JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
So much for Hebrews 10:24 -
Young couple invited to School for Kingdom Evangelizers
by StarTrekAngel ina young couple from our cong has been invited to attend the school for kingdom evangelizers.
we found out because they rent a small home from my mil.
they came to tell her they will be leaving for florida for one month to two months.
A young couple from our cong has been invited to attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. We found out because they rent a small home from my MIL. They came to tell her they will be leaving for Florida for one month to two months. They claim they don't know if they will be re assigned to our congregation once they finish. They are asking my MIL to put the rent on hold until they get back.
They are in their early 30's and they moved to our cong about 4 years ago. They just finished resettling their parents to the area as well. Both him and his dad quickly raised up to eldership as they were close friends with the CO at the time.
Just putting it out there since we have seen the layoffs happening. We knew they were already trying to get rid of the older folks but may be this is a move to accelerate the process.
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
I think this is one of the predictions made on this site. Don't remember who, but I remember it being predicted. Sometimes I feel we could convince a couple of JWs that we have more holy spirit than the GB -
2 John 10
by What Now? injust looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
Sorry for the double posting. Something up with my browser today -
2 John 10
by What Now? injust looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
The gospels never really make a huge deal out of the belief in the apostles or God himself. Most of the congregational issues that the early Christian confronted were related to, first and foremost, wether Jesus was the promised Messiah or not, second, issues over allowed foods, third but not less, issues of immorality and loose conduct.
By far, the Christ was the biggest concern as it seems like they kept arguing with one another over what proof they had for or against him. This threatened the very basis of their faith, so the apostles had very little patient towards arguing over this matter. Wether you believe or not, there is a big parallel between that and the modern day GB, except that the GB today is not arguing wether Jesus was the Messiah. They argue their own authority and appointment, for as if you could convince anyone that 1914 is a hoax. among other things, they loose all authority.
2 John 10
by What Now? injust looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
Sorry something not working right with my computer today.
2 John 10
by What Now? injust looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
The gospels never really make a huge deal out of the belief in the apostles or God himself. Most of the congregational issues that the early Christian confronted were related to, first and foremost, wether Jesus was the promised Messiah or not, second, issues over allowed foods, third but not less, issues of immorality and loose conduct.
By far, the Christ was the biggest concern as it seems like they kept arguing with one another over what proof they had for or against him. This threatened the very basis of their faith, so the apostles had very little patient towards arguing over this matter. Wether you believe or not, there is a big parallel between that and the modern day GB, except that the GB today is not arguing wether Jesus was the Messiah. They argue their own authority and appointment, for as if you could convince anyone that 1914 is a hoax. among other things, they loose all authority.
Warwick Project Update Email
by wifibandit infwd from anon:.
dear brothers,.
we are happy to provide you with a brief progress update on the warwick project and explain how you can assist with a major adjustment recently approved in our construction schedule.
I am not an expert at this matters either but I recall that particular incident. I believe the WT settled the dispute by re-assigning the land to another project.
Here at work, we had a project in 2014 (nowhere as large as Warwick) where we had to build 9 telecommunications towers. Because they were built partly with incentives from the USDA, we had to bring the EPA in for environmental analysis. The person in charge of the project was not careful enough to notice one of the requirements. Certain migratory birds come thru the area twice a year and apparently towers can not be build during those times. When we went to erect the tower, part of the documents required to begin the construction were rejected by the FCC. Upon investigation, we realized the EPA has withdrawn their documents from the FCC in our behalf. We had to re-apply, but we were only granted the project after the birds were gone. Almost a whole year later. The project manager was fired as his carelessness costed the company a whole year worth of revenue.
Warwick Project Update Email
by wifibandit infwd from anon:.
dear brothers,.
we are happy to provide you with a brief progress update on the warwick project and explain how you can assist with a major adjustment recently approved in our construction schedule.
Sometimes large constructions like these have additional costs than just materials and labor. Sometimes permits and concessions expire. There are conditions to development that must be met with work or money. If you don't finish, you pay. There was a case I remember where the watchtower bought land for development. The city approved the development and gave incentives. One was having to make some donation or purchase for the local fire department (if memory serves me well). The real state agency that managed the sale had a clause that said that the org had a number of years to develop the property. If the development was canceled by the org and they wanted to sort of "return" the property, they had to pay a huge sum of money on fines.
So sometimes accelerating the job may cost more in personnel but a lot less in red tape.
Why are projects being shut down? Nu-light speculation....
by DATA-DOG ini went to the meeting last night.
to keep the peace for now, i guess.
anyway...... during the bible highlights, a newly appointed ms explained why construction is being curtailed in some areas.
Heck! If we are going down that road, Moises was forbidden from entering the promised land just because he omitted to mention who was really providing the water. I would think that they can preach a God of love that is more interested in child welfare than who is manning the water pump.
With that in mind, JWs do not seem to find enough occasions to blame God for their behavior. At least in our meetings the elders don't fail to say "Jehovah wanted us to know this", even if it is the most twisted doctrine ever. I would not believe the God they preach would be pleased with such blasphemy.