JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
How will many JW's react ?
by Phizzy ini did not believe i would see the demise of the wt in my lifetime, and maybe i will not, they may be able to ride out their present problems.. but how do you think this will affect the average, loyal, believing jw ?.
usually most things just wash over them, if there is a slight niggle, they use their well-worn way of explaining things to themselves as in "the end is near" or "jehovah knows best" etc etc.
but the huge sea-change in corporate policy that we see unfolding, all construction work stopped, except warwick and maybe their biggest project, chelmsford u.k. huge bethel layoffs, and the lifestyle of the remaining staff reduced to virtual slavery, more bethel closures, spiritual food reduced for the public as well as the r&f, and all of this being the opposite of what they have claimed was evidence of jehovah's blessing ???.
I know the letter is there but the letter says nothing about construction work. The rest so far seems to be speculation based on input that we may be able to trust. I am talking about hard proof. -
How will many JW's react ?
by Phizzy ini did not believe i would see the demise of the wt in my lifetime, and maybe i will not, they may be able to ride out their present problems.. but how do you think this will affect the average, loyal, believing jw ?.
usually most things just wash over them, if there is a slight niggle, they use their well-worn way of explaining things to themselves as in "the end is near" or "jehovah knows best" etc etc.
but the huge sea-change in corporate policy that we see unfolding, all construction work stopped, except warwick and maybe their biggest project, chelmsford u.k. huge bethel layoffs, and the lifestyle of the remaining staff reduced to virtual slavery, more bethel closures, spiritual food reduced for the public as well as the r&f, and all of this being the opposite of what they have claimed was evidence of jehovah's blessing ???.
What proof do we have so far that the construction work has stopped? I mean construction of KH, not HQ. How do you bring up material proof that this has indeed happened, meanwhile collections are still being made from the congregations?
Sincerely asking because I would love to get hands on some of it.
Right everyone watch this video its insane!
by username ini'm just watching this video.
now bare in mind this guy has never been a jehovah's witness so he has no investment in this cult..
I have not read all of the other threads about the fund. Would any of it save them from saying that even thought they are just the beneficiary, they are not exempted from making sure they don't have blood money in their hands? I remember talks where they said that we should not work for questionable enterprises and that we should find out what their real business is. I also remember them teaching me how the Harlot (aka the catholic church) had investments in porn companies. In fact, not long ago someone made that comment in JW-Archive.
I also remember my wife saying that if she ever won the lottery she would make a big donation, just to have my MIL tell her that they would never accept it. I would close the case saying that I am sure they will not ask where you get it from.
Summary of "Imitate Jehovah" convention
by StarTrekAngel inthis is just a brief summary of the convention this past weekend at the ah in la feria, tx .
attendance was 1100 and 9 baptized, two of them very young.
the elder that gave the baptism speech let out that the day before there was 6 baptisms.
This is just a brief summary of the convention this past weekend at the AH in La Feria, TX . Attendance was 1100 and 9 baptized, two of them very young. The elder that gave the baptism speech let out that the day before there was 6 baptisms. I speculate attendance was about the same the day before. Our circuit just got reorganized not too long ago and now the assemblies are a bit smaller than they used to. We stayed in for lunch and you could pretty much hear the silence inside the hall. Total cost for the one day assembly was $8,300. By mid afternoon there was a deficit of over $5,000. Accounts person also mentioned a $1,500 deficit from the previous assembly in February. Long gone are the days where I would estimate that a $0.50 donation for each attendee would cover. Not the case anymore.
The assembly itself was pretty dull. I always prepare myself from what I am about to hear so I try to tune out most that I can. However, they never stop surprising me. We have a new CO in the circuit. Guy with first assignment, fresh out of the school. He seems to have a lot of energy and willingness to be strong worded.
In the terms of money, there was a pretty big speech regarding giving more time and money, off course. There was also a demonstration of how to keep a simple life and avoid unnecessary expenses. You know, the less you spend, the more you can give. In the demonstration the kid approaches his dad with the latest offer from his cell phone carrier. The dad can't deny that paying $200 for the latest phone on a new two year deal is a good bargain. Never the less, he begins to lecture his son on how much more useful that money would be if they put it forth for kingdom interests. With the end so near and so much need for new construction, he said.
Later, the CO started the public talk about how God sees religion. His opening remarks were about how disappointed people are with religions. Among many things, he mentioned the abuse of children by the clergy. At that point I had to get up and walk outside. I knew there was a pretty self righteous speech ahead. I can stomach the speech, but I knew I would not be able to stop myself from having a conversation with the wife later that day. So I rather not hear it.
This is the first time I had to get up and walk out. I am afraid more will come.
Pope praises the Wild Beast (UN)
by Quarterback inthe pope stated at his un address that, "if it wasn't for the un's work on the world's conflicts, the world would be alot worse".
i just wonder how that statement will be taken in jw land.
People have already been making prophetic comments about this picture in pro-JW facebook pages. You bet they will be doing even worst with the UN
Another ruse?
by Pistoff incould the stopping of construction be just another ruse to squeeze money from the rank and file?.
it will certainly generate buzz like nothing else..
Could be "fund buffering" -
Mormons prepping for Doomsday. Possibly by the end of the month
by StarTrekAngel in
Rumor Confirmed!: Bethel Downsize First Hand
by freemindfade ini just texted a very good remote worker friend, said i heard that there is a reduction in force coming at bethel and i hoped he wouldn't be affected.
he said its true, its not a rumor.
As I expressed in other threads, this could be a scare tactic. We know they have tried to communicate before that there is a concern that people misunderstood the way the KH fund would work.
Or it could all have been a facade to make people think that the fund was really being setup for construction when they never meant to change anything. Bring more money, don't spend it.
Is the WT SLOW-ly Changing the importance of the Door to Door preaching work to something more profitable?
by John Aquila inits been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
This is how you turn a book company into a real state company. Remember the number of book stores that went belly up when the kindle became popular? Adapt or die, that is the law of business. -
Latest rumor - all WT construction "suspended", except for Warwick
by sir82 inheard 4th-hand, but from a full-on believer, so not likely to be an "apostate lie":.
apparently, at bethel's morning worship this morning, it was announced that all worldwide wts construction is "suspended" for an indefinite time, except for the new world headquarters at warwick.. also, the "relocation" of remote translating teams is also suspended.. finally, there will be a "worldwide" reduction in bethel personnel.. all this came to me in a non-english language, and,as noted, 4th-hand.
so it is possible something may have been lost in translation and/or in the multiple steps between bethel morning worship & me.. but if true, it would be quite stunning.
May be they are anticipating the cost of the Australian fiasco.'
May be is a move to make everyone think the GB knows something they don't and once the fear sets in and the donations begin to pick up again, everything would go back to normal.