Your situation is absolutely indicative of supernatural influential hocus pocus getting in the way of essential and beneficial humanistic and necessary feelings of love and caring.
I wish you a happy life...time is a wonderful healer I know.
some of you might remember my first post on here about my dilemma of whether or not to remain in a relationship with my jw girlfriend after learning ttatt
while we were taking a break, well it turned out to be not very much of a break because of our still strong feeling for each other (we eventually went from talking every few weeks to once a week and then to everyday again) and things started to get complicated.
well last night we officially decided that it would be best for the both of us to at least part ways for now and end things.
Your situation is absolutely indicative of supernatural influential hocus pocus getting in the way of essential and beneficial humanistic and necessary feelings of love and caring.
I wish you a happy life...time is a wonderful healer I know.
there's a lot of talk right now about how stupid it is to have jws hand out leaflets with urls on them.
"why go to someone's door to tell them they can visit a web site that lets them ask for someone to come to their door?
" well, i'm sorry, but i have to weigh in with a contrary opinion here on how clever the society is.
Inside kh.....vast majority of people seeking information on any given subject will use many different sites, it's basically the reason d'etre of the internet.
The fact that the borg directs people to its official ' web ' site will by default send more to other sites such as and not exclusively to those you mention.
Human curiosity will prevail to prove to many the hypocrisy and falsehood of the gb( fds parable snatchers).
Inadvertently using wordly inspired technology will stumble many jws and expose the wbts as the charlatans they are.
Best wishes.
atheists believe that god should stop the large-scale injustice on earth; if he does'nt, then he does not exist.
jws believe that god will intervene sometime in the last days!.
interestingly, both throw themselves on their own expectation of soemthing god should or will do, yet in fact something god does not have to do.
Ex wt.... tinnitus sufferers may not agree!
Perhaps you have a cure, it must be less complex than the same frequency as the ' creator '.
Best wishes
people like robin williams can make you laugh.
we might think that they have it all but we really know nothing about their demons, their problems, their issues.
someone might be funny on the outside but be totally depressed from within..
What a person is GOING THROUGH...From a distance most people see very succesful global celebrities as having it all.
Who would not wish even a fraction of their wealth, ability, creativeness and subsequent rewards.
I for one would hope I could use it for the good of my family, but GOING THROUGH is the sting in the tail.
Perhaps a lot of the fundemental elements of true happiness is sacrificed.
Robin Williams appears to be another in a long list to succumb,
there's a lot of talk right now about how stupid it is to have jws hand out leaflets with urls on them.
"why go to someone's door to tell them they can visit a web site that lets them ask for someone to come to their door?
" well, i'm sorry, but i have to weigh in with a contrary opinion here on how clever the society is.
Yes I agree..I wonder if the 8 million have realised they are being used as unpaid salesmen to prop up the coffers of ' mother '
Best wishes
atheists believe that god should stop the large-scale injustice on earth; if he does'nt, then he does not exist.
jws believe that god will intervene sometime in the last days!.
interestingly, both throw themselves on their own expectation of soemthing god should or will do, yet in fact something god does not have to do.
Ex wt,..I do agree if humans are more loving it will certainly be beneficial for our living environments.
However your accoubt of the crocodile and the childrenm.., who feeds the animal? Does it find its own food as nature intends?.
If it goes hungry the children would be in its belly NOT on its back with the shopping.
there's a lot of talk right now about how stupid it is to have jws hand out leaflets with urls on them.
"why go to someone's door to tell them they can visit a web site that lets them ask for someone to come to their door?
" well, i'm sorry, but i have to weigh in with a contrary opinion here on how clever the society is.
The impact of tv advertising is immense, why would exponents of it spend multi millions otherwise?
The borg are free to utilise this method with however many tv stations as they wish, who would refuse their money?
They are after all ' advertising gods kingdom '.
If they are truly sincere in their goal , why don't they use a proven medium which other 'big businesses' take advantage of with proven success?
Best wishes.
there's a lot of talk right now about how stupid it is to have jws hand out leaflets with urls on them.
"why go to someone's door to tell them they can visit a web site that lets them ask for someone to come to their door?
" well, i'm sorry, but i have to weigh in with a contrary opinion here on how clever the society is.
A 30 second prime time tv ad would surely have more of an impact.
What stops ??!!!
"stay alive till '75.
" remember that?
note: this is the year 5774 not 2014. why didn't they tell you that in 5735 (1975 ad?
Wouldn't you like to meet John (Jack) in the pub,...only stipulation would I be able to finish my pint!!!??
There again there's always a supscon of truth in many a diatribe.
What's bilderberg upto ??!!!
while i'm glad i found this site, it has also crumbled to bits everything i've believed in my whole life.
i feel like the certainty, magic and wonder has gone out of my life.
this has left a huge hole in my soul.
You may like the IDEA of god if you need it but certainly not the reality of god (unless anyone can prove differently).
Best wishes