!
we are going to edinburgh today to see what's going at the festival, go out for a meal and probably see a show.. i have made up some cards with the jwfacts.com logo to hand to jws on the trolleys.
there is nothing on the cards part from the logo.
ttatt is only a click away..
Thanks for the reply and congrats on your anniversary.
Are the cards specifically for jws being that the ganeral public who are taking the literature from the trolleys may benefit from the information at jwfacts.
That being the case perhaps a different wording on the card as 'the truth about the truth' may not register.
Just a thought.
The cards are a great idea I'll consider doing the same
we are going to edinburgh today to see what's going at the festival, go out for a meal and probably see a show.. i have made up some cards with the jwfacts.com logo to hand to jws on the trolleys.
there is nothing on the cards part from the logo.
ttatt is only a click away..
Hi cofty..did you feel a sense of disappointment at the absence of the JWs?
Whenever I'm in town I'll normally have a ' blether 'if there not around I feel a bit of disappointment as imparting some ttatt gives me a feeling of achievement.
Best wishes.
Ps.. glad you enjoyed your day in Edinburgh.
there are interesting claims in the watctower, august 2014:.
2 today, jehovah guides his people by means of the bible, his holy spirit, and the congregation.
(acts 9:31; 15:28; 2 tim.
The main and crucial point is;...the new light was not an enhancement of understanding, but a complete contradiction!!
Therefore the old light was beamed up by who?....scottie!!! (Star trek )
It surely proves the point;...you can get something from nothing, even a reaction . Well bless ma soul !!!
i know this has been talked about in the past but im new here..
A watcher...you say the GB (fds) are your brothers who give you wise counsel and you decide IF and HOW you apply it.
Is their wise counsel not ' food at the proper time'?
That being the case you MUST consume it NO CHOICE or you will spiritually starve and we know how they treat spiritually weak dissenters.
Are you sure it is wise for you to choose which bits of counsel (food) which they so lovingly provide for your consumption?
Best wishes
i won't be lengthy on this.
i have been in the org for about 20yrs.
now & woke up about 2yrs ago.
Welcome. Take control of your OWN life.wishing you and your loved ones a successful journey.
i thought it was high time to introduce myself (without my name of course).
as my name would suggest i have been reading your intriguing post, thoughts and discussions for some time now.
around 3/4 months to be exact.. i guess to start with it would seem fitting to give a little background on my current situation.. i'm a born-in, but have over the last few years found that through a number of varying occurences, (some of which i may discuss in future posts) that my 'zeal' has gone from regular field service and meetings to no service in over a year and very sporadic meeting attendance.
Welcome to our diverse and sometimes enlightening forum for many to discuss , debate, vent and find kinship with many who have similar feelings and experiences as yourself.
Best wishes.