What exactly does their race have to do with your experience? Was it your first time meeting a black witness?
JoinedPosts by Pyrohectic
"Would You Like To Read The AWAKE Magazine?"----Today's "Preacher"
by minimus inyesterday, i took the opportunity to read a couple of newspapers outside on a beautiful day.
when i sat down on the city bench, an older black woman subtly asked me,"would you like to read the awake magazine?
" i said "no thankyou" and started to read my papers.
Raised a JW... did you have a childhood?
by ignorance is strength inpersonally i was quite serious at a young age.. there was no "boys will be boys" growing up.
personally i feel kind of cheated out of a childhood by an organization that forced you to think that "everything around you was going to be gone soon so you better grow up, start publishing, and giving talks.
" did any of you experience a less than stellar childhood, especially because of the lack of holidays and socially-isolating religion gowing up?
Did any of you experience a less than stellar childhood, especially because of the lack of holidays and socially-isolating religion gowing up?
Yes, I was so traumatized at not having presents given to me for commercially assigned days out of the year(never mind the fact that I usually got toys and other things on the days preceding and following). It always bugs me when I hear about how damaging JW children were that they couldn't celebrate holidays. One lady I met called it child abuse. Um, if the most damaging events from your childhood surrounded not getting toys for Christmas, count yourself most fortunate.
current JW's, asking a question...
by jwbot inare there any current jehovahs witnesses here?.
what are your reasons for being here?
to find like minded people?
What are your reasons for being here?
Curiosity, mostly. Like minded people? Not so much.
To argue with those that oppose? To seek answers to questions? To share your doubts?
No, although sometimes I sure feel like it(some of these posts either have me laughing uncontrollably or shaking my head or some mixture of both.) The only doubts I have are due to my own issues. That's what therapy's for, I suppose.
Some People Stay Witnesses Because They Don't Want To Think For Themselves
by minimus ini've come to that conclusion.
some would rather not have to think about a position, a prophecy, a requirement or a belief.
they really would rather follow the dictates of leaders of an organization.
[quote]Some People Stay Witnesses Because They Don't Want To Think For Themselves[/quote] Yes. It's just that simple. *blink, blink*
Did You Refuse To See A Doctor Or Therapist Because You Were A Witness?
by minimus ini'm curious how many put off seeing a doctor or some other "worldly" professional because you didn't want to bring "reproach upon jehovah's name" or were counseled against it.
[quote] I'm curious how many put off seeing a doctor or some other "worldly" professional because you didn't want to bring "reproach upon Jehovah's name" or were counseled against it. [/quote] Um, can't say I ever heard of someone doing that. Both of my parents encouraged me to get help for my depression and see a therapist, and I know quite a few brothers and sisters who are being treated(one even bi-polar).
WTS Addresses Child Abuse - er, kind of...
by iiz2cool inmy wife, who is intent on re-activating herself as a dub since i da'd myself, went to the convention this past weekend.
she showed me this new publication entitled "learn from the great teacher", and placed great emphasis on these two pages i scanned and am posting.
it makes a poor show of telling children what to do when confronted by a child abuser.
Did the therapist give any suggestions on how it *should* read?
Update on Elderly Man in CA -
by closer2fine in.
original post: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/55589/1.ashx.
Wow. If that's true, it changes everything.
If I live past 65, I'm getting tested again. I'm not even 25 and I get so paranoid driving.
Do the Elders know about this?
by meadow77 in.
what kind of an example are we setting for young witness girls regarding modesty?
i personally think she looks nice, although maybe she should try for some darker colors; but because of her jw affiliation, it justs makes one stagger at the double standards.
I've read many of those same articles, including one where Serena claimed that she(or "they") were "invincible"(re: their game) because they were Jehovah's Witnesses(groan), so I really don't put much stock in those. I personally just thing they gave a passing consideration to the religion and decided that they liked this aspect and that aspect. I just can't picture the two stopping at KH's during their tours, lol. I just think they're Graduates of the Michael Jackson School of Witnessing. On a side note, I'm big fans of theirs and I was horrified at the ignorant morons who harassed Serena at the French Open.
Do the Elders know about this?
by meadow77 in.
what kind of an example are we setting for young witness girls regarding modesty?
i personally think she looks nice, although maybe she should try for some darker colors; but because of her jw affiliation, it justs makes one stagger at the double standards.
Beautiful woman and dress.
But yeah, a bra would do wonders. I doubt the sisters are really that much into the organization. I never hear any concrete stories of them being baptized or anything. At the most all I heard was that Oracene studied, and then stopped.