never saw a doll in kh. I recall some kids (pre-schoolers)had little cars in their pockets and played with them quietly on the floor.
GT: Good 4 you.
when i was preschool, i had several dolls.
meetings were so hard at that age.
in fact, they were agony my entire life.
one day, i'll have the courage to ask why she looks at me like that..
this shows the scale of our solar system in a way that is a little more meaningful to our puny minds.
under "2014 convention reminders":.
seat saving: when the doors to the facility are opened each morning, please to not rush to the seating area of your preference as if competing with fellow attenders.
a self-sacrificing spirit that moves us to seek the good of others identifies us as true christians and moves onlookers to praise god.. ................................................................ i personally don't recall them previously making reference to the jw-version of the "running of the bulls" that takes place every morning when the doors open at 8:00 a.m. have seen it myself many times, it's always good for a laugh.
On matters of seating.
At the Sydney conv many years ago 1973 we with pregnancy found no where to sit. I recall one kingdom matriach with dirty look at my wifes condition holding down seats "Thats for my husband" who didnt turn up. The seating was impossible the crowds immense and the Sydney weather was a sauna.The wts picked thattime of year with no regard for peoples well being.
At my last conv a sister needed seating with some leg room and a bro with his wife and daughters held position. The sister having troubles walking wept as she said "I have just had an operation"(conventions) are "the most selfish time of the year among Jehovahs witnesses".
The selfish family had plenty of seating to choose from behind us but they wouldnt budge. I wrote a letter of complaint never even got an acknowledgement.
At another big conv where parking was some distance away the city b&s grabbed all the parking as close to the site as possible then grabbed all the under cover seats. I suggested to an 'attendant' that first arrivals should have been directed to the furthest parking. "That would be too hard to arrange brother" he said.
"Because no one thought of it" i said. This was the convention where i saved a little handicapped boy from being knocked down the stairs when the drama started and a rush of Pioneer sisters came from out of the building all a gush and a flutter because "its the drama!" They burst into the landing and the stairs and if i hadnt acted quickly that little feller would have been bowled down the stairs. I told one of them off and she looked at me but was in another world and didnt even register i had spoken to her.
the hope of a better world is what attracted me (and likely many of you other loiterers (grin) on this site) into the mental mindtrap of christian thought.
i guess its understandable, re-reading the words that the author of the matthew gospel that we know as the sermon on the mount, its easy to think, that if jesus ruled the world, everything would be ok.. i'm still interested in a better world.
so have many other thinkers (and revolutionaries).
history of women in christianity.
"the involvement of women continued in the first few decades of the church,.
if memory serves there have been discussions about:.
pressure to donate to cover convention expenses far beyond actual expenses.
obtaining venue subsidies and or sponsorships but not passing on the savings to the flock.
incognito: At my last small conv i spoke to a young couple with little one (with stroller). They spoke of the BIG conv held in Sydney where with knots of chattering sisters blocking access ways and otherwise overloaded facilities they never got back to their accomodation until 8.30 pm. This with a little one run out of diapers food and overloaded with noise and stress.
"Never again' he said and she agreed. .
pa--jehovah witness predator escapes consequences .
posted on snap website by barbara dorris on march 01, 2014 flag .
john 13:4,5. got up from the evening meal and laid aside his outer garments.
and taking a towel, he wrapped it around his waist.. after that he put water into a basin and started to wash the feet of the disciples and to dry them off with the towel that was wrapped around him.. .
the wt "translates" himatia as outer garments but some other translations says just clothes.. if he were wearing just an underwear, why wrap a towel around the waist?
why did russian president vladimir putin ask the russian parliament to approve using military forces to keep the peace in the crimea, instead of asking the un?
why did the russian parliment pass a law approving military force instead of asking for the un to send peace keeping forces to the crimea (
is russia spiralling into a totalitarian dictatorship like germany in the 1930's and the soviet union from 1920's - 1990's with information control and coercive tactics?