That post made me feel really sad. And angry at what the "organisation" does to families.
So close to your father yet so far away.
i definitely look like a worldly person by jw standards... however i went to my old hall because they are remodelling and they are in the final p[hase.
it was not on purpose.
i had bnusiness on the street and happened to drive past.
That post made me feel really sad. And angry at what the "organisation" does to families.
So close to your father yet so far away.
i regularly watch family feud.. homeland is a great show i watch every week, when it's in season.. metv has so many great programs---from taxi to the twilight zone.. what do you like watching?
Parks and Recreation. Just started over here in the UK and I love love love it.
i was thinking today about how i no longer have to fear the attack of satan against the jws.
i used to fear being rounded up and beaten by mobs.
seeing my family tortured.
The fact is, there are horrible things that happen in this world.
Regime change could happen in any country at any time, and you could be on the wrong side. The UK is quite a safe haven if you are gay or lesbian. What if that changes? What if a far right government comes into power and starts persecuting people of colour?
The question isn't should you fear persecution, but would you stand up for your beliefs - whatever they maybe.
i have been trying to engage and talk to my mother and her "natural" personality as much as possible.
she has obvious concerns about the jw's, and we do discuss issues almost every time she visits.
we didn't see her for long stretches (months at at time, and suddenly a year had gone by...) we have now both committed to a minimum of a monthly visit, and we will work toward more.
All you can really do is take her email at face value.
She says she has got a cough and is tired... I would accept that.
there are many cultural differences between the general population of the us and europe, what about jws?
i have heard about such things as beards being allowed, movies that a jw cant watch in the us or would be frowned upon watching being ok, same with tv shows, and even the way they dress in public.
seems more laid back over there if this is true.. any truth to this?
There is a difference between US and Europe genreally, not just in JW land.
The outcry over Janet Jackson's bra malfunction with Justin Timberlake had many here scratching their heads at the reaction.
was just wondering how many gay exjw's were on this site, and how did you deal with being in this organization?
and also, how did you end up leaving?.
I ended up leaving because I felt I was being a hypocrite and didn't want to be that person anymore.
I did a suitably diva-ish flounce, which is possibly the worst way of leaving.
Family and friends were shell shocked. So was I truth (haha) be told. But it was the best decision I ever could have made. (Leaving the JWs I mean.)
about me, i am being raised in a jw family.
all of my family expect for one aunt, who had left but not disfellowedshiped thankly, are in jw.
my father is an elder and so is my grandfather.
Just my pennies worth.
You will find that
- "worldly" people are not as horrible as we were all taught
- "worldly" people are not being nice because Satan is trying to blind you
- you are a normal person
I can't stress this enough but you've been through a lot. So be kind to yourself.
he found christian freedom after leaving the wt.
he flew to bethel in 1981 to try and speak with the govenrning body but they refused.
he went to alabama and spoke with peter gregerson and ray franz and found out the truth about the truth.
I remember John May coming up to me as I was walking along Anglesea Road (the RDS in Dublin) and said "THEY THREW ME OUT FOR ASKING QUESTIONS!".
As a 14 year JW at the height of my faith (aka: a total twat) I laughed back and felt sorry for him.
What a difference a few years make!
Knock Knock.
Knock Knock.
Knock Knock.
Knock Knock.
Knock Knock.
Knock Knock.