Oops!! You have obviously given this subject a lot of your time.
Is there anyone who agrees with you?
Best wishes.
this topic is of a theological nature.
if you have some scriptural insight, please share.
grievances are not welcome!.
Oops!! You have obviously given this subject a lot of your time.
Is there anyone who agrees with you?
Best wishes.
this topic is of a theological nature.
if you have some scriptural insight, please share.
grievances are not welcome!.
There is always hope in speculation.
You have
bible describes atheism as a condition of the heart and is all about seeking what is ephemeral, not acting with insight.
(psalm 14:1, 2) thus it rightly says the whole world is lying in the attraction of what is ephemeral.
(wicked one is not a correct translation.1 john 5:19) thus even believers who pray to god (for material blessings) are actually atheists as they are not trying to be poor in spirit.
Ex wt....says jewellery is more important than its container...
Thats because man made it so. ?.but if the container is made of wood and you have dire need of warmth see how quickly the container becomes more important and watch it burn.
Jewellery? Wood? Their importance is determined by need !!
Best wishes
i believe in god but i'm not sure of anything....what about you?.
Absolutely no supernatural woo woo for me.
i happened to come across a new (2008) theory on the evolution of live, by a biologist named eugene m. mccarthy.
he describes his new approach as stabilization theory.
i haven't read into it in depht, so i cannot make any informed comments so far.. this is his website: www.macroevolution.net.
Evolution is a fact no matter what slant is theorised about its journey.
The spark of life or as we define creation(bringing into being) is probably unsolvable given the physical make up of our brain.ie it must have a limit of understanding no matter how clever we think we are. We are after all made up of what we are trying to understand.
There is of course human curiosity which means we will always keep searching for the answer, all strengh to those who do.
Believing in man made hocus pocus about almighty supernatural beings being responsible is imo an insult to our limited evolved intelligence.
Best wishes.
boe * 2014-07-15 witnessing in public places revision.
old version: 2014-05-01 witnessing in public places pdf: http://adf.ly/qagwu.
new version: 2014-07-15 witnessing in public places pdf: http://adf.ly/r6tsl.
In other words ' go and preach the good news as directed, but don't say we sent you if anything goes wrong'..signed your spiritual food suppliers the faithful and discreet parable snatchers.
this was one of the things that first got me thinking.
i noticed how in books like "draw close to jehovah" they paint god as a loving, warm, just god who does not desire any to die.
i could not love him at all, let alone with my whole heart.
Cofty...unfotrunately he is alive today ..residing in mids of delusion!!!
atheists believe that god should stop the large-scale injustice on earth; if he does'nt, then he does not exist.
jws believe that god will intervene sometime in the last days!.
interestingly, both throw themselves on their own expectation of soemthing god should or will do, yet in fact something god does not have to do.
Kate. Best wishes for your birthday celebrations..take care
atheists believe that god should stop the large-scale injustice on earth; if he does'nt, then he does not exist.
jws believe that god will intervene sometime in the last days!.
interestingly, both throw themselves on their own expectation of soemthing god should or will do, yet in fact something god does not have to do.
Kate.. you say; "those that have the power to end suffering but don't are evil.
You therefore don't believe the god you think exists can end suffering ,..otherwise he would be deemed evil? Or are you talking in terms of human intervention?
Would you say your unique understanding of god is as a result of your feelings of abandonment by god(jehovah) which you once held.
You subsequently did not see god as one of your loved ones..Was that a purposeful downgrading of the god jehovah whom you once worshiped?
If so and I'm being presumptuous, perhaps it was as a form of punishment of god that you now see him the way you do because you feel he abandoned you when you needed his help.
Certainly not the actions of a loving caring god.
But also it has to be said the inaction because he does not exist, which is why unfortunately for mankind who experience disaster outwith our control there never can be supernatural intervention.
Best wishes
atheists believe that god should stop the large-scale injustice on earth; if he does'nt, then he does not exist.
jws believe that god will intervene sometime in the last days!.
interestingly, both throw themselves on their own expectation of soemthing god should or will do, yet in fact something god does not have to do.
Hi kate ...I do agree with most of your points re, more could be done by mankind to prevent and aid in the fight against suffering etc.
There are however tragedies which befall mankind which we have no control over.
The question which athiests ask re gods ability to intervene arises from the fact that theists claim there is such a being who could if he desires prevent these unforeseeable disasters.
The fact that I don't believe such a being exists prompts questions such as I have posed.
In the form of a discussion forum it is interesting to me the theists point of view, after all the people who are affected by suffering , torture, agony through no fault of their own may rightly wonder why the loving god they believe in has abandoned them to their fate.
The question I asked you is imo is quite straightforward.
Best wishes