JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
New light!, says JW-Archive. The inspired word can have mistranslations, says Dec 2015 WT
by StarTrekAngel insorry, i know i posted this earlier but i believe the title did not gather enough attention.
i think is a topic worth discussing..
Saying that translations are not inspired and therefore implying that mistranslations are acceptable, is taking away credit from God. Look up the definition of inspiration under jw-org. This would not be the only place where you would find the contradictions. Many times before it has been studied that God would have to make sure the bible message gets to us unblemished. It is only logical. It would be ok in my view to say that the words may not be exact but the core idea is. The problem is that often times entire studies are dedicated to a single bible verse and sometimes entire magazine paragraphs dedicated to analyze a single word from the verse. When you do that, you can not be too careful as to question the translation of a single word. -
Need advice: Intimacy with my wife almost non existint because she considers me an apostate
by goingthruthemotions injust on of the perks of being an apostate who is married to a branwashed, blinded jw woman.
you know, we have been married for ~27 years....most of which we had nothing to do with the piece of shite cult.
up till the begining of 2014 was when i woke up.
What was she referring to when she said "go ask my therapist?". Is it your therapist or hers? -
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
Definitely agree. -
BAD NEWS: We'll be dealing with Watchtower far into the future
by Zoos infortunately there will still be people waking up to the scam.. .
Very true. Even Branch Davidians are still around in Waco. -
Watchtard Dancing Around the Word "Rapture"
by freemindfade inthere were so many things wrong with this weeks watchtower, its hard to pick one, but one that really bothered me was this watchtower business and their delivery.
i have never seen them quite have to explain something away like this in a study article like this before.
shows me they are battling people feeling confused.
I don't know. The last time I checked, the bible describes Jesus being taken up to the clouds, so what it this thing of it not being a rapture because flesh and blood can not enter heaven? Ok, may be his body was disposed of while in ascend (probably in the cold and vacuum of space LOL) but why would it be different this time around?
The study as a whole was one of the worst I've ever seen. Specially par 4, where it talks about how the people of Jehovah have remained clean of the harlot. When that and a few other comments went on, an elderly sister raised her hand. She must have this inside her and had to let it out. I say that because she had to clarify that her comment was a bit off topic. While she did comment on the working of other churches, she reminded everyone how the Catholic church had covered so much child abuse and deserved to be destroyed along with all other false religion.
To top it off, the dinner for the public talk speaker was at my house. Fortunately the guy did not stay, because I could tell he was heavily indoctrinated and we would probably not have any good conversations other than preach preach preach. All the sisters in our group showed up but the elder husbands had to stay behind for a meeting (CO visit is this week). I was the only male there so I had to do the prayer. I wonder how hypocrite dear holier than thou sister thought of me. I sat down with my wife and two other elderly sisters. I figure this way I could chalk up the non-sense talk to old age. I am glad I did.
New light!, says JW-Archive. The inspired word can have mistranslations, says Dec 2015 WT
by StarTrekAngel insorry, i know i posted this earlier but i believe the title did not gather enough attention.
i think is a topic worth discussing..
Crazyguy, do you happen to have any references to other magazines?
I thought of what may happen if it was me
by Truth and Justice ina brother goes to the thursday night meeting, and an elder says that he and a couple of elders would like to visit with him.
" the elder says "well lets wait till after the meeting.
" so he waits.
My wife was chastised by "holier than thou" pioneer sister. Sister chased after her after the meeting prior to field service for wearing an anklet. Told her that anklets were the adorn of prostitutes. -
New hominid Species Discovered in South Africa
by cofty inhomo naledi has been added to our family tree but exactly where, is still to be discovered.
read more here.... over 1500 fossils making up 15 separate individuals have been discovered in a cave near johannesburg.
here are a few highlights of it's anatomy.... the skull was globular, like a member of our genus but the brain was small and primitive.
The origin of life and evolution are two different things. Abiogenesis (origin of life from nothing) is a much more controversial field of science than that of evolution. Simply because evolution is happening as we speak and can be seen in many forms. Go do some research on the subject of evolution and then, separately, do some reading on abiogenesis. I am not saying you have to agree with it but at least you would understand the difference. -
New light!, says JW-Archive. The inspired word can have mistranslations, says Dec 2015 WT
by StarTrekAngel insorry, i know i posted this earlier but i believe the title did not gather enough attention.
i think is a topic worth discussing..
Yes. I just picked this up at JW-Archive and it was shocking that some JWs themselves are understanding that is ok for the bible to have been mistranslated and still be the inspired word. Is such was the intention of the article, then it opens the door to further indoctrination. -
Frederick W. Franz and September 5, 1975
by StarTrekAngel in