If this is policy, are we ' the shunned ' going to get a discreet apology? I want mine announced from the platform....then again pigs might fly!!!!!
JoinedPosts by galaxie
WT Says O.K. To Visit With Disfellowshipped Family Members...Discreetly!
by JW GoneBad indiscreetly!.
that was the word the speaker used to tell jws at the regional convention that when the need to visit or associate with d'fd family members....okay to do so......only discreetly!.
on friday morning in the 6 part symposium entitled 'what must be kept in second place?
I saw a trolley (cart to you cousins in the U.S.A.)
by punkofnice inyes.. peterborough city center u.k. ''what does the bible really teach'' displayed on it.. a family of 3 i know were sitting on the bench just behind it.
i'm not going to say anything derogatory about them as they are nice folks even if they have to shun me now i bear no malice.. as predicted not a single person was paying any attention as they walked by.
i noticed some other canvassers (non religious), were actively approaching people and handing out leaflets.. on the market i saw the jw charity stall and again not a single soul was interested or even near it.. i'm glad this 'urgent never to be repeated work(tm)' is being vigorously carried out by god's chosen people.
I approached the cart/trolley stood about ten ft away and flicked through the mag' no one approached.
The mag was all about creation of the earth the perfection of it all , rejection of evolution etc the usual b... sht.
Only tiny paragraph concerning the role of the sun.
Fed up waiting for someone to approach I decided to speak to them.
A younger bro stood beside an older sis',I said I've been reading about the earth in your mag' I notice there's only a tiny part re the role of the sun, I said you know without the sun there would be no earth they both nodded affirmatively. Then another older bro' sidled up to listen in, so I continued as none of them inquired as to my interest; the sun in the future will eventually lose its potency to allow life to continue on earth and eventually the earth will succumb to the dying sun and will be no more,...I'm still waiting for a response!? They were still nodding in the affirmative. I continued so that being the case there doesn't look like any prospect of everlasting life in a perfect paradise!? ?..still none of them said anything , so I said do you agree ..they were unbelievably still nodding, so I said ,.right we all agree then and bid them good afternoon.
I wonder what their conversation was when I left??!!!
Best wishes.
Science proves there is a God
by seekchristonly infusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
How the fook etc cofty
How the fook has this carnival lasted thousands of years ??????!!!!!!.
Finally learned how to live the REAL real life
by forest heathen insomeone suggested i post an introductory thread.
i am a married, rather young grandma of four precious rugrats, ages 2-9. i guess our only child son and his only child wife didn't want their own kids to be "onlies".
my other half and i married rather young (18 &22) and will be celebrating 31 years together this summer.. i am sort of add, keep thinking i am still 28, love my husband now more than ever, and am so glad i woke up and left the crazy cult.. my husband and i began studying months after marrying and then decided to take the dunk.
Wonderful.hope lifes journey is kind to you and yours.
Best wishes.
Matthew Powner- Advanced research on the Origin of life. How credible is he?
by KateWild ini have come to the conclusion that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of god.
however the scientific evidence available is compelling enough for me to believe that a creator is responsible for life on earth.. i have read much about powner and understand the work he is doing.
i am interested in your views as to his credibility.
Oh dear the air is blue and the posts are getting heated....wait a minute that reminds me of agood pub in central London, the blue post rupert St soho china town.
Great on sunday afternoons usually live music and london old fashioned charm.
Best wishes
by snare&racket inout of interest, and to formulate a cordial chat, would you give your top one reason for your belief or non belief?.
my foremost 'one reason' for non belief is:.
the historical evidence that provides an explination and timeline for how the modern religious doctrine's and dogma developed over time.. .
Thanks kate.
Evidence of Ocean of Water in or under Earth's Mantle.... Will people now state this to be proof of the Noah Account?
by adjusted knowledge in"the transition zone can hold a lot of water, and could potentially have the same amount of h2o [water] as all the world's ocean.".
i figured when people read this that there will be those claiming proof of the flood story.
The account of noahs flood is more than that of water.
The totality of the story details can be proven beyond doubt to be not literal.
Any discovery of vast amounts of water if founded , will have zero correlation to noah.
Best wishes .
by snare&racket inout of interest, and to formulate a cordial chat, would you give your top one reason for your belief or non belief?.
my foremost 'one reason' for non belief is:.
the historical evidence that provides an explination and timeline for how the modern religious doctrine's and dogma developed over time.. .
Hi kate ..do you think god agrees with you.
Do you see it possible in your belief that your idea of the god you imagine could be entirely wrong, and therefore contrary to the god you think exists.
Begs the question do you see it possible a totally different deity may exist than the one you give attributes to.
Best wishes.
by snare&racket inout of interest, and to formulate a cordial chat, would you give your top one reason for your belief or non belief?.
my foremost 'one reason' for non belief is:.
the historical evidence that provides an explination and timeline for how the modern religious doctrine's and dogma developed over time.. .
Absolutely nO necessity
From cradle to grave its up to me to make my life purposeful.
Best wishes
Iraq Descends Into Religious Civil War
by cofty inhalf a million refugees are on the move ahead of sunni jihadists in northern iraq.. the speed of the advance is startling.
the iraqi army seems to be impotent.
the government's attempt to declare a state of emergency had to be abandoned when insufficient mps turned up to vote.. the insurgents are just 60 miles from baghdad this evening.
Tootired...not withstanding our own shores of course.
Hitler imo was an entirely different ball game.