P: The same way an 'important' all together Australia wide hook up talk was held years ago except the jw in the east of Australia were not sitting around for 2 hours until the west was ready in their seats. It was not a nation wide hook up it was a recording but all together sounds more cosy.
This stuff is way over my head. Remember that the founders of wts were into the occult with the 'pyramidology' and other such. One of the books they produced had the wings of Horus across the cover. Since the heady days of Russell they have spent far to much time predicting the 'return' of the christ and "this means this and that means that ..and by that we assume that.. if we interpret...oops we made a F*** up, well we didnt really say that; what you sold your house now your broke well well...".
History shows that groups that secure themselves inside their own monastrys will become so self absorbed that they dont know what day it is.
"No man knows the hour or the day"-
There can be no doubt who really is the power behind the wts.
its all a hell of a long way from the sermon on the mount.
So what do you pay for petrol?