Out for a walk today and said "Happy Mums day to all the mums and dads who were out with their little ones. You should have seen the faces light up.
JoinedPosts by zebagain
by cultBgone infor all the moms who never get to hear this from their disconnected family:.
happy mother's day!
Just Read Silentlamb.com For the First Time
by HeyThere ini am feeling so emotional right now.
crazy doctrines aside, these child abuse cover-ups are horrendous.
add them together and i feel like there is a churning black hole sucking the souls out of these children.. now, i realize there are boys who were abused as well, but i get this overwhelming feeling that girls/women are simply not valued and/or taken seriously or accused of being liars or demonic or, even worse, viewed as a harlot, whore, or temptress in the majority of situations, no matter the age or the brutality of the rape.
I heard from SL just today that the wts has required that "leaders" get the Working With Children check (this is done via the Police in each state here) even if it took them "three years" to move on this. I have to assume the checking was a real one not some home baked wt version.
Q. Leaders? All jw are considered 'ministers' or do we suddenly have clergy/laity happening?
happy @last: you are correct.
HT: and LS: correct again. I had to not read the SL and this one for a time as it was so distressing and depressing for me.
So big hugs peace to ye all.
I saw a flight of UFO at 1100. 8 of them clear as, cone shaped point to the top flying steady in "V" formation into the wind.
I just hope who/whatever is out there has done a better job of their planet than humans have of this one.
The Candace Condi Appeal
by Slidin Fast indoes anyone know what is going on with this?
i am on the court mailing list but there has been a deafening silence on the subject.
i know the wheels of the legal process grind slowly but has anyone got any insider info?.
CbG: I dont have FB could you enlighten with a couple or are they that bad?
Vicars to be vetted ..New laws on working with children...
by smiddy inthis article appeared on friday may 9, 2014 in the herald sun newspaper in victoria australia.. matt johnston is a state politics reporter.. quote :" all religous ministers will need working with children checks and a new system will be created for organisations to report alleged child abuse,under a $ 10 million state government reform.".
premier denis napthine revealed the new measures,a further response to the state parliments`s child abuse inquiry report,betrayal of trust .. "many ordinary parish based ministers may not have required a wwc check.under this rule , every minister for religion who has any contact with children will require such a check ," he said.. opposition community services spokeswoman jenny mikakos called for the government to move quicker to "address the issues identified".
my concern is, will the watchtower org./jehovahs witnesses /jw.org.
I have just sent off a letter of congratulations to the premier of Victoria MrNapthine and fore warning him of some of the tricks he is likely to encounter.
Friends out there, do the same and it would be of great value if people from other countries emailed Premier Napthine (google for the address) with your own local experiences.
This is not an Australian thing it is world wide as we all know and have read many times. Speak up! the innocence of abused children demands it.
Lifting the Veil on "Islamophobia"
by cofty inthe late christopher hitchens decribed the word islamophobia as "created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.. please take half an hour to read a fascinating conversation between sam harris and ayaan hirsi ali.. ayaan is an apostate from islam.
she fled to the netherlands in '92 to escape an arranged marriage and went on to become a member of the dutch government from 2003-2006.. ayaan is now a fellow with the future of diplomacy project at the belfer center for science and international affairs at the harvard kennedy school... she lives with round-the-clock security.. "some moderate muslims hate meand yes, thats a strong word, but i think what theyve said supports itbecause i make them feel uncomfortable.
the things i talk about put them in a state of dissonance that they cant live with.
Cofty your input is most timely.
Please look up U-Tube / Ann Barnhardt experiences.
I have read the first book written by Ali.
Revere your daughters and wonder at the hatred of the emigrants in to dutch society for Ali.
Holland has recently dropped the official notion of being a 'multi cultural' society and emigrants will have to learn Dutch and pass at other levels for permanent acceptance.
Harris is right. The support for Ali by the feminist lobby; is non existent, their silence is deafening. But it is typical.
The Candace Condi Appeal
by Slidin Fast indoes anyone know what is going on with this?
i am on the court mailing list but there has been a deafening silence on the subject.
i know the wheels of the legal process grind slowly but has anyone got any insider info?.
was wondering that myself as it has been apx a year since this appeal went up.
by FL_Panthers inone elder in my cong told me that this is a df offense?
is this true?
can yoga be practised?.
..depends what flavour. I like the greek yoghurt personally i prefer ice-cream.
Jehovahs Witnesses immediately formed a disaster relief committee to aid the victims.
by suavojr infirst, i thought they closed the branch in chile?
and second, check out the comment:.
+1 718 560 5000. chile: jason d. reed, tel.
redvip2000: My experience of hiring bros is to get workmanship and trade knowledge that is very ordinary and be expected to pay up at full commercial rates that is when you can get them to turn up.
Japanese Tea Ceremony
by jgnat inwhen pushed in a discussion this spring, about what i believe now, i likened spirituality to a japanese tea ceremony.
i believe a good part of our experience and knowing comes from a vast well of the inexpressible.
try and explain it with words is just not the same.
OK, Take a small 1 pint billy ( a small metal pot) now make sure its not a large 1 pint billy.
add water and place billy over low camp fire until the water boils, remove from fire and throw in a small (see above) hand ful of tea leaves.
Take billy by handle and swing it around several times. This will help the leaves to settle.
You now have outback billy tea. While the tea 'draws' place a green eucalypt twig with leaves over the billy.
when the temp is down enough to drink pour it into the drinking muggs that you have lined up. Add sugar if you like.
Ask any older Aussie about 'billy tea' it is nectar of the gods.