I think the society taking absolute control of everything ia a persons life and yet doing so without any real and genuine love for individuals.I remember years ago, either the Watchtower or a CO said that the society could and would direct us as to where we would live in the new system. Didn't sound like paradise to me, just the eternal big brother watching everything. The society, organization is the most important thing really changes in doctrine,prophesy, or whatever are all to ensure the survival of the borg. Everything and every individual is expendable. Just doesn't seem to follow the example of the humble carpenter who was willing to wash the feet of his followers.
JoinedPosts by potleg
what proves jw's aren't true?
by jwfacts ini am inactive and it took years of doubt to convince myself the jw's arent true.
i started doubting because i hated the idea that jehovah would kill 6 billion non-jw's.
the thing now that is the most important proof for me is that until 1954 jw's worshipped jesus and it is still in the watchtower charter, even though you now get disfellowshipped for worshipping jesus.
After four years, still cleaning up the trash.
by TemperateWarrior ini have a question that i'd like to get feedback for:
how does a person get their finances in order after leaving the dubs?
i've left the b'organization with my family intact.
Get a copy of "The Total Money Makover" - a proven plan for financial fitness by Dave Ramsey and check out his web site which I believe is daveramsey.com This fellows plan is tough but it works ...I'm working through it myself. Many of us that should have been more prepared financially for the future are not so your'e not alone. Good luck and check this out.
Up to our elbows in Newbs on JWD
by IP_SEC inwow, what's going on here?
i look at all the new folk here that seem to have joined in the past 2 months and are posters who are under 100 posts and i gotta wonder why.. has something happened in dubland recently to cause a lot of folk to reach out?
if you are new here at jwd, how did you find us?
I spent too many years trying to get people "in" (what a waste) Now I want to take an active part in helping people get "out"..and stay out. The Witnesses can lay on a lot of heavy guilt and fear and I want to do my part in tipping the scales in the other direction.
Can someone help me to understand?
by hiccup ini am very new to this whole "religion" and although i have pulled up some information on jehovah's witnesses, i can't seem to get my arms around it.
the reason i have come here is because my father has been doing bible studies and readings for about 2 years now and over the last 6 months to a year he has been someone very different from who i used to know.
it all started with a near fatal car accident and then with my sister getting involved with drugs and running away with her boyfriend.
We tend to become like those we associate with. Most JW's are not really financially succesfull.those that are are often viewed as spiritually weak or somehow having too much to do with "the World"..which is passing away, according to them. I'm not saying that poverty is encouraged outright but neither is anything outside the witnesses, certainly not wealth or association with succesfull non witnesses. The idea seems to just get by and ride out the "remaining few months in this old system". I think witnesses today are more into money though. When the organization speaks people don't listen as well as they once did. Maybe a lack of money or a humble job is seen by some as a thorny crown...a modern day version of the more you suffer in this life for the Lord the greater your reward in the next, often times individuals who have given up so much for the truth are set as shining examples. Witnesses often like to tell how hard and bad things are...after all the end is coming so soooon and they don't want to be tooo comfortable in this system of things...or do they? Maybe some in secret.
by GetBusyLiving inat one of the last bookstudies i ever attended i heard a comment that really struck home to me how desperate these people really are getting, to the edge of insanity.
an older woman commented, "you can tell the end is coming.. its in the air.. you can feel it.. there is something in the air.. times are just.. different" and the whole time she was manically glancing around the room.
the conductor agreed with her.
Recently I had a conversation with a JW relative, they were teling me how near the end must be. I told her that I'd heard that same line when I was a kid back in the early 70's and yet we're still here. Infact the JW's have been predicting doom and gloom for over 100 years now. Her reply was "well it just shows you that we are that much closer now" No said I, it shows that the society was wrong 30 years ago, 80 years ago, even over 100 years ago...they were wrong then and they're wrong now. That was the end of that conversation. How can an "organization" that is supposed to be so right be so wrong so many times for so many years? Who is misleading them? the great deciever?
needs some opinions & advices
by cookiegirlie ini've read some posts here and i could see that you were helping each other so i thought i could post & maybe get some answers :-).
i've known the jws since i was little my mom was going to the kingdom hall but then we stopped cos our life was too complicated and we didn't have time for that thought we kept studying at home with a jw as i got older ( teen years ) i hated the study book but never told my mom or anybody i didn't wanted to hurt my mom i love her so much!.
a few years ago i finally told my mom that i hated to read thoses books because i get so bored & that i wasn't interested in it , i do believe in jehovah's and jesus' existence thought but i so hate what the org ask us to do like don't dress like that , go to meetings .... first reaction i got from my mom was so you wanna die but then after a long talk she understood , no matter what i'll love her forever.
Try to be firm with them. tell them your not interested or "it's not for me". Smile and turn away.DO NOT try to reason with them if you feel weak fragile or upset, they will manipulate you with scare tactics and try to tie you in knots with their circular reasoning. Read the bible, the gospel accounts of Jesus and his love...compare this with the way youv'e been treated. Eventually I hope you will be able to tell JWs that your'e not interested and happier now than you've ever been. They won't be able to understand how this can be because they are prisoners of a man made organization, I still get the occaisional "you'll be sorry at armagedon" I just smile...it's a joke, a cruel one, but they are the unwitting victims. I'm so happy to be free and I guarantee you will be too, fight for yourself and your freedom. Its worth it. One little step at a time. Good luck..oops.. ha ha
Many Stay As JWs Because Of Social & Family Contacts
by minimus inwould you agree that most people stay on as witnesses--not because they are "true believers" but because they have no place else to go or they will risk losing their family and friends?
I had strong social and family ties to the witnesses. I was employed by two of them and can honestly say they were the worst bosses I've ever worked for. When I went into business for myself I started hiring witnesses but graually more and more "worldly" people got hired. I found I liked the non-JWs better...Good "worldly" associates spoiled my JW habits and I dont regret it one bit.
Being publicly reproved
by Strawberryfieldsforever inyears ago my husband and i were publicly reproved.
we had gone out with some "worldly friends" from work and went dancing and had a few drinks too many.
well someone must have been around to see us and told the elders.
To this day I regret being on a committee that publicly reproved a young person. I disagreed with the other "brothers" but the majority won out. I should have been firmer in saying "this is wrong" but I didn't. It wrecked the individuals relationship with close friends and family. Shortly afterwards I resigned as an elder and left the organization. This of course wrecked my relationship with my family. FREE AT LAST. FREE AT LAST I THANK GOD I AM FREE AT LAST! Glad to be gone.
What Did You Find To Be The Most Confusing Belief Of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus injehovah's witnesses certainly have some unique beliefs and some are very, very confusing.
anything that you never quite understood?
Why is it wrong to celebrate a birth but it's OK to celebrate a wedding aniversary? It's fine to celebrate the upcomming arrival of a child, i.e. a baby shower, give gifts,have a party , invite your friends, maybe play a few games and have a cake, but once the child is here... the joyous event can never be marked again. Absolutely stupid and MEAN for young kids
This last weekend I attended a JW wedding reception, everyone was having a great time (including elders) dancing to disco music. A few years ago weren't we told that this was not appropriate for "christians"?
Their house is built upon shiffting sands. Blind Guids.
What's the most ridiculous thing you were ever counselled on?
by micheal inone of the cornerstones of jw's is counsel.
they just love to give counsel and many times they will literally make things up just for the sake of counsel.
i was once counselled for joking around too much.
I was in the British branch office in the mid to late 70's I worked alongside Jack (John) Barr, now of Governing Body fame in the job press dept. One time I was told I had a bad habit...putting my hands in my pockets while the press was running...it looked slovenly.Another time the factory overseer, Phil Reece heard me whistling some tune or other while I was working, again inappropriate. Just down the road from us was the "Adam & Eve" pub, we'd often go down and have a few pints after the Thursday night meeting and meet up with other young bros and sisters. We all got a lot of flack about that from the branch overseer Wilf Gooch. I remember him warning us to stay away from the girls, he'd say "when you have a girl friend Bethel loses half of you" We all thought it was stupid especially as he had a wife.