The account of noahs flood is more than that of water.
The totality of the story details can be proven beyond doubt to be not literal.
Any discovery of vast amounts of water if founded , will have zero correlation to noah.
Best wishes .
"the transition zone can hold a lot of water, and could potentially have the same amount of h2o [water] as all the world's ocean.".
i figured when people read this that there will be those claiming proof of the flood story.
The account of noahs flood is more than that of water.
The totality of the story details can be proven beyond doubt to be not literal.
Any discovery of vast amounts of water if founded , will have zero correlation to noah.
Best wishes .
out of interest, and to formulate a cordial chat, would you give your top one reason for your belief or non belief?.
my foremost 'one reason' for non belief is:.
the historical evidence that provides an explination and timeline for how the modern religious doctrine's and dogma developed over time.. .
Hi kate you think god agrees with you.
Do you see it possible in your belief that your idea of the god you imagine could be entirely wrong, and therefore contrary to the god you think exists.
Begs the question do you see it possible a totally different deity may exist than the one you give attributes to.
Best wishes.
out of interest, and to formulate a cordial chat, would you give your top one reason for your belief or non belief?.
my foremost 'one reason' for non belief is:.
the historical evidence that provides an explination and timeline for how the modern religious doctrine's and dogma developed over time.. .
Absolutely nO necessity
From cradle to grave its up to me to make my life purposeful.
Best wishes
half a million refugees are on the move ahead of sunni jihadists in northern iraq.. the speed of the advance is startling.
the iraqi army seems to be impotent.
the government's attempt to declare a state of emergency had to be abandoned when insufficient mps turned up to vote.. the insurgents are just 60 miles from baghdad this evening.
Tootired...not withstanding our own shores of course.
Hitler imo was an entirely different ball game.
half a million refugees are on the move ahead of sunni jihadists in northern iraq.. the speed of the advance is startling.
the iraqi army seems to be impotent.
the government's attempt to declare a state of emergency had to be abandoned when insufficient mps turned up to vote.. the insurgents are just 60 miles from baghdad this evening.
Arab does as arab will. The west has bean dealt a bloody nose time and time again.
Intervention has only served to cost lives and still the jehadies plot to overthrow western imposed pseudo democracy.
Imo western commercial interests combined with ill advised and planned regional border remarking exaserbated an already totally misunderstood knowledge of tribal and nomadic peoples.
I fear the west must butt out and leave the region to its own devises to avoid more innocent bloodshed than will unfortunately be spilled until the arabs sort out their own cultural mess.
i have come to the conclusion that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of god.
however the scientific evidence available is compelling enough for me to believe that a creator is responsible for life on earth.. i have read much about powner and understand the work he is doing.
i am interested in your views as to his credibility.
As heard on the London underground "mind the gap" lol.
i have come to the conclusion that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of god.
however the scientific evidence available is compelling enough for me to believe that a creator is responsible for life on earth.. i have read much about powner and understand the work he is doing.
i am interested in your views as to his credibility.
Thanks kate, I wonder how many other god ' experiences are down to psychotic experience, anyway as you say another thread.
Best wishes
i have come to the conclusion that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of god.
however the scientific evidence available is compelling enough for me to believe that a creator is responsible for life on earth.. i have read much about powner and understand the work he is doing.
i am interested in your views as to his credibility.
Hi kate ;... Phizzy touched on the emotional need for belief in god.
I have sympathy for that viewpoint.
You have said in a few of your posts that you don't believe god punishes or rewards us, and that god is not concerned(is indifferent)to our suffering.
How do you reconcile the claims of believers who would argue(without proof) that god has indeed demonstated to them the actions you deny?
Would you say they were wrong in their judgement?
Could you be persuaded to believe in their take of gods interventions by their testimony?
My point being these are emotive reasons although conflicting for belief in god,
Which is correct ? Is it not therefore possible both are wrong as there is no proof to substantiate either.
Best wishes
breaking news :charity commission takes watchtower to charity tribunal in britain.
two weeks ago we run an article about the abuse case in moston manchester congregation .it would seem that the coverage from the main local newspaper manchester evening news and two national newspapers has alarmed the charity commission the official regulator for charities in england and wales and now for the first time !
they opened an official investigation on both charities ,the local one ,moston congragation and the central one jehovah's witnesses of britain indicating that in their eyes these two are connected and liable for any misconduct .this is the time for a concentrated campaign from all of us to inform the charity commission why the watchtower should not be a called a charity .the article above has a link for the charity commission complaint page .follow it!.
Who is breifing the charity commision lawyers.
This is the crux of the matter?
they must have unsurmountable incriminating evidence to stand a chance of exposing these weasel twisting charlatans.
Precedents have shown WT to cleverly bend the facts.
A satisfactory outcome for the victims is I'm afraid in the hands of skillful and well informed lawyers.
Who has that responsibility? Us?
breaking news :charity commission takes watchtower to charity tribunal in britain.
two weeks ago we run an article about the abuse case in moston manchester congregation .it would seem that the coverage from the main local newspaper manchester evening news and two national newspapers has alarmed the charity commission the official regulator for charities in england and wales and now for the first time !
they opened an official investigation on both charities ,the local one ,moston congragation and the central one jehovah's witnesses of britain indicating that in their eyes these two are connected and liable for any misconduct .this is the time for a concentrated campaign from all of us to inform the charity commission why the watchtower should not be a called a charity .the article above has a link for the charity commission complaint page .follow it!.
I hope this is the start of the 'come uppance' for these hypocritical charlatans!!!