I do wish when people do the video thing they would learn to hold cameras steady.
JoinedPosts by zebagain
Jehovah's Witnesses Street recruiting thwarted by "Apostates"
by Watchtower-Free inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fylyfc_0we.
Why JW assemblies NEED to change
by kneehighmiah inthe assemblies would be get better results and get more people to come and be inspired if they were more encouraging.
instead the assemblies are a giant guilt trip.
don't go to college, don't get a good job, dont buy things even if you can afford them, don't play violent games, don't flirt.
and the sub purpose of the conv is to give up and coming elders/servants their moment in the sun to give a talk This has the proviso that the talk is first forced through the wt seive so they all sound exactly the same and run to fill the allocated time then stretched if it end sooner. Bad bad practise.
The programming is bad as well.
talk talk talk then finally the keynote address. Then another talk ? Then the final prayer which is another summing up? and of prayers: I have often thought there was a competition between the above to see who could put the name jehovah most times into a prayer.
Do any of you Americans know the name of the Senator who droned on for apx 2 hours before the President Lincoln gave the "Gettysburg address" that took apx 20 minutes and changed the world. You dont ? No one would be surprised.
Jesus spoke his 'sermon on the mount' apx 20 minutes that gave love to the world.
Churchill gave his "battle of britain" speech about 15 minutes that inspired the world of free people.
But summing up, the final prayer. The wts thinks God is a dill that having heard a convention a thousand times he has to have it summed up for him.
Take note of the basic rules of any public speaking,
- stand up
- speak up
- shut up.
and peace to you all.
Dear "d" you have a pm all the way from Australia.
Dont you just LOVE this site ? Kudos to the Mods.
by smiddy inits probably been said a dozen times before , but i dont care .. is their any other site quite like this ?.
every subject under the sun can be, and is discussed here .freedom of expression .did we have that in wt land ?
no way...control,control,control.. you can rant , vent , rave , all you like here , and get a consoling reply from someone who has gone through a similar experience to you , from the most distant part of the earth , even australia lol .. we may not always agree with what a poster has said , but we respect the right of the poster to say it .. smiddy.
me 2
When The Ties Get Cut ...this is what I'll do..
by clarity indate.
directed to the self appointed leaders of jehovah's witnesses.. .
1. my baptism vows were made to the father, the son, the holy spirit.. 2. i was deceived into believing your doctrine was truth.. *.
perfect prose.
Jehovahs witnesses dont have the name of GOD right so how can they be his witnesses
by smiddy inthe tetragrammaton ,does not appear anywhere in the christian greek scriptures see the new world kingdom interlinear translation.
the tetragrammaton translated in english is yhwh ( not jhvh) their is no j in hebrew.. the first edition of the book " aid to bible understanding" admits that the proper pronunciation of gods name is not known.. that they have used the name jehovah because it is the more popular name used in christendoms religions.
and they say christendoms religions are apostates / anti christs /babylon the great , can they have it both ways ?.
alright Phizzy now tell us what you really think.!
How Can You Spot A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus inanything that you notice that would make you say, " yup, that's a jw"?
Men wearing suits and ties and its 40+ degrees C, that apx 110F.
Chinese Schools Commence Term 1, 2014 - Kids are Kids everywhere
by fulltimestudent in.
students and teachers in the special education school in changsha, capital of central china's hunan province, express "the new term has begun" in sign language.
In all beautiful kids. simple facilities, loving dedicated teachers and the parents and the 'People' has every right to be proud of them.
Possible Dub pickup line
by soutx in.
hey babe, how about you and me doing a -.
generation overlap
well well.. how about some lines FROM the ladies.. Come on girls you aint equal in the truth but you can be here...
Is the Watchtower Destroying All Thinking Skills of New Witness, Compare them to when you were in the Organization!
by RottenRiley inmany jws don't know the basic doctrines we all use to debate the clergy with.. .
jws don't know the bible, the know a few proof-texts but can't handle the bible like the witnesses of 1950s-1990s, what happened?.
the caliber of the new elders is horrible when compared with the elders of 1950s-1990s, they don't know how to use their bible, they are turning towards orgnazational minor details while ignoring the bible and gospel message.. .
who said it was about the bible.? When people are baptised what is the 'oath' taken? its all about the society.I cant recall what it is please advise me.
and since when did wt want its members to think?